Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3525: Did you forget me?

After a few conversations with the elders of the heavenly kings in the inner courtyard, Zhang Fan looked at Ziqiong again, nodded and smiled, with a very ordinary face, but with a special charm, such as the spring breeze, and smiled lightly: "Zi Sister Qiong, just now you said who is a stranger, you have never seen it before."

Hearing Senior Brother Zhang Fan inquiring about herself personally, Zi Qiong looked ashamed. Just as she was about to point to Ye Chen, Zhang Fan's face turned abruptly, and she immediately looked towards the place of the Eastern Sky, including several other elders. So, his face was serious and solemn like never before.

Zhang Fan's face was full of surprises: "He's coming!"

"he came?"

Who is he?

Many students in the inner courtyard, including Zi Qiong Ju, didn't understand the sacredness of "he" in Zhang Fan's words.

Ye Chen also looked over, showing a smile: "Indeed, that little guy is here too."

A ray of light swept across the outer courtyard and entered the inner courtyard directly at an alarming speed.

The ensuing and even the vast blood energy that trembles the world, almost make this world flood and explode.

In the Kuzhou College, the sky is shaking, and countless students can't bear the pressure, panic and stiff, not daring to move at all.

"This, this is"

Even many elders in the academy were shocked. This kind of power is far superior to the heavenly king, making it difficult for them to contend.

At the right time, the Supreme Elder of the Great Power Realm was alarmed, soaring into the sky, exuding mighty power, and resisting the vast expansive vitality, an old voice came slowly: "Kuzhou College welcomes His Royal Highness Huanghu to come here. "

An elder of the Great Power Realm appeared in person.

Wild tiger!

In the name of those who can hear it, the entire Kuzhou College is all boiling.

Countless students were even more excited and no less than meeting Zhang Fan in person.

Huanghu, the peerless Tianjiao of the Huangdi clan of the time, is rumored to have learned from the master of the contemporary heaven and obtained his guidance. He cultivated himself and surpassed his predecessors.

He is the same as Zhang Fan, the twin stars of the ancient land of desolation are all called peerless arrogances, with unlimited potential, not to mention the gods, even the legendary quasi-kings and even the ancient kings are expected to be climbed.

"Hahaha, when I visit here suddenly, please don't blame the elder."

The divine light exploded, and the endless blood boiled between the world, and the wild tiger laughed.

He is quite burly, more than one foot tall, like a savage, wearing a simple animal clothing, showing a burly and majestic figure, it can be described as stunning.

Although he was still a young generation, his appearance made the elders of the Great Power Realm of Kuzhou College look like an enemy, and he didn't dare to regard him as a younger generation.

In this world, no one knows how terrible this wild tiger's strength and background are, and few people in the world can afford it.

We must know that the ancient kingdom of the desolation is unparalleled and prosperous today, and there are two immortal dynasties that are known as the most powerful in the world.

Because an ancestor of the former desert emperor returned, and even the former ruler of the heavens, later evolved into a life forbidden zone, which is extremely powerful, a contemporary peerless king.

Over a hundred years, this peerless emperor has led the Huangdi clan to become stronger and stronger. The powerful within the clan have emerged in large numbers, and the bloodline is prosperous. Even the Huangjinwang has become a quasi-king. The original patriarch in the imperial clan has also become a divine king, and the rest of the elders are all It is expected to achieve God King Realm.

Huanghu, the peerless Tianjiao of the Huangdi clan who is rumored to be comparable to the emperor and emperor, has also become a generation of great power in just two hundred years.

Now, he has been placed high hopes by the Huangdi Clan, and he has the hope to prove that he will become an emperor.

Because that was a Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao, a true emperor and child-level figure, Huang Xu personally accepted as his disciple to teach.

In this world, he vaguely has the prestige of the next generation of the patriarch of the desert emperor. The world guesses that within a thousand years, he has the hope of becoming an ancient king.

Because this kind of Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao should not be taken lightly, such as the mistress of the kingdom of heaven and the ruler's heirs, who have reached the level of the ancient king in the millennium.

It can be said that even if Huanghu first stepped into the power realm soon, but that peerless Tianjiao is far from the general power.

Even if many veteran players can face the wild tiger, they dare not say that they can match.

"His Royal Highness Huanghu made a serious statement. It is too late to welcome me from Kuzhou College." The elder Tai Shang said with a wry smile.

At this time, Zhang Fan greeted him, hugged Huanghu heavily, and laughed: "Brother Tiger, you are here."

The words are cordial and the address is different, obviously the relationship is extraordinary.


Huanghu hugged Zhang Fan hard, only to see Zhang Fan's bones crackling in his majestic arms, almost torn apart.

Zhang Fan broke free and slammed his fist on the opponent's shoulder, clanging like a gold stone, staring, "Damn, you want to strangle me."

That majestic figure made Zhang Fan speechless. The Xiong Hug just now felt like he was about to be hugged to death by the other party.

There is no way, Huanghu is too strong, it is Huangdi clan, and it is a body-refining stream. The physical body is so powerful that no one of the same rank in the world can match it, and its strength is extremely strong. It is really unattainable.

Huanghu laughed loudly: "You guy is weak."

Zhang Fan stared: "Go away, you think everyone is as invincible as you are."

Huanghu laughed more and more, his laughter was deafening, with an arrogant color: "It wasn't me who said that Huanghu is invincible in this world, but few people dare to fight me close."

Everyone was awe-inspiring, but did not refute.

Everyone knows that the strength of the wild tiger is not weaker than that of the emperor, the emperor, and the heirs of the fairy dao. The strength of the flesh is even unparalleled in ancient and modern times. The powerful soldiers can be broken and broken. Even the princes and daughters of the mythical emperor clan would be extremely jealous when fighting against him.

"Oh, is it so?"

Suddenly, a voice that seemed to be smiling but not smiling broke the silence.

Everyone looked over, especially Zi Qiong and others, frowned because it was Ye Chen who spoke.

"who are you?"

The elders of the heavenly kings and the elders in the inner courtyard slightly glanced at their eyebrows, because they had never been impressed by this.

Zhang Fan gave a stunned sound, but felt that this person was very familiar.

Huanghu was pleasantly surprised at first, but his eyebrows also wrinkled slowly.

Both felt that this person was familiar, but that feeling became stranger as they watched.

At this time Ziqiong narrowed her eyebrows lightly: "This is His Royal Highness Huanghu, you can't offend at will, don't step back quickly."

Beautiful eyes flowed, but they repeatedly signaled Ye Chen to retreat.

Although Ye Chen was born and even had some unpleasant things with her just now, she did not want Ye Chen to be blamed by the wild tiger.

What kind of person is Huanghu, the most outstanding young generation of Huangdi clan, with a very high status, even if he is not a **** king, he is a figure who is equal to the **** king of the ancient country.

If you offend Huanghu, few people in this world can help Ye Chen.

This little girl is kind-hearted.

Ye Chen nodded slightly in his heart, but ignored him, silently, came to Huanghu, and smiled: "Little guy, have you forgotten me?"

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