Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3498: The Emperor's Highest Sky Hall appears

?"This feeling……"

The unphased king raised his head and sensed the advent of the heavens and the earth, far better than the past, and the most prosperous and prosperous mythological era, as if he could grasp the ways with his gestures.

The emperor in the early days also opened his eyes, and the eternal emperor's might on his body was stronger, reaching the supreme supreme.

In the Human Palace, the eyes of the Supreme Human Emperor were open and closed, and the inside was deep and mysterious, with rounds of mysterious halos floating and sinking, changing with each other, as if reincarnation again and again.

He slowly said: "The back hand will finally be revealed back then, and the Pangu universe will return completely!"

On the alien side, the two ancient great emperors all changed color, sensing the greater suppression of the Pangu universe on their own side, and also sensing the ups and downs of the heavens and the world, making it clearer.

An ancient great emperor said indifferently: "It is indeed the Pangu universe, the strongest chaotic ancient universe that was comparable to the ancient universe of our world in the past. After the myth is shattered, there is still such an amazing trail behind."

Another alien emperor didn't change his face: "It's okay, Pangu universe left behind, but the giants of the ancient universe in our world are also not bad, now it depends on the game left behind that year, who is better!"



When the ten-wheel avenues were completely melted and unified and turned into the sun of the heavens, an unparalleled majesty of heaven spread violently, which was stronger than the ruler of the heavens in the past. Know how many times.

The expressions of everyone who was less than a thousand miles away changed, and Ye Chen did the same, tearing the void for the first time, and leaving with the people around him.

This coercion is so powerful that Ye Chen will also change color.

Not long after everyone left, the vast and boundless power of the heavens came in great strength, turning into layers of invisible ripples and spreading out, and immediately slamming the many Primordial kings who practiced millions of miles away. Turn on, vomiting blood one by one, looking horrified.

This is just a matter of power, it is so powerful, what kind of terrifying is it if the power of the heavens and the sun is really to be fully demonstrated?

I am afraid that they will all be killed directly into ashes!

As for the quasi-kings and **** kings thousands of miles away, all fell from the sky, vomiting blood and unconscious, and received a terrible impact.

They only felt that their eyebrows and souls were torn apart, and an unspeakable pain came out, that life is better than death.

Already leading everyone to answer Ye Chen in the ancient palace, he also felt a strong pressure, surpassing him, the reincarnation of the great emperor was not as good.

"The mighty power of heaven, I am afraid it is no less than the real supreme."

Ye Chen's eyes condensed slightly, and he descended dignifiedly.

This should be due to the origin of the complete Primordial Realm.

At the same time, in his keen perception, the incomparably powerful auras that were in the dark gradually emerged.

Especially in the mysterious Tianxu area, there are more terrible air machines than the number of hands. At least it is an ancient king. Among them, there are many super kings. They are the former immortal forbidden zone masters and alien super kings.

There is even a force of energy that is so powerful, magnificent and beyond common sense, that it is close to the heavenly sun.

"The Lord of the Tianxu, the contemporary master of the heavens!"

Ye Chen suppressed the boiling chaotic holy blood in his body. Quietly, the reincarnation of the emperor awakened, grasping the emperor star in one hand and the Buddha Emperor Ge in the other hand, and murderous intent appeared on his seemingly immature face.

I have been dormant for so many years without coming out, and now I am shocked to come out.

He is ready. Once he shoots, he will directly kill him. He has two supreme emperor soldiers, and the reincarnation of the emperor is comparable to the existence of the emperor. Thunder kills the past, even if the Lord of the Tianxu has infinite belief How strong is it?

But he did not act rashly, but looked up at the heavenly sun.

Teleport, the winner of the battle for the younger generation of the eight realms can obtain the good fortune left by the emperor.

Is that good fortune in the heavenly sun?

It should be so, otherwise the Lord of Tianxu would not be so alarmed.

Among the other six eternal inheritances, none of them have been sealed off by the Primordial Kings. Everyone is blazing.

The Emperor of Heaven, the strongest person in the Pangu Universe in ancient and modern times, and one of the strongest in Chaos Sea in ancient and modern times, he left behind, not to mention them, even the strongest emperor and fairy king.

Heavenly Dao Sun slowly and completely took shape, and its pervasive and open heavenly power became even stronger, I don't know how much, and completely surpassed the emperor.

At this moment, the way of heaven is completely complete.

Ye Chen and other Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao generations all felt that the heaven and the earth were closer than before, and their divine power was skyrocketing.

Especially Ye Chen, who was the first person to reach the Great Perfection of the Tenth Heaven with his own body after the Mythical Era, he sincerely felt that he had established a special connection with the Heavenly Dao Sun, mysterious and mysterious, quite strange.

This mysterious feeling is beyond words.

However, Ye Chen didn’t wait for Ye Chen to fully feel this feeling. Suddenly, the Heavenly Dao Sun burst open, and a magnificent Heavenly Palace appeared in it. It was vaguely visible that the main hall was as tall and unattainable, compared to any temple in the world. The imperial palace must look more magnificent.

Above the main hall, you can see the five big characters on the plaque, with the supreme emperor rhyme-Huangji Lingxiao Hall!

When seeing this name, everyone is shocked!

Huangji Lingxiao Hall, also known as Lingxiao Hall, is the highest hall of the gods and buddhas led by the heavenly emperor in the era of mythology.

Where is this heavenly palace, not the legendary heavenly court?

Tianxu was even more shaken, and countless people almost cried.

No one in the world is more familiar with heaven than they are.

In the Sun of the Heavenly Way of the Emperor Lingxiao Palace, a rhyme of Godlessness pervades, especially above the pressure of the Heavenly Way of the Sun, spreading the entire Primordial Heaven Realm, and even the Eight Realms of Ten Thousand Realms.

At this moment, the eight realms of the ten thousand realms, the billions and billions of creatures, the most ordinary mortals up and down, the supreme king, the ancient king who is known as the overlord of the universe, can not resist the supreme imperial rhyme, and they knelt on the ground. From the bottom of my heart, irresistible.

Even if it is a master of the world like Ye Chen, the reincarnation of the great emperor is comparable to that of the emperor, the emperor Hunyue is also like this, half kneeling here, a kind of awe from the heart.

Because that is the Qiyun of the Emperor of Heaven, among the strongest in ancient and modern times, Chaos Sea is invincible. Even if it is not himself, the Emperor can still make the world surrender, even if the emperor must also salute and respect.

In the land of the ruins, the power of endless faith, amidst the ocean, several super kings of different races, and even the peerless king, all knelt down, with endless angry roars: "The Emperor of Heaven--"

They are dignified and foreign, kneeling down and surrendering to the enemy Emperor, and that is just an ancient temple left by the Emperor, it is a shame if it is not themselves.

The Lord of Tianxu's figure is unknown, but the looming curved figure seems to have proved everything.

In the world, there is only one person who never bows.

That person, located in the ancient palace, even beside Ye Chen——


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Chapter 3498 Emperor Ji Lingxiao Palace Appears (Page 1/1)

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