Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3542: Integrate with heaven and sun, quasi-giant

It’s a pity that, as the ancient emperor of the prison said, Ye Chen could hardly get the upper hand under the collision of the supreme class. On the contrary, with the passage of time, the ancient emperor of the prison quickly grasped the rhythm of Ye Chen's fighting, and even found out The corresponding defect.

Finally, in the twenty-eighth round, Ye Chen's figure collapsed and flew, and the supreme-level power collapsed, and the trident pierced his abdomen.

If it hadn't been for two supreme-level forces to protect him, he would have been crushed by his true strength.

"Battle Saint King!"

The powers of the Pangu Palace exclaimed, Wuxiang King, Xuanshen Great, and Taichu Emperors all frowned, naturally seeing the shortcomings of Ye Chen, and sighed, but they were helpless.

Because this kind of combat consciousness and combat experience can't be compensated by mastering two supreme-level powers, but a corresponding realm can be achieved.

If this continues, Ye Chen will undoubtedly lose.

"As expected to be the ancient emperor, I underestimated it."

Ye Chen sighed, but immediately his eyes became more brilliant and prosperous: "But, even if you can control the power perfectly, you should not think that I only have this power. I am not afraid to tell you today. Power is far from what you can imagine."

"Heavenly Sun, come!"

With a loud shout, echoed across the heavens and domains.

I saw from the passage of the two realms, an unimaginable round of bright sky suddenly appeared across the sky, and the vast ray of light illuminated the entire universe, and the power contained was much more powerful than the previous phantom of the heavens.


As soon as the real heavenly sun came out, the ten thousand ways of the entire heavens and tens of thousands of domains immediately boiled up, the heavens resonated, and waves of mysterious and profound stalwart power emerged.

At this moment, the five ancient emperors of the alien race all changed their colors.

As the supreme, they felt the terrifying place of this round of heavenly sun more clearly than anyone, and the power contained in them was far superior to them, and even vaguely sensed that they belonged to a foreign race. The breath of the ancient emperor is not only one or two, but even more invincible alien giants looming.

This is how the ancient emperor can sense it.

"Impossible, the ancient emperor of the ancient universe of our world, and even the supreme giants exist, how can there be some energy to dormant in this heavenly sun?"

The five ancient emperors of the foreign race changed their colors and thought of bad things.

"What a powerful Heavenly Dao Sun, it really completes the tenth day of the incomplete and new Pangu universe..."

The eyes of the three Supremes of Pangu Palace flickered, and they knew some inside stories better than anyone.

Ye Chen called for the heavens and the sun to come across the sky, and the incomparable power of the heavens descended on the world, and it also straddled the foreign land and resonated with the origin of the Pangu universe.

At this moment, the Boundless Demon Realm in the foreign land, all the demon energy was burnt and transpired, and it was continuously turned into blue smoke, and it would disappear into the world.

The foreign land is being quickly purified.

At the same time, the powers of the alien races were greatly suppressed, and their combat power dropped suddenly!

The majesty of the heavenly sun is fully demonstrated.

"The ancient emperor of the prison, I have to admit that the Supreme is truly invincible in all directions, but you also have to understand that the strength that I have just shown is only part of all my strength, and now it is the embodiment of the strongest combat power."

"Heaven is complete, I am the tenth day!"

Long drank, shaking the past, present and future, and the years are about to emerge.

Tiandao Sun suddenly broke into the Supreme Realm under Ye Chen's summons, and then directly sank into his body.


Suddenly, Ye Chen, who had merged into the real queen of heaven and sun, instantly increased the vitality of his whole body, skyrocketing frantically.

Such an increase was beyond imagination and even shocked the ancient emperor.

The entire supreme realm was trembling, terrifying, and even more revealing the supreme realm, and transmitted to the heavens and tens of thousands of realms, the power of horror echoed in the sky, rumbling, and thousands of peerless visions appeared.

And at the moment when the Qi Ji skyrocketed, Ye Chen also had hundreds of thousands of Heavenly Dao Qi, completely submerging him, as if he had completely transformed into a Heavenly Dao.

After I don't know how long, the skyrocketing Qi stopped slowly and reached a whole new height.

"This is the tenth day that complements the incomplete Heavenly Dao of the Pangu universe. It is also called the Heavenly Dao Sun. More than 150 years ago, the Supreme Dao 10, who swallowed the ancient universe of another race, also melted the myth. In the Pangu universe, the ancestors of the alien giants Shenluan and the corpses of many alien great emperors, therefore, the power contained in the new tenth day is enough to match the quasi-giant-level."

Ye Chen spoke slowly, with Tianxian in his mouth, and his voice could surpass all directions, making all souls surrender.

After fusing the sun of the heavens, his energy is better than in the past, and every pore is gushing with infinite energy, and it also gathers the power of the heavens.

The Heavenly Dao Sun, which swallowed the remains of Dao X and other emperors, is too powerful, far superior to the supreme. Looking at the Chaos Sea, it is second only to the strongest emperor, the fairy king and other eternal giants, so it belongs to the quasi-giant level. .

"Quasi-giant-level power!?"

"I made a mistake. The Saint King of Fighting Battle actually had no choice but to obtain the Heavenly Emperor's good fortune in the lower realm, and let the descendants of the mythical emperors appear, condensing the new tenth day, turning into the heavenly sun, and even devouring the tenth emperor. There are so many remains of the ancient universe emperor of our world, even the emperor of the ancestor of Shenluan Emperor."

"I really didn't expect that after the Great Emperor Qingtian entered the ancient universe of our world, Pangu universe could actually condense a new tenth day!"

"The quasi-giant-level power is enough to sweep everything, and the supreme can't compete!"

"Although I waited for the Supreme to be comparable to the Dao of Heaven, it was nothing more than the Dao of the Ordinary Chaos Ancient Universe. As one of the strongest Chaos Ancient Universes, the tenth day of the Pangu Universe was even higher than the nine heavens. !"

The discoloration of the emperors of the foreign races is not as simple as doubling their strength, but several times or more.

In the face of absolute power, even the supreme combat consciousness and combat instinct of Xeon Invincible, it may not be able to exert much effect.

The difference between the strengths of each other can still be used to reverse the situation, but if it is more than several times, the gap will be too big.

What's more, the fighting consciousness and fighting instinct of the fighting king is the top, but it has brought a certain gap in the realm, but with the supplement of the quasi-giant-level power, it can be improved in all aspects and forcibly upgraded to the supreme level.

Especially the ancient emperor of Zhen Prison was the first to bear the brunt, facing the greatest crisis, the incomparable Heavenly Dao Qi machine rushed to his face, and the ancient emperor who was as powerful as him also felt that his body was about to split.

This kind of feeling, I don't know how many tens of thousands of years, or even more than an epoch.

The last time I felt this way, perhaps it was when I faced the real supreme giant in the battle against the myth of the Pangu universe.

I never thought that now, after almost an epoch, I will feel it in a younger generation.

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