Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3486: Desolate Movement


   Little God Realm.

Castle in the Sky.

   The reincarnation of the great emperor suddenly appeared and shocked everyone.



   "Battle Saint King!"


   Many people came in the city of the sky, all of them were the closest group of people, such as wives and children, such as the high level of heaven, such as Hunyue Emperor.

   The sudden silence of thirty years made them quite worried.

Facing the worried gazes of the people around him, the reincarnation of the emperor smiled slightly: "Don't worry, the deity is okay, and has been tempered in life and death for the past 30 years, and has now awakened, breaking the ban of Dadao Tiantu, and his strength is better than before. ."

   Everyone was shocked. Ye Chen's deity used to be tempered in the state of life and death. What happened during the past thirty years?

   Note that even if the deity is not as good as the reincarnation of the great emperor, it is at the level of a peerless king.

   The reincarnation body of the great emperor simply mentions one or two, so that everyone can understand the power of the Primordial Heaven Realm and change their colors.

   Such an ancient heavenly realm, if it were not for the return of the ancient road of origin, if it were not for the strong support of returning from the ancient ten-day realm, it was even stronger than the previous heavens and ten thousand realms.

   The seven eternal inheritances, the nine life restricted areas, and the eternal gods, quasi-kings, and primordial kings, all prove the special nature of the primordial realm.

   was also shocked by the disaster that Ye Chen suffered thirty years ago.

   There are so many super powers alone, at least above the super king level, there are even peerless kings, and even super powers of foreign races secretly target them, killing the sky and the earth, the sun and the moon, it is unimaginable.

   "Damn it, the Primordial Realm dare to target my husband like this!"

   The goddess was elusive and out of dust, but at this moment, there was a terrifying and terrifying aura slowly blooming, alarming the entire Little God Realm, and even spreading to thousands of planes of the world, shaking the wasteland.

   Abenu is enchanting and peerless, the same energy is not weak, the golden hair is fluttering.

  Yuqing, Chen'er, and Yiwu, which of the few women are weak, is all at the level of the ancient king.

Below   , there are four children, Qianxun, Yaya, Chenxi, and King's Landing.

   The oldest Chihiro and Yaya also stepped into the king's level.

   Chenxi has also set foot on the quasi-king for a long time. As expected, he will be another quasi-king against the sky in the future.

As for the youngest Little King’s Landing, thirty years have passed and he still sleeps most of the time, looking like a seven or eight-year-old child, but his potential has been constantly awakened over the years, and the aptitude of the Chaos True Dragon is in a mess, compared to the Supreme Bloodline It is also going against the world, and the speed of cultivation is astonishingly fast.

   is actually a **** king now.

   But everyone knows that when he was young, there was an ancestral dragon vein sealed in his body, and his power was comparable to a quasi-king, and in a sense, he was a quasi-king.

   The kings of a family are definitely something that shocked the universe.

   Only Ye Chen's family can do this, none of them are weak in aptitude, and one is more against the sky.

Chihiro snorted: "I'm so courageous. I dare to bully my father too many people. So many people attack him together. I'm really tired of it. I immediately broke this rule of heaven. Our family will enter the Primordial Realm. Those life forbidden zones have been straight away!"

   Now he can be called the King of Fighting, and the line of the Holy Body of Fighting has reached a considerable height, even if you look at the battles of the past generations, he is one of the best.

   also inherited the strong and domineering line of fighting saints.

   If this is known to the outside world, it will surely **** in the cold.

   This fighting sage king's family really wants to enter the Primordial Realm, even the seven eternal heritages may be pushed across.

   Besides, there are stronger reincarnations of the great emperor and Emperor Hunyue.

   "This matter is not urgent."

   The emperor reincarnated and spoke.

   Of course, he knew that the Primordial Heavenly Realm was hidden deep, and actually lurking in a foreign race, and an extraordinary foreign race, possessing a peerless existence comparable to the dominance of the restricted area, and even colluding behind them.

   briefly recounted the events of the year, the emperor reincarnated and said: "Now, the deity has awakened and recovered, and is stronger than the past, crushing the Primordial Realm and defeating many enemies."

   "At present, the deity is not dangerous."

   Everyone was relieved.

The emperor’s reincarnated body suddenly said with a serious face: “However, the Primordial Heaven Realm hides the great secrets of heaven. The deity is exploring. Perhaps it is a potential terrible threat. Heaven also cannot sit and wait. You need to be prepared. I plan to break open in a while Rule Heaven, go to the Primordial Heaven Realm!"

   The kingdom of heaven that has been silent for thirty years is about to head to the Primordial Heaven Realm.

   The wasteland shakes.

   Other wasteland overlords all sigh, most of the Primordial Skyland is in trouble.

   Since the ruler of the kingdom of heaven broke into the territory of the Primordial Heaven, they finally have seen the terrifying of the kingdom of heaven, fearing that it is more than the seven eternal heritages in the Primordial Heaven.


   The ancient world, the ancient land of desolation, Ye Chen's mind was connected with another chaotic soul of the reincarnation body of the emperor, and they communicated everything in an instant.

Now, he needs to use the power of the reincarnation of the great emperor or the emperor of Hunyue ~ After all, the lord of the contemporary heavenly realm who dominates the Tianxu exists for the emperor, and the power of faith that has been accumulated from time to time has never been used. , Making him quite worried.

Ye Chen thinks that many years ago, at the end of the ancient road of old origin, the former Emperor Realm, now the Chaos Holy Realm, the Emperor Taishi of the Chaos Burial Ground, with the help of endless faith, created the Emperor God, my body is comparable to the ordinary supreme. He was worried once Tianxu took the initiative to use the power of faith accumulated in various eras, how terrifying would it be?

   is that he can't imagine it.

  Because the power of belief accumulated in the Primordial Realm so far is definitely stronger than the Emperor Realm back then.

   He had to guard against.

   "The masters of the heavens in the past, what great conspiracy have you been planning?"

   Ye Chen raised his head and looked at the Tianxu area at the highest point of the Central Territory, his eyes narrowed slightly, so unfathomable...

   During this period of time, he took out all the nine life restricted areas, watched the gods and some traces left by the forbidden area masters, trying to take this opportunity to find out the truth.

   Unfortunately, there is not much gain.

   This matter has a lot to do with it, it seems that even the masters of the restricted area are very taboo, and have not left many clues.

   However, the rulers of the nine restricted areas were once the rulers of the heavens in various eras. They collected the ten thousand dharmas of the world and left a lot of cultivation experience, which is of certain benefit to Ye Chen.

   And the superposition of various gods, no less than the emperor left by an ancient emperor, gave Ye Chen a lot of background.

   Don't forget, Ye Chen has a small universe in his body. In the past, he brought a group of servants, and there were no lack of ancient kings. He used these gods to increase the strength of the servants, and it was also the foundation of the Chaos Heavenly House.

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