Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3521: The alien race again

   The Great Alien took action personally, showing the supreme mighty power that overwhelmed the heavens. He vigorously penetrated the immortal barrier between the upper and lower realms, pierced a passage, and caused an infinite army of aliens to rush into the lower realm.

   The alien crisis that was resolved only a hundred years ago reappears in the lower realm.

   And this time, it was more terrifying than it was a hundred years ago.

  Because this time, there was even the participation of the alien emperor, who personally led the alien army into the lower realm.

   Ten Thousand Realms, Eight Realms, panicked extremely.

   The Great, that is the supreme supremacy of the world, who can rival it in this world?

   You must know that Ye Chen, the ruler of the heavens, is in retreat, and the afterimage of the emperor has disappeared. Who can compete with him in this world?

   Hunyue Emperor is not good either. After all, he is just Emperor. Although there is a word "Emperor", but in real terms, there is a big gap, even if he holds the Supreme Emperor Soldier, he cannot be an opponent.


   In the two-world passage that was penetrated, a long river of years was looming, rushing out countless pieces of time.

   Here, the shadow of the emperor of the alien race is infinitely large, as if covering a large universe, the heavens and stars appear, ten thousand tremors, and are stepped on the foot, showing the unique style of the Supreme Emperor.

   The infinite supreme emperor trembles the eight realms of the ten thousand realms, and all the heavens and the ten thousand realms tremble, almost about to be exploded.

   At a critical moment, the sun of heaven and sun recovers on its own, maintaining stability in the eight realms of the world.

   However, the alien emperor did not really descend to the lower realm, because the heavenly sun repelled, and the heavenly sun, which swallowed the remains of the tenth emperor and the alien emperors, was incredibly powerful, deriving incomparable power of heaven, making the arrival of the alien emperor extremely difficult.

   On the other hand, in the passage between the two realms, a majestic and peerless domineering figure lay across, burning with infinite gold, **** and powerful, smashing all realms, holding an euphorbia, smashing thousands of ways, and fiercely fighting against the foreign emperor.

   The King without Phase!

  He appeared, preventing the alien emperor from coming to the lower realm, showing the supreme power of the world.

Although he does not know the true supremacy, his strength is no less than that, because he has set foot on the path of eternity from the immortal monarch realm, and he is also the eternal emperor, but he is more powerful than the emperor in the early days. It is not as simple as advocating, but can be truly peaked. war.

   Fighting and fighting the saints of the line of the supreme to use the holy method of fighting, it is simply reversing the time and space, shattering all the ways, killing the figure of the foreign emperor will tremble, the blood of the emperor is flowing, and it is impossible to truly descend into the lower realm.

   At the same time, behind him were many powerful men on the side of the Pangu universe, colliding with the alien army who was about to descend to the lower realm, and fighting together.

   Ten thousand realms and eight realms, all are concerned.

In the Sky City, although the goddess and the others also wanted to help, both the alien army and the army led by the unphased king were in the two-world corridor, surrounded by the long river of years, and rejected by the sun. They rushed to join the war. , It is easy to be rejected by the heavens and the sun.

   At present, it is not time for them to leave the Eight Realms of Ten Thousand Realms.


   Ten Thousand Realms Eight Realm Great Array, the two realms channel almost exploded.

Another great emperor appeared, still belonging to an alien race. He was like a cage in a dark universe with boundless magic light, and the emperor came down, holding the supreme emperor's army, and slammed the unphased king. , Let’s take a look at the situation of your heavens and ten thousand domains. The Prisoner’s Prison has been opened. Are you sure you can leave now?"

   There was a message that made the goddess and others gloomy.

   Prisoner Heaven Prison was opened!

   It is rumored that it was the land of the **** of heaven that suppressed the most terrifying group of fiends since the ages, and even the supreme emperor of the alien race was suppressed in it.

   Now that the Prisoner's Prison is opened, does it mean that the upper realm is in trouble?

  The figure of the unphased emperor did not retreat, the supreme emperor continued to shine, one person contended against the two great alien emperors, and his voice was spread throughout the heavens and worlds: "I believe in the emperor, and you, can't come to the lower realm, go!"

   With a loud roar, the unphased king used taboo methods to smash the heavens and forcefully break the two realm passages, completely blocking the two ancient emperors of the alien race from the eight realms.

   As the passage between the two realms collapsed, it seemed to vaguely hear the angry roar of the alien emperor.

   However, the alien race did not return without success. A chaotic world passed through the gap between the broken passages of the two realms and fell into the eight realms of the universe.


   The chaotic world shattered, and thus rushed out countless powerful alien figures, headed by three alien monarchs, and dozens of alien monarchs, and there were countless strong under the kings.

   The monstrous magic light directly flooded the entire universe.

   "A courageous alien, dare to actually descend into the lower realm, do you really think I have no one in the lower realm?"

In the city of the sky, the goddess’s beautiful face was full of icy colors, and his aura was terrifying. He immediately ordered: "The powers of the heavenly kingdom are obedient, and I will fight the alien races with me today, vowing to exterminate all alien races, and completely expel them. Eight realms."


Below   , countless heavenly powers responded in unison, sweeping the entire Primordial Heavenly Realm with their immense prestige, pointing to the alien army in the Eternal Realm.

   At the same time, the emperor Hunyue awakens, and the emperor's prestige is slowly revealed.

   Ten mythical emperors, the emperor's heavenly power is looming, and the supreme emperor's soldiers are located in the dark.

   Hundreds of nations and thousands of religions, looking at the universe from the distance, awe-inspiring fighting spirit.

  Before returning to the upper realm, the war no less than a hundred years ago was on the verge...

   Time passes, another fifty years have passed.

   During the fifty years, the goddess and others led the kingdom of heaven, called on the powerful from the eight realms of the ten thousand realms, besieged the entire realm of the universe, and fought fiercely against the alien army that descended on the eight realms of the ten thousand realms.

   I have to say that the power of the Eight Realms of Ten Thousand Realms is far beyond the imagination of foreign races.

   I thought that under the leadership of the three great emperors and dozens of primordial kings, the eight realms of the ten thousand realms would be destroyed and decayed, and they would be swept away.

   But I didn't expect the Eight Realms of Ten Thousand Realms to be so strong.

   They were even turned and were firmly suppressed in the realm of the universe, unable to leave.

   I don't know what methods these people in the lower realm of Pangu universe used to make the surroundings of the universe completely sealed off by the rules of immortality.

   But it can only be so tightly.

  Because the overall strength of the alien army is not bad at all, the peak level strength has reached the three emperors.

   If it weren’t for the other party’s back to Pangu Universe, there was Hunyue Emperor, there were many Supreme Emperor Soldiers, and the number of peerless kings was also a lot, etc., otherwise, how could they be trapped in the territorial realm?

However, during this period of time, they contacted the upper realm, and the ancient emperor spent a large price, and briefly penetrated the barriers of the two realms, descending on the lower supreme emperor soldiers, and even the emperor-level forbidden ancient soldiers, preparing to penetrate the rule sky. Pass, go deep into the Primordial Realm, and deal an absolute heavy blow to the Eight Realms of Ten Thousand Realms.

   The goddess and others received the relevant news, immediately changed their colors, went to the rule heaven, preparing to face the most difficult battle after the Great Fortune War.

   But they didn't alarm Ye Chen who was in retreat. They didn't want to alarm Ye Chen as a last resort.

   At the same time, the heavenly sun, which has been silent for many years, fluctuates.

   On this day, Ye Chen, who has been in retreat for many years, awakens!

  PS: There is more, wait a moment.


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