Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3550: 3 ways

During the period, many famous doctors or alchemists in the heavens and ten thousand domains all came on their own, hoping to awaken the fighting sage king and resolve the injuries, but unfortunately they came with hope and left with disappointment, all expressing no way.

Indeed, even the ancient emperors such as Wuxiang King and Profound God Great could not exist, so what else could others do.

"Ye Xiaoyou was seriously injured in a coma, the power of the Heavenly Dao Sun was too overbearing, and it has been fused for a long time, and it has penetrated every inch of the flesh and even the soul, and cannot be expelled. Otherwise, if it is expelled forcibly, it will be destroyed."

"On top of that, the final blow of the Great Emperor Wanyan is also a big problem. It contains the supreme emperor of the quasi-giant level, which cannot be expelled and resolved."

The Emperor Profound God spoke, but the ancient emperor was as wise as him, but there was nothing he could do.

Tiandao Sun originally belonged to the new tenth day of the Pangu Universe, and the power of Tiandao was exceptionally strong. What's more, it swallowed the remains of Dao X and other emperors, including the corpse of the eternal tycoon, the ancestor of the gods. The power of heaven is too strong, and it is even better than the Great Perfection emperor realm.

Otherwise, if they were replaced by other supreme levels of power, how could they have nothing to do with the great emperor.

And it's only Ye Chen. Because of the legacy of the emperor, or the approval of the heavenly sun, he can be integrated for such a long time. Otherwise, he will be replaced by someone else, not to mention that the emperor will be the first to explode. It cannot be completely contained.

What's more, there are the sequelae of the final blow of Emperor Wanyan.

"If you want Ye Chen to completely recover, there are only three ways to do this." The Wuxiang King said.

"Which three methods?" Yi Wu and the others were surprised, but soon it was seen that the three supreme expressions were solemn, and their hearts suddenly sank. Most of them were not easy.

as expected--

"The first method is to ask the giants of the ages to take action. The existence of such a reversible chaotic time and space is enough to expel all the power of the sun in Ye Chen's body." Wuxiang King said.

The eternal giants have unparalleled methods, completely above the supreme, the power of the heavenly sun is only at the level of the quasi-giants, and naturally has the ability to resolve it.

It's just that the Pangu universe is huge, but there is no existence at this level. Otherwise, how can foreign races dare to invade this world.

Hearing that, everyone was a little disappointed.

"The second method is the fruit of Immortal Emperor Medicine. The fruit of Immortal Emperor Medicine condenses the essence of an era of Emperor Medicine, which is enough for the ancient emperors to live their second lives in the dead."

The Immortal Emperor Medicine is a priceless treasure that the ancient emperor and the Supreme Immortal would be crazy about. It can make them reborn in the dead and live out the second life. It is conceivable how precious.

Throughout the ages, all supreme masters of the Emperor Undead Medicine have basically used this to make a final transformation, and the Forbidden Army is the supreme giant level in the most terrifying life and death realm.

As long as you master the Emperor Undead Medicine, there is a little hope that you can break the shackles and rise to the eternal giant.

It's just that the emperor's medicine is so precious. Throughout the ages, the masters have basically been in the eternal giants, and there are only a handful of other supreme masters.

Ye Chen had indeed received the Immortal Emperor Medicine from the Heaven-defying Warlord, but unfortunately, the fruit of the Immortal Emperor Medicine had long been refined by the Great Emperor Profound God, before returning to the state of the Great Perfection Emperor.

"The third method, tenth-order pill!"

The tenth-order pill, surpassing the ninth-order, these pill is also called the emperor pill to some extent, can resolve the supreme injury.

It is a pity that the tenth-order emperor pill is so difficult to make, not only requires a lot of medicinal materials, but also is rare in the world, even the tenth-order alchemist cannot find it.

Alchemists of this level are too rare. They are known as pill gods. They need not only the peak of alchemy, but also their own realm high enough for refining.

Generally speaking, only those who reach the supreme level are qualified to become a pill god.

It can be said that the Pill God exists, and looking at the entire Chaos Sea, there are only a handful of them, not to mention that no one can be found in the Pangu universe.

What's more, it is extremely difficult to refine the tenth-order emperor pill. It is not to find the medicinal materials and the pill god, and it may not be guaranteed to be refined.

Now, if Ye Chen wants to recover completely, it is either the undead emperor medicine fruit, or the tenth-order peerless pill refined by the pill god.

Unfortunately, at the current stage, both are hard to find in the world.

"I killed the little friend Ye Chen. If it weren't for me, the little friend would definitely be saved."

The Emperor Profound God is quite self-blaming. At the beginning, it was Ye Chen who gave him the fruit of the Emperor Undead Medicine for refining, allowing him to return to the peak of the Dzogchen Emperor Realm. Otherwise, if Ye Chen is injured today, he will inevitably use the Undead Medicine Recover directly.

"Great Emperor, you don't need to blame yourself. No one thought of this, and Yue would not blame you if she knew about it." It was the goddess who comforted the Great Emperor Profound God. After all, no one wanted to see this matter.

The Great Emperor Profound God turned and left, and said firmly: "I will think of a way. My Pangu universe is extremely prosperous in the era of mythology. There must be a way for Ye Xiaoyou to recover."

The King of Wuxiang sighed softly: "It's a pity, the emperor is sleeping, otherwise, with his patience, he might not be able to resolve the wounds of little friend Ye Chen."

The Emperor of Humanity, who was the reincarnation of the reincarnation of the eternal giant, is now in reincarnation, and this life is in the awakening stage, and the strength displayed is obviously better than other supreme.

With the emperor's ability, it may not be impossible.


With the passage of time, the foreign land of the year was gradually purified and returned, and there was the traversal of the heavens and the sun, making the heavens and the universe of the universe more prosperous, and the cultivation environment was better day by day. , Is the Supreme Tianjiao also born a batch.

However, Ye Chen was always in a deep coma.

His injury is in a relatively balanced state, no longer getting worse, but it has never recovered.

Chaos Tianfu, the powerhouse of heaven always guarded him, and Ye Chen was also added as the fifth palace lord by Pangu Palace.

During the period, the two human supreme princes, Emperor Wuxiang and Emperor Xuanshen, came from time to time to conceive and raise with their own supreme essence and blood, hoping to restore their state.

I have to say that this is indeed a feasible method. The Supreme Essence and Blood are extremely precious. Especially under the personal guidance of the two, Ye Chen's injury has also been relieved to a certain extent, and he is slowly developing in the direction of improvement~ But looking at the situation, I don’t know how many tens of thousands of years it will take to really get better. It’s very slow, but it is better than nothing.

Time passed by, and soon, twenty years passed.

This year, Ye Chen finally recovered.



"Battle Saint King!"


Everyone was pleasantly surprised, calling like this.

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