Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3506: Emperor of heaven

   In front of the Palace of Emperor Lingxiao.

   One hundred and eight thousand ladders.

The Lord of Tianxu looked at the deserted land and said: "Fighting with the saint king, the alien race is saving the Dao Xian. If you, the holy monarch, stay here if you don't stop it, aren't you afraid of the Dao X's birth? "

   "If I remember correctly, Dao X is an eternal emperor of a foreign race. Not only can he prove Dao supreme, but he is also expected to enter the realm of eternal giants. That is the real enemy."

   Ye Chen sullenly, continue to hold the Supreme Emperor's soldiers to attack, coldly snorted: "You don't need to worry about this."

  Naturally, how could he not really worry about the aliens’ saving Dao X.

   It’s just that he felt that the place of the Emperor Lingxiao Palace might be more important than that of Emperor Dao X.

   Inside, there is the god-defying nature left by the emperor.

   It's about the Emperor of Heaven, even the giants of the ages can't help but be moved.

  Moreover, the Lord of Tianxu is by no means a simple one. To some extent, he feels more threatening than the current Dao Xian, and he can't just ignore it.

   "In that case, I have to see how you, the world-famous fighting king, can stop you!"

The power of the Lord of Tianxu increases sharply, the power of belief is boundless, and it is unimaginable. If there is no power, the power that reveals on his body is vaguely as if to completely offset the suppression of the light of the emperor, and then Shows the peak combat power of the emperor class.

   There was a loud bang, a huge formation of one hundred and eighty thousand ladders. With a movement of his figure, he crossed a thousand levels of ladders, like an ancient emperor rushing through the thunder, unimaginable, and rushing into the nine heavens and ten earth.

   Ye Chen's deity looked slightly dark, but at this moment he still didn't use the back hand he had prepared for a long time.

   This is not the right time yet.

   Now, the speed of several people is very fast, and they are only less than 10,000 levels of ladders from the Emperor Lingxiao Hall, that's it.

   Unsurprisingly, less than half an hour, enough to cross over completely.

   But at that moment, it is the most dangerous time.

   "No matter what, fight it!"

   Ye Chen shouted from the bottom of his heart, the deity left the ladder, and the reincarnation of the emperor simultaneously used two supreme emperor soldiers, and even the impeccable emperor's origin was ready to burn.

   The reincarnation of the great emperor holds two supreme emperor soldiers, powerfully angering the Lord of the Tianxu.

   "Get out!"

   The Lord of the Tianxu shouted loudly, uttering the law freely, and the power of the heavens was contained in it.


   The reincarnation of the great emperor also yelled, and also verbalized the heavenly constitution, which contained incredible power, and smoothly resisted it.


   The stalwart power beyond the emperor's level suddenly broke out on one hundred eighty thousand ladders, and the strength of that power directly shook one hundred eighty thousand ladders, and even more so that the ladders containing the power of the emperor also shattered a lot.

   The unimaginable terrifying stalwart force rippling away wantonly, spreading to the outside world, and annihilating time and space.


   Suddenly, the heavenly sun trembled, and a mighty force comparable to the supreme level swayed away, causing the destructive force of the collision between the two to be suppressed and then disappeared in this space and time.

   "Heaven is alive!"

   The reincarnation of the great emperor took a deep look at the Heavenly Dao Sun. This Heavenly Dao Sun is by no means simple, but now it is not a time to ponder this matter.

  He continued to fiercely attack the Lord of the Tianxu, and continued to increase his power, and began to approach the supreme level infinitely.

   However, the power of the Lord of the Tianxu has gradually revealed itself.

   After colliding with the reincarnation body of the emperor holding two supreme emperor soldiers, he did not lose the wind at all. That infinite power is incredibly strong.

   Ye Chen was secretly shocked.

   At this moment, the deity took a deep look at the Lord of Tianxu, took a deep breath, and then glanced at Tiandao Sun.

  The only way to do this now is to verify the guess in my heart, hoping not to let him down, otherwise there is no other way.

   While sitting cross-legged, his eyes closed, as if he were still calm, everyone was amazed at his sudden action.

   Ye Chen didn't say a word, but he did it all.

   Finally, at a certain moment, Ye Junlin successfully climbed one hundred and eighty-thousand-tier ladders, and took the lead in ascending the Emperor's Peak Palace.

   The light of the emperor rhyme boiled up, leading the heavens to resonate, surging and drowning him.

   Huangji Lingxiao Hall, the front door opened, as if waiting for him to enter.

   All the attention.

   Ye Junlin took a deep breath, and stepped up into the palace of the Emperor Peak.

   "Junior, stop it!"

With a loud shout, with the constitution of the sky in his mouth, the lord of the Tianxu yelled, and indirectly he ascended to the front of the palace of the emperor, the power of belief in his body was endless, sweeping in all directions, the supreme power of the stalwart was spreading, using words The power to follow the law.

   However, the so-called utterance method is not very useful in the former palace of the Emperor of Heaven, such as the Emperor Lingxiao Hall. The palace containing the mighty power of the Emperor of Heaven is directly suppressed.

The Lord of the Tianxu drowned the power of faith in the ocean. At this moment, vaguely, his body seemed to flash one after another in a flash, and it was like the ancient emperors sitting cross-legged, resisting the emperor. The full suppression of Yunzhiguang also broke into the Palace of Emperor High Peak.

   Seeing this scene, the emperor's reincarnation suddenly changed color, and with a scream, he also held two supreme emperor soldiers and forcibly broke into it.

   After a short while, his figure also appeared in the Palace of Emperor High Peak.

   At this moment, two Supreme Emperor's Soldiers protected him, and hundreds of thousands of Supreme Emperor Light fell down, allowing the reincarnation of the Great Emperor to enter the hall.

   Looking up, it can be seen that Ye Jun's figure has long since disappeared. The only thing is that, at the top of the eternal supreme supreme seat, stands at the top of the vast Emperor Lingxiao Palace.

  Eternally the most respectable, all emperors need to look up, and the ancient emperor should bow to make all the immortals awe.

   In a trance, in the most brilliant and prosperous mythical era, one emperor is the most respected, and all emperors follow, are extremely humane, and all the heavens are respected, incomparable.

   Celestial Seat!

   Also, only the most respected emperor of the ages can sit on this seat, otherwise it will be difficult to find a few people who are qualified to be replaced by other ancient emperors.

  On the upper seat, in a daze, there seems to be a stalwart, like a figure stepping on the ten thousand ways, and the heavens will surrender, sitting on it.

   The real face is not clear, the figure is vague, looming, it seems that there is an emperor armor on the body, and there is also an emperor sword stained with blood, the sky monument is buried in the sky, and the **** chain is sealed to the sky.

   He sits on the highest point between the heavens and the earth, looking down at the heavens, suppressing the Chaos Sea, and sitting on the unimaginable grand shores of all ages and times.


   Unparalleled, the only one in Gedai!

   Even if he is like Ye Chen, he is excited.

   "Senior Tiandi!"

   The reincarnation of the great emperor pays great salute, respect from the deep heart.

   This is the Emperor of Heaven who has turned the tide in the past years. It seems that he has done nothing in the myth dash, but anyone who really knows will understand that when the myth is dashed, he will face a much more terrible crisis alone.

   That is the awakening of the supreme being in the past epoch after era. It is the roaring of the supreme of the past and the present, who wants to cross the years.

   Here, there is even the participation of eternal giants.

   Ye Chen back then was just a corner. The lineup was extremely terrifying, and it was enough to destroy the ancient chaotic universe.

   In such a difficult situation, the Emperor of Heaven entered the river of years alone, alone resisting all the invaders of the river.

   Otherwise, in the battle of myths and destruction, the Pangu universe is likely not only the lack of heaven, the tens of thousands of races, and the destruction of the gods, but also the entire Pangu universe.

   Such great achievements are enough to shock the past and the present, highlight the past and the present and the future!

   "The Emperor of Heaven!"

   The Lord of Tianxu's heart trembles, even if he is stronger than him, facing the emperor, he must tremble and be in awe.

That is an invincible existence that truly oppresses the ancient and modern. Even if it overlooks the strongest emperor of one era after another, even the immortal king who is above all immortals, the eternal giant who suppressed a chaotic ancient universe, he must bow his head and admit the inferior emperor. .

   The whole world is vast, and in the past and present, only a handful of existences such as the First Generation and the Universe can be compared.

   Now, this supreme heavenly emperor has actually reappeared in the world.

   Compared to Ye Chen's respect for the great salute of the Emperor of Heaven, the expression of the Lord of Heaven Ruins is very complicated, and the power of faith cannot be completely concealed.

   At this moment, in the deepest part of the eyes of the Lord of Tianxu, two unfathomable dark demon intent appeared loomingly, as if there was an alien demon emperor dominating his sanity.

   "No, you are no longer the emperor of the past, the emperor does not exist, but is just an afterimage brand, how to block me!"

   The Lord of the Tianxu roared abruptly, the mighty power of faith in his body was actually burning up, the whole person soared up, and the billions of blazing light beams bloomed open.


   At this moment, he seemed to be the high heavenly sun, stepped forward, and even slapped the heavenly emperor sitting on the supreme seat.

"you dare!"

   The emperor reincarnated and shouted, the emperor of heaven is the leader of the Pangu universe, and he has made great contributions to the Pangu universe. How can he allow others to blaspheme.

   He revived the two supreme imperial soldiers, personally held his hand, swept across, and blocked.


There was a big shock in the Palace of the Emperor Lingxiao, almost exploding, but at this moment, a stalwart and abundance of power beyond the supreme supreme suddenly came, covering this place, and the two are comparable to the terrible force of the collision between the supreme. Directly suppressed, unable to hurt the Emperor Lingxiao Palace.

   This is the palace where the Emperor of Heaven lives forever. How ordinary is it to be called extraordinary, and the supreme cannot be presumptuous in this place.

   On top of the seat, the emperor remains motionless, his expression does not change.

   But it is indeed as the Lord of Tianxu said, it is not the real body of the emperor, but a remnant image, the mark left here for endless years, guarding the land of the emperor's peak.

   But even if this is the case, the emperors of the ages, the ancient emperors of the heavens, and the supreme immortal must be in awe.

  The shadow of the emperor, traversing the sun, moon and galaxy, silently, seems to point out a finger, covering the universe, containing the supreme mighty power of truncating ancient and modern!

   There was a roar, and the Lord of Tianxu roared, the power of the whole body's faith burned to the extreme, showing a lot of supreme power, and immediately rushed past.

  The Palace of Emperor Lingxiao was stunned, but all the force of collision, even if it could easily annihilate the Primordial King and sink dozens or hundreds of large domains, it was virtually eliminated.

   The main figure of Tianxu stepped back ten steps, slightly lost.

   "What a heavenly emperor, even if it is only a mere afterimage, he did not expect to have such power. It is indeed a little unexpected for this emperor."

   "But do you think that only an afterimage of the past can stop this emperor?"

The lord of the Tianxu Leng hum, claiming to be an emperor at this moment, and his cold eyes glanced straight at the reincarnation body of the emperor, and coldly said: "The fighting saint king, although you dominate this strong physical body, you have a body comparable to the emperor. Level combat strength, but against the emperor, it is also looking for death. Today, the emperor killed you and seized the treasures of these two great emperors."

   The aura on him rises, and he is so powerful that he is unimaginable. The beam of light shines through billions of times, shining every inch of the void, looming, all with the figure of the ancient emperor sitting here.

   Huangji Lingxiao Palace was also greatly shaken.

   Silently, a long knife appeared in the hands of the Lord of the Tianxu, which contained a unique charm of heaven and earth, as if it represented the heaven and the earth, as if it represented ten thousand ways, just like the sword of heaven.

   This sword is also a heavenly sword!

   Holding the supreme sword in his hand, with a light stroke, it seems to cut off the world, imitating that it can cut through the world, and the supreme power swept this sword and smashed the reincarnation of the great emperor.

   At this moment, the emperor's reincarnation face changed drastically, and he felt an incomparable sense of crisis. All kinds of powers blessed the two supreme emperor's arms in an all-round way, and shook the heavenly sword.


   Like two Dzogchen Supremes colliding, the emperor-level power is exploding, overflowing the entire Palace of Emperor High Peak, almost smashing this Palace of Heavenly Emperor.

But after all, it was blocked. The extraordinary of the Emperor Lingxiao Palace, far beyond imagination, contains the mighty power of the emperor, and will last forever. At this moment, there are many ancient characters of the emperor appearing around, resisting the collision and destruction of the supreme class. I don't know what channel to use to release it.

   The reincarnation figure of the great emperor flew upside down, and flew directly out of the Emperor's Peak Palace, blood dripping from the tiger’s slightly embarrassed.

   Ye Chen, the chaotic saint soul villain hidden in the source of the emperor's way, almost shattered.

   was horrified by the strength of the Lord of the Tianxu, even holding two supreme emperor soldiers in such a miserable field.

   He is afraid that even if he is not supreme, he is almost the same.

  Eternal Emperor?

   There was a big shock in the Emperor Lingxiao Hall, and the supreme power continued to bloom. Obviously, it was the Lord of the Tianxu who was attacking the Emperor Peak Hall.

   He is fighting with the afterimage left by the emperor.

   That breath is far beyond the ordinary emperor, and it is enough to compare with the emperor of the early beginning.

   The reincarnation body of the Great Emperor firmly believes that the Lord of the Tianxu is at least the eternal emperor level, and it is not known whether it can be comparable to the Supreme Supreme.

   faintly but have such doubts, after all, how vast and unmatched the power of faith for countless years is difficult to calculate, perhaps it is much stronger than the power of faith in the Emperor Realm back then.

  Standing outside the Emperor's High Heaven Hall, the emperor's reincarnated body couldn't advance or retreat, his eyes looked at the hall with very complicated eyes, and he wanted to enter it, but he also knew that he was afraid that he was definitely not an opponent.

   Unless it is the origin of Burning Emperor Dao.

   However, once the origin of Emperor Dao is burned, the consequences will be extremely serious. The origin of Emperor Dao is no longer Dzogchen, and it is extremely difficult to repair it.

  Without a last resort, he no longer chooses this step.

   Of course, the reincarnation of the great emperor also believes in the emperor, even if it is just a shadow, it must be invincible forever, and the supreme is not necessarily broken.


  In a sudden, I saw the figure of the Lord of the Tianxu flying upside down, flying away from the Huangji High Peak Palace, and the infinite power of faith exploded, revealing his true colors.

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