Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3508: The origin of the restricted area

   The Heavenly Emperor never left the Heavenly Emperor soldiers in the Tianxu.

   Ye Chen suspected that the destruction of the Eternal Legacy back then was probably because the Lord of the Heavenly Ruins secretly acted personally, suppressing the resurrected Supreme Imperial Soldiers, resulting in the Eternal Legacy being unable to use the Supreme Emperor Soldiers against the masters of the heavens, and it was finally destroyed.

  Of course, these are other topics.

   Therefore, facing the eternal inheritance of the twelve mythological emperors who mastered the supreme emperor's army in the early epoch, the Lord of the Tianxu was very clever to endure it.

   And how clever Ye Chen is, he quickly understood that most of the time in the process of suppressing alien emperors, the Lord of Tianxu was gradually corroded and polluted by the will of the alien emperors, and occupied the other half.

   Similarly, he also didn't understand how wise the emperors of the mythology were. How could he not think of this, and he should have some measures to prevent it.

   But why the final result is still the same.

After a little thought, the reincarnation of the great emperor suddenly yelled at the Lord of the Tianxu, with a soul-shaking Dao Tianyin, echoing between the heavens and the earth: "The Lord of the Tianxu, as the will of the mythical emperors, you should protect my Pangu. How can the universe be eroded by the will of the emperors of the alien races. You quickly awaken and return to the light, and you should expel the alien races."

It’s just that the Lord of Tianxu’s face didn’t change, and he was always indifferent: "Battle Saint King, your words have little effect on this emperor. The current emperor is no longer the one he was in the past. It’s just that some words have been hidden in my heart for many years. People are not qualified to listen, and now that I see you, with the power of the emperor, it is a little qualified, and I just said it."

   "Okay, now this emperor won't talk nonsense with you."

   "The means left by the emperor, do you really think you can stop the emperor? Haha!"


   The Lord of Tianxu draws almost endless power of faith from the land of Tianxu, vast and mighty, like a sea of ​​stars in the sky, turning into a wide, galaxy-like long river, unimaginable, straddling the long sky.

   At this moment, his breath continued to rise again.

   It is not a long time. After the endless power of faith is poured into the body, the Qi of the Lord of the Ruins seems to have surpassed the emperor level and reached another brand new height.

   This level of height, even the eternal emperor in the beginning, has never reached it.


   Yes, at this moment, the lord of the Tianxu is completely above the emperor and reached the supreme level, which is the realm of the legendary ancient emperor.

The supreme qi machine completely envelopes the entire Primordial Realm, the vast realm of heaven, and the land of the five directions. It is a vast territory comparable to one-tenth the size of the heavens and thousands of realms, and there are so many creatures. More than billions.

   At this moment, they are all shrouded in the emperor's energy of the Lord of the Ruins, trembling like worshiping a god.


   The people of the world are horrified, especially the six eternal heritages, and even more so, all the colors of horror appear on the face.

  Who would have thought that the Lord of the Tianxu had hidden so deeply, and his strength had reached the supreme level silently.

   In this way, the whole world, the eight realms of ten thousand realms, who else can compete with it?

   Once the supreme comes out, who will compete!

   The reincarnation of the great emperor changed his color, because the main Qi of the Tianxu was still continuing to climb, obviously there was room for further improvement.

His conjecture is not wrong. The Emperor Taishi used the power of endless years of faith in the Emperor Realm to be able to create a body comparable to the supreme Emperor God, and today the Lord of the Ruins can reach the supreme level with the help of the power of endless years of faith in the Emperor Realm. .

  Moreover, it may be able to reach a higher level.

  No, he must stop the Lord of the Tianxu anyway, and must not let the Lord of the Tianxu rise to that level, otherwise, who can stop him in the eight realms?

  At this time, the emperor’s reincarnation body was shining with chaotic brilliance, and it was looming, a crystal-clear chaotic villain sitting in the Niwan Palace, shouting: "Faith cut off!"


   I can only see the power of belief rising into the sky from the deserted ancient country and the deserted ancient palace.

   is all the power of faith gathered in the ancient kingdom of desert for a hundred years, and it is also too strong, and it is much stronger than the power of faith gathered in the heavenly kingdom of the little gods.

   Of course, it cannot be compared with the power of faith in the Tianxu Land, even if it has been collected for a hundred years, there is still a huge difference.

   After all, that is the gathering of the power of faith in the entire Primordial Realm over the endless years, and it is not the same.

   But the original intention of the emperor's reincarnation is not to compete with the power of the faith of the deserted ancient country, but for other purposes.

   silently, the mighty power of belief in the ancient desolate country quickly condenses in the palm of the emperor's reincarnation body.

   In the end, it condensed into a divine sword, three feet three long, looming infinite traces, with human races, dragon races, ghost races, tiger races...the traces of countless race creatures were imprinted on it.

   are creatures who have believed in, manifest on this sword.

   The green front hummed, materialized.

   "Believe in the Heavenly Sword!"

   The entire ancient land of the desert, all the power of belief collected over the past century, spread over more than 70 ancient countries, covering most of the creatures in the Primordial Realm, and condensed with the power of belief.

Once    appeared, the void was simply unbearable, and the land of the dying Star Ruins collapsed and collapsed into nothingness. One can imagine how terrifying it was.

   Hundreds of millions of creatures trembled, if this sword is swung, if most of the Primordial Heaven Realm's spiritual power is caused, I am afraid that it can wipe out an Primordial King in an instant.

   The Heavenly Sword of Belief in San Shao San was completely controlled by the chaos holy soul in the body of the Great Emperor's reincarnation. At this moment, the Emperor's reincarnation held the Heavenly Sword of Belief in his hand, raised his eyebrows, shouted, and slashed.


   World decisively!

   The long river of power of faith that has continuously risen to the sky from the land of the ruins is broken by life and life, and a huge space abyss appears, which is forcibly cut off, and it cannot be connected for a while.

   The interrupted river of faith seems to have a special power to stop the river of faith from continuing.

   Seeing this, the expression of the Lord of the Tianxu changed slightly: "Faith is cut off, fighting the saint king, you know how to do it!"

I have to say that this made the Lord of Tianxu look at Ye Chen again, because this kind of belief is cut off, which is simple to say, but in fact the method is extraordinary, and it requires a very high degree of understanding and understanding of the power of belief. Feelings can only come out.

   You must know that even many people who practice the power of faith have never reached such an understanding, and even the great masters in the Chaos Sea who have reached the level of the Primordial King by the power of faith do not necessarily have a few people who can do this.

   I didn't expect that a fighting sage who had cultivated the path for less than a thousand years would actually have such a method of faith.

   The emperor’s reincarnation expression was indifferent: "All the ways are interlinked. I have also studied the power of faith a little bit, not to mention that I am a chaos cultivator."

   Chaos is the origin of all paths. Based on my foundation, I can do more with less than practice.

   What's more, over the years, he has done many researches on the power of belief, and he has also obtained relevant handwritings left by his predecessors, and even the research of the ancient emperor. Naturally, he has a very high understanding of the power of belief.

   For hundreds of years, collecting the power of belief in the Primordial Realm, in the final analysis, is for this moment.

   To prevent the Lord of the Ruins from controlling the power of faith, in the final analysis, it still needs to be blocked by the power of faith in the Primordial Heaven Realm.

   The same nature can hinder each other, otherwise the power of belief in other places will also be difficult to achieve.

   There is no doubt that he did it.

   Naturally, it cannot be maintained for a long time, there is a certain time limit.

   But for the reincarnation of the great emperor, as long as the Lord of the Innate Ruins obtains the legacy of the emperor at this critical moment, it is enough.

   He knew that Ye Junlin had disappeared, and he must have inherited the legacy of the Emperor of Heaven.

   The Lord of the Tianxu Market is also well aware of the peculiarities of the truncation of faith, his expression is slightly gloomy, and he just shouted coldly: "Fighting Saint King, do you really think that this emperor can be stopped like this?"

   The reincarnation of the great emperor holds two supreme emperor soldiers, and said coldly: "Enough, even if you are comparable to the supreme, but I also have the power of a battle, and I will never let you get the legacy of the emperor."

   Now it has reached the most critical moment. At any moment, he is ready to burn the origin of the emperor's way, forcibly rise to the supreme level, and peak against the Lord of the Tianxu.


   The Lord of Tianxu snorted coldly, and his figure directly hit the Emperor Lingxiao Hall.

However, before the emperor’s reincarnation really took action, a heavy halo suddenly appeared outside the palace of the emperor’s sky, overlapping and overlapping, and finally intertwined with each other, turning into an emperor light canopy, completely turning the entire majestic sky The upper hall enveloped it.

   The figure of the Lord of Tianxu hits directly on the Emperor Lingxiao Hall.


   The heavens roar, and the eight realms of ten thousand realms shake together!

   The starry sky collapsed in pieces.

   Under the power of the sun of heaven, all the power of destruction has disappeared and collapsed.

   Surprisingly, the Emperor Light canopy is still intact.

The lord of    Tianxu could hardly shake the Emperor Light Sky Screen.

   The reincarnation of the great emperor laughed and laughed: "The Lord of the Tianxu, you are indeed very strong, but the Emperor of Heaven obviously also considered this, leaving this layer of emperor light sky curtain, even the supreme can not break open in a short time."

   He was pleased that he was guarded by the emperor's light curtain, and Ye Junlin was sure to inherit the good fortune left by the emperor.

   "Unfortunately, you are wrong, you really take the preparation for the endless years of the emperor, is it just that?"

"come back!"

   Suddenly, just behind the Lord of Tianxu, a black hole jumped and appeared, and immediately one after another appeared.

   Take a closer look, isn’t it the ruler of the five forbidden areas in the wasteland?

   It's just them now, each has a great chain of gods burning with purple flames in their eyebrows, clashed, pulling them back.

   The five forbidden areas dominated, all looked terrified, as if they were under huge constraints, unable to move, and looked at the Lord of the Tianxu in horror.

   The Lord of Tianxu said indifferently: "The one who cultivated you back then came out for this moment."

"Do not--"

   The five restricted areas screamed in horror, but at this moment, they burst into flames.

   A special flame soared up, and then instantly enveloped the five of them, turning them into groups of flames, both the flesh and the king's heavenly soul were covered by this moment.

   At this moment, the emperor's reincarnation has a very bad premonition.


   Immediately, the reincarnation of the great emperor violently shot, holding two supreme emperor soldiers, attacking the past.

   "Get out!"

   The Lord of the Tianxu drank softly, showing the supreme power comparable to the supreme level, rising in mighty, turning into a waterfall of light, rushing past.

   At the moment, the reincarnation of the emperor was blocked, unable to go further.

   At this time, the masters of the five restricted areas are already burning.

   Visible to the naked eye, from its body, a steady stream of dazzling beams flew out, accompanied by a burst of blood and soul light, constantly impacting.

  The Palace of Emperor Lingxiao, left by the emperor, sheltered by the emperor light curtain, is also the most powerful protection.

   However, under the burning of Xing Shen dominated by the five forbidden areas, the Diguang Sky Screen showed signs of disintegration.

   I only saw the emperor light on the sky, and it began to weaken gradually.

   It is hard to imagine that the Emperor Light Sky Screen can block even the Supreme Attack, but it cannot withstand the burning impact of the five forbidden areas, which is somewhat unreasonable.

However, soon, the emperor's reincarnation clearly felt that the five forbidden areas were dominated by the body, dormant in the deepest part of the bloodline, and a mysterious force was emerging, as if an ancient emperor was dormant, and as if the emperor was sleeping, he was awakening rapidly at this moment. .

A special power is emerging, and a special chain of order gods is transformed into the sky, intertwined with each other, blended into the blood and soul light, and it is also dissolving when it hits the emperor light sky Among them, surprisingly, the protection of the emperor light canopy was slowly resolved.

   "The Emperor!"

   "The rulers of the five restricted areas are all emperors, and they are the mythical emperors of the Pangu universe!"

   The reincarnation of the great emperor has come to understand clearly, the same is true for the powerful people who have passed on forever.

  Who can imagine that the ruler of the forbidden area that dominated the ups and downs of all ages was actually from the emperor.

   If it weren't for this time, I'm afraid no one would know.

   "What a master of the Tianxu, the layout is so deep that the six eternal inheritances were destroyed in the past. I am afraid that this is also the reason. The real origin of the master of the heavens is probably the bloodline of the mythical emperor that has been passed down forever."

   "This point, I'm afraid that these forbidden zone masters don't know it. They are sealed in childhood memories and the supreme bloodline in the body, and the emperor-level seal is as strong as a super king or even a peerless king. It can't be disintegrated, and even noticed."

   I have to say that the layout of the Lord of the Ruins is really incomparably deep, with layers of layout, one after another.

  The emperor light canopy of the Emperor Lingxiao Palace can block the invasion of outsiders, but the bloodline of the emperor on the side of the Pangu universe can effectively dissolve it.

   What's more, the blood of the imperial family above the super king is completely activated, and furthermore, it is incredibly strong, not inferior to the emperor, and dissolves with the supreme blood, with incredible miraculous effects.

   "Lord of Tianxu, dare you to trick me into waiting!"

  The five forbidden zone masters in the burning Xing Shen, all furious inexplicably.

   At this moment, their king's heavenly soul is burning, but it is also giving birth to a lot of flaming light, and the seal hidden in the deepest part is being unlocked.

   Before, they didn't know that they were from the mythical emperor, and they didn't know until this moment.

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