Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3511: I, your lord!

   Emperor Hunyue is still the Chaos Holy Spirit after all, and even the most immortal Chaotian Mountain, where the innate advantage lies. He has never really been torn apart, but he has also suffered the most terrible damage.

   However, in the real duel, it is obviously far inferior to the eternal emperor of the tenth world.

   This is true even if it has never been at its peak.

  If the Emperor Hunyue is not the Emperor, it is the Chaos Holy Spirit, otherwise this collision, I am afraid that ordinary Emperors will explode physically, and it may not be bearable.

   He coughed up blood and almost exploded his whole body. The origin was damaged, but he was still waiting.

  Dao Shishi ten eyes only opened four eyes at this moment, and the remaining six eyes were in a tightly closed state.

   Compared with the weakness of the ten eyes that were opened in the past, the four eyes appear to be abnormally prosperous. Obviously, the four eyes are in the most prosperous period.

Dao Xian looked at Emperor Hun Yue with cold eyes, and sneered: "Hun Yue, compared to me, even if you are the Emperor of Chaos Holy Spirit, you are far inferior. Today, I swallowed you, maybe The chance to restore more than half of the strength."

   All the powerful in the Pangu universe are all horrified.

   The only strength shown now is that Emperor Hunyue is defeated. If he recovers more than half, then who else can resist him in the huge eight realms?

   Hun Yue Dijun coldly snorted: "Dao Shi, I have to admit that you are indeed very strong, but only the current you want to kill me, it is a little worse, and I only need to delay you."

Here, in the territory of the Primordial Sky, the reincarnation body of the emperor is in a dilemma. After all, he cannot incarnate the strongest Dao body like the deity. First, he glanced at the Lord of the Tianxu who was about to break into the Emperor Lingxiao Hall, and then took another look. Desolate land in crisis.

   took a deep breath. At this time, a sudden decision was made. The deity Ye Chen on the one hundred and eighty thousand ladders nodded and whispered: "This deity, I'll leave it to you."

"it is good!"

   The deity nodded.


   In an instant, across the endless sky, across the entire Primordial Realm, the reincarnation of the emperor appeared in the wasteland, and the two supreme emperor soldiers were strongly restored, and they ran into the Dao X.


   Half of the wasteland collapsed, terrifying boundless, the Dao tenth was hit and flew by birth, his body was cracked, and he suffered extraordinary damage.

   is as strong as the eternal emperor, and he does not necessarily dare to forcefully shake the two supreme emperor soldiers under the resurrection of the emperor-level existence, not to mention that the tenth emperor has never recovered to the peak state, and there is a huge gap.

   "It's you, the eternal king in the line of Fighting Saints. I recognize you."

Who is the Dao Xian, who directly penetrated the origin of the emperor’s reincarnation body, and felt Ye Chen’s chaotic holy soul aura, and was surprised at it. Unexpectedly, this young man of the human race actually possessed such a powerful Dao body comparable to the emperor. .

   And he can feel that under this strongest Taoist body, there is a perfect imperial Dao origin, a true emperor-level physical body, and even an original emperor realm.

   Except that the Soul is not in the emperor realm, and the Supreme Emperor is in charge, it is almost a real ancient emperor.

   Ye Chen's second chaos holy soul villain controls the reincarnation of the emperor, with cold lightning in his eyes, holding two supreme emperor soldiers in his hands, and attacking the Dao X again.

   "Master Dao X, I'll help you."

   The emperor of the foreign race yelled and was about to step forward, but the rules of the billions of kings emerged, and it was the emperor Hunyue who stood in front of him and blocked the way of the former.

   In addition, many super powers of the alien race were once again blocked by the Chaos Tianfu and the mythical emperor led by the Chaos Supreme Body, and could not effectively help Dao Xian.

The emperor reincarnated as a fierce battle against Dao X, holding the two largest resurrected supreme emperor soldiers. His strength is so powerful that he can hardly shake the real eternal emperor. Dao X is far from being comparable to the peak period, and he will be at a disadvantage in a short while. He was covered in blood, and even some wounds were pierced back and forth. The bones were deeply visible, and the whole person was almost torn apart.

But I have to say that the tenth generation is indeed very strong. As the eternal emperor, even if the state is very weak, it is still not something that the reincarnation of the great emperor can solve in one or three moments. At most, he is pressed down and wants to kill. It takes a long time to do it.

  Especially the tenth emperor of Dao has mastered all kinds of supreme magical powers, and he has perfect control of the rules of the avenue. Every time he can finally resolve all kinds of dangers, the reincarnation of the great emperor also has a sense of loss of punching cotton.

   "There is no need to worry about the Dao Xian Shi too much, as long as you are trapped here and solve the Lord of the Tianxu first, it will be enough to come back and solve the Dao Xian Shi."

The emperor reincarnated and made up his mind, and at this moment, Ye Chen, who was on the one hundred and eight thousand heavenly ladders, was finally ready at this moment, and his eyes opened with a scream, revealing the terrifying chaotic edge of the sky, melting ten thousand ways. .

A ten-fold divine aperture appeared on his body, and he witnessed the Lord of the Tianxu who was rushing into the emperor's sky curtain inch by inch. He almost really entered the Palace of the Emperor's High Peak and shouted: "The Lord of the Tianxu , Come out for me!"


   A loud noise shook the eight realms of the world.

The world’s heads can be seen, and the heavenly sun that envelops the Emperor's High Peak Palace, at this moment, a supreme mighty power that is comparable to the supreme level is derived, which turns into a terrible storm of the road, and hits the impulsively. On the Lord of Tianxu.

   There was a rumbling, and the next moment I saw that most of the body of the Lord of the Sky Ruins that had penetrated into the light curtain of the heavens was severely hit, and then the majestic and imposing figure was knocked back, and it was more than half back.

   "Heavenly Way Sun?"

   The Lord of Tianxu's expression slightly changed. He possessed the ability to reach the sky, and he clearly perceives that an invisible bridge has been built between Tiandao Sun and Ye Chen at this time.

   Ye Chen can use the power of the heavenly sun to attack him.

how is this possible?

   The Lord of Tianxu is really unbelievable, because even if he is the true master who has mastered the ups and downs of the entire Primordial Realm through the ages, he has never controlled the Heavenly Dao Sun. At most, he can only be recognized by the Heavenly Dao Sun, and he can use his words to express his power.

   This fighting saint king is at best comparable to the nine heavenly kings, and even the emperor is very different. How can he push the heavenly sun to attack him?

  This really made him a little bit unbelievable.


   Ye Chen’s mouth is bleeding, obviously, he has to pay a huge price.

   But as far as he is concerned, it is something that cannot be paid. At present, the more important thing is to organize the Heaven Ruins.

This is Ye Chen, the first person to break the shackles of the Nine Heavens and become the One of the Ten Heavens after the Myth Era. The chaos cultivator is also the owner of the Primal Universe, and it is the battle of dominance that swallowed two rounds of the Great Ancient Heaven Realm. Tianri is a coincidence, otherwise other people, even the ancient emperor, would not be able to resonate with the heavenly sun.

   Of course, earlier he didn't think that he would definitely be able to communicate with the Sun of Heaven, but he had such an idea and thought it was possible before implementing it.

   Now I found that this idea is correct, and he can indeed communicate with the heavens and the sun.

   With the help of the tenth heaven divine aperture, Ye Chen silently resonated with the heavenly sun and made another move.

   Boom boom boom boom boom--

   A wave of terrifying power comparable to the Supreme Grade continued to blast out, and finally hit the Lord of the Sky Ruins fiercely, causing his figure to continuously retreat.

   "Battle Saint King!"

The Lord of Tianxu can no longer maintain the calm and natural look of the past, because how to maintain his mentality, seeing that he is about to enter the palace of the Emperor High Peak, how can he know this moment when he has arranged infinite backs from ancient times to the present? It was broken.

Green light burst out from him, enveloping the five forbidden area masters that burned halfway, and decisively left the emperor light curtain, and then stepped out, the emperor-level means showed, and he slapped Ye Chen under the one hundred and eight thousand heavenly ladders. , To slap this kid into ashes.


   Ye Chen yelled, and the whole person disappeared silently. He actually merged into the heavenly sun, and the tenth heaven divine aperture completely resonated and forcibly merged.

   At the same time, there is a vast and endless force rising up.

   Ye Chen seemed to be completely fused with the Heavenly Dao Sun, and also as if he was transformed into the Heavenly Dao Sun, using the mighty power that belongs to the Heavenly Dao Sun, comparable to the supreme, and powerfully collided with the Lord of Tianxu.

   Extreme collision!


  The Great Emperor-level collision that can destroy the heavens and the world was resolved by the Emperor Lingxiao Hall, and it has not really affected the Primordial Heaven Realm or even the Eight Realms.

   The Lord of the Tianxu remains still, and all the force of the collision disappears invisible.

However, the heavenly sun trembled suddenly, and the light shook sharply. The figure of Ye Chen who had been integrated into it suddenly broke away and flew out. He was covered in blood, cracked, and a deep mark appeared in the center of his eyebrows. Obviously he paid a heavy price. .

   "No, I am not the opponent of the Lord of the Sky Ruins at all, even if I want to forcibly integrate into the Heavenly Dao Sun. He is too strong, completely comparable to the real supreme, unless the real supreme makes a shot."

   Ye Chen coughed up blood, his body was cracked, and his proud chaotic Eucharist could kill peerless kings and smash the king’s immortal soldiers, but it was still fragile in front of the supreme as porcelain.

   If it weren't for Heaven's Dao Sun to resolve more than 90% of his strength, otherwise this blow would inevitably kill him into ashes.

   It can only be said that the supreme is too powerful, surpassing the emperor, it belongs to the immortal level, and the years are immortal.

"Battle Saint King, you are indeed extraordinary. You can blend with the Sun of Heaven for a short time, but only for a short time. Without the Sun of Heaven, and without the protection of the emperor-level supreme Taoist body, this blow you No doubt he will die."

   Tianxu's master's eyes were even more ruthless, a supreme energy machine directly enveloped Ye Chen who had escaped the sun from the heavenly path, and his form and spirit were blocked, and there was no way to struggle.

   Here, you can clearly see that his palm flicks, soft and waveless, as if it is the most ordinary slap, but it makes Ye Chen feel terrified, and even has the ultimate sense of crisis that the body and spirit will explode.

   He knew that this was a supreme blow. Once hit, the body stronger than the chaotic body will inevitably disappear, and it will not survive.

   The reincarnation of the great emperor in the wasteland and Emperor Hunyue could not be rescued.

   is too far, and I can't break free immediately.

   The world is terrifying, the invincible ruler of the kingdom of heaven, who has crushed the world for a hundred years, is it so vulnerable to the Lord of the Tianxu?

   "That's fine, it can resolve the conspiracy of the Lord of the Tianxu, this chaotic body of the Eucharist is also considered to be consummated, but unfortunately, I can't reach the true peak on the road of chaos."

   Ye Chen's deity sighed, but it was also decided that the Origin Universe in his body was also ready to burn, and with all his strength, he had to make a few drops of blood from the Lord of Tianxu.

   But inexplicably, there is a kind of heartbeat, hundreds of millions of chaos and ancient energy burning on his body, ignorant and unconscious, shouted: "Yuanshi!"

  The Godless Art of the Time and Space Emperor!

   The time and space magic that reverses everything!

   reaching the level of Ye Chen's deity is naturally more terrifying and amazing, almost reversing everything in the world, circles of invisible time and space ripples spread out layer by layer, and the ripples covering all places are time and space reversal.

   It’s just that the Lord of Tianxu said indifferently: “Fighting Saint King, it’s useless, you are indeed very powerful, but this emperor is far more powerful than you.”

Indeed, the lord of the Tianxu is a great emperor-level existence, the supreme is incomparable, and the ripples of time and space spread to him, although it envelopes him, but he cannot let his figure traject back in the original direction, at most it can only pause for a little bit. .


   is that little bit!

   This is also unprepared.

   The palms are still coming, and the emperor’s blow will crush the 33rd heaven!

   All this is enough for Ye Chen.

   There was such a pause, and Ye Chen disappeared with a scream.

   did not merge into the heavenly sun, but entered the palace of the emperor's sky, so that the emperor light sky curtain did not actually block the slightest.

The Lord of the Tianxu finally changed his He had a bad premonition, and suddenly shot, sacrificing the imprints of the emperors in his body, and also caused the five forbidden areas to re-burn and turn into a majestic force to resolve Heavy emperor light sky curtain.

   Within a moment, he was once again more than half of the hall.

   After a while, when the five forbidden zone dominator Xingshen burned to a point, he finally penetrated the emperor light curtain and completely entered it.

   "Battle Saint King, no matter what you have, it's useless."

   "The destiny left by the emperor belongs to the emperor after all!"

The lord of    Tianxu roared angrily and rushed straight into the palace of the emperor's peak.


   came fast, retreated faster.

   There was a loud noise, and the Lord of the Tianxu was blasted upside down, but he quickly stabilized his figure, looked at the Emperor Lingxiao Hall gloomily, and sighed: "Who shot this emperor?"

   The supreme supreme Qi machine is rippling, and it is also awe-inspiring.

   can knock him back, can only say that it is the same supreme emperor-level existence, can do it.

   In the Palace of Emperor High Peak, is there an ancient emperor?

   "I, your lord!"

   A voice came from the Emperor Lingxiao Hall. It was very calm and could not hear many waves, as if there was no wave in the ancient well, but it was so shocking.

  Because the words contain an unknown amount of mighty power, resounding through the heavens.

   The Lord of Tianxu opened his eyes, pierced through the sky in an instant, and saw all kinds of things in the Palace of Emperor Ji Lingxiao.

   On top of the seat, the emperor of heaven is dependent, it is an afterimage of his endless years.

   but weird, but vaguely, like a person.

   That man, very young, yet handsome, unable to provoke the slightest flaw, like the most perfect man in the world.

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