Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3503: Lord of the Ruins

   is so imposing, so majestic, the world is vast, it is difficult to find many comparables in ancient and modern times.

   "The Lord of Tianxu!"

   "It is the contemporary ruler of the heavens, the world is vast, and it is hard to find a match, and the ruler of the heavens is far away!"

   The people of the world exclaimed that this person is the Lord of the Heavenly Ruins, the contemporary Lord of the Heavens, and the most powerful Heavenly Lord for countless years.

   His cultivation is so powerful that he has reached the peak, an unimaginable emperor level.

   According to reports, it is only one step away from the legendary Supreme Realm.

   The Lord of Tianxu, directly ascended into the sky, and came to the Emperor Ji Lingxiao Palace, the speed is far worse, even if it is the deity of Ye Chen.

   This is the emperor, not the current Ye Chen can be compared.

   The Lord of Tianxu is vague, unable to see clearly, but he can only feel the power of infinite belief that transcends the stars in his body. He does not know how strong he is, reaching an incalculable level.

   At this time, Ye Chen also moved immediately.

   There was a sizzle, visible to the naked eye, the emperor's reincarnation appeared silently in front of him.

The reincarnation of the great emperor, who looks like a seven-year-old boy, stands in front of the heavenly sun. Apart from anything else, he has a childish face and shakes his fists. The origin of the emperor, the emperor realm, and the emperor's flesh are powerful. Superimposed, showing the supreme might not inferior to the emperor, angrily blasted towards the Lord of Tianxu.

   Under the power of terror, it even shook the entire Primordial Realm, causing the shock of hundreds of millions of people.

   It seems that I can't imagine that there is such a majestic existence in the world, which is much more powerful than the ruler of heaven.

   That kind of mighty force, I'm afraid that the ruler of the kingdom of heaven and this kind of Gedai figure will be extremely difficult to resist a punch.

   "Holy King Lord!?"

   The other races have changed their colors one after another, because they have long known the invincibility of this holy monarch in the heavens and ten thousand domains, and he is an invincible emperor in the contemporary era.

   Unexpectedly, this holy monarch came to the eight realms of ten thousand realms together with the fighting holy king and others.

Facing such a majestic offensive, the lord of the Tianxu has always been like Yuan Siyue, standing majestically on the nine-layer sky, the power of faith overlaps and overwhelms himself, and then slaps it out, I don’t know how much it contains. The boundless avenue of mighty force collides with it.


   The sky trembled, and where the sun of heaven was, the emperor-level mighty force was swaying arbitrarily, and then it swept across the boundless star ruins.

   directly sunk a piece of star ruins that was close to the entire region of the Primordial Sky Realm into ashes, invisible.

   Pedal Pedal----

   The reincarnation figure of the great emperor actually retreated more than a dozen steps in an instant, and almost his whole person was about to crash into the heavenly sun.

   The Lord of the Tianxu remains unmoving and calm as a mountain.

   The whole world was shocked, and the Lord of Tianxu was so powerful that he suppressed the presence of a stalwart emperor.

   The reincarnation of the great emperor also had a lot of deep eyes, looked at the Lord of the Tianxu thoughtfully, and felt the power of the previous collision.

   The strength of the Lord of the Sky Ruins was much stronger than he had imagined.

   And he was actually unable to fully understand the true strength of the Lord of the Ruins.

   "What a master of the Tianxu, it seems that mastering the power of faith in the entire Primordial Realm for endless years is far more terrifying than I imagined."

   Quietly, the emperor star and the Buddha Emperor Ge are appearing, looming, revealing strands of godless power, spreading six and eight wastes, and shocking the sky.

The Lord of Tianxu's eyes were extremely deep, like a reincarnation, he glanced at the reincarnation of the great emperor, and stepped forward silently, surpassing his barrier, and stepped into the eight thousandths of the Emperor's Peak Palace. Before the ladder.


  In the Palace of Emperor Lingxiao, the light of godless rhyme overwhelmed the sky, with the supreme and unpredictable power, rushing to the Lord of the Tianxu.

   The light of such emperor rhyme was left by the emperor, unimaginable.

   impacted on the Lord of Tianxu, and suddenly there was a loud noise like the destruction of heaven and earth, echoing nine heavens and ten earths, very far away.

  Similarly, it also contains incredible power of destruction.

   This kind of imperial rhyme light hits, even if it is as strong as the peerless king, or even the pinnacle king, it will be wiped out in an instant.

   However, the Lord of the Tianxu had completely endured it, resisting the light of Emperor Yun, and his figure remained unrelenting.

   He is always as stable as Mount Tai, without moving the slightest.

   Belief is also as vast as ever, and it is personal.

   As if the horrible collision just now, it didn't really shake anything.

   The world is eye-catching, but also terrifying.

   The strength of the Lord of the Heavenly Ruins is too strong. As the master of the contemporary Heavenly Realm, his strength is far superior to that of the Lords of the Heavenly Realm in the past.

   can be seen from the reincarnation of the emperor, who can be an enemy and even overpowers the emperor.

   It can be said that he can definitely be regarded as the most powerful generation of heavenly realm masters in the past, and his strength is completely unfathomable.

At this moment, Ye Chen was facing the eight strongest masters while looking up at the Lord of the Tianxu, just as the light of Emperor Yun crashed on the Lord of the He was in a trance. With insight into a corner, with the eyes of the chaotic God, a corner of the truth can be seen.

   In an instant, the pupils were as small as needles.

   Originally, he thought that the Lord of the Tianxu was very likely to be the existence of the mythical era, but now the insight of the truth in this corner seems to understand that the true origin of the other party is probably much more amazing than imagined.

   "Lord of Tianxu, what is your identity?"

   Ye Chenning said to himself.


   At that moment, Tianxuzhi took the initiative. He stepped up the ladder and began to climb the one hundred and eight thousand ladders to the Emperor Lingxiao Palace.

   Such a scene, how can the world know that the Lord of the Tianxu is fighting for the god-defying good fortune left by the emperor!

   Ye Junlin, sheltered by the light of Emperor Yun, smoothly helpless, directly climbed the stairs, and in the blink of an eye, he crossed hundreds of levels.

   It’s just that the Lord of Tianxu is not bad, even if it is blocked by the light of Emperor Yun, the speed is still no less than Ye Junlin.

   At this moment, the two are actually at the same speed.

   But obviously, before one hundred and eighty thousand ladders, the Lord of Tianxu had no way to influence Ye Junlin.

The light of Emperor Yun, the higher it is, the more terrifying it is. It is as strong as the Lord of the Heavenly Ruins, and such a stalwart existence beyond the ordinary emperor rank can not take up the slightest advantage. Otherwise, with his cultivation level, one hundred and eight thousand ladders , Isn’t it just a thousand percent of the time that is not needed in a flash?

   But if you think about it carefully, it is only natural.

  Emperor Extreme Lingxiao Hall, one hundred and eight thousand steps, seem ordinary, but in fact it contains the power of the world left by the emperor, and the unpredictable power directly weakened the power of the lord of the sky.

   This is unthinkable, but it is enough to understand that it is the Emperor of Heaven.

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