Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3553: Longhuangyuan, Wanyu Mansion's request

"I have seen Senior Human Sovereign, Wuxiang Ancient Ancestor, Xuanshen Great Emperor, Taichu Senior, and Golden Crow Great Emperor."

Ye Chen stepped forward to salute. Although he was also the Master of Pangu, he was still very humble. He never surpassed the salute of the younger generation. Many people secretly nodded in appreciation.

If ordinary people had such identities, the tail would have long been raised.

"Little friends are not acceptable."

The Emperor smiled, very gentle.

Ye Chen's heart trembled, and only at close range could he feel the unfathomableness of the Emperor.

Although it is known to the outside world as the supreme, many people know that the real identity of the emperor is most likely the reincarnation of the reincarnation of the mythical era, who has been reincarnated in this era.

Now the strength is better than the average supreme, and it is amazingly powerful.

What's more, the emperor actually awoke at this time, which shocked him.

Over the years, why the Emperor suddenly fell asleep has always been a mystery.

The Great Emperor Jin Crow was naturally also extremely powerful. His emperor was restrained, wearing a golden robe, like the rising sun, completely restrained, but so unfathomable.

"My little friend has not been seen for many days, I didn't expect you to reach such a position." The Great Emperor Jinwu sighed. Although you knew Ye Chen's extraordinary many years ago, and you witnessed his promotion to God King in those days, it was only three or four. After a hundred years of absence, he actually reached the level of the Primordial King.

We must know that when we met for the first time that year, he was nothing more than a mere magnate.

It took two or three hundred years to leap from the power to reach the level of the Primordial King. I have to say that this level of promotion is really amazing. It is rare in ancient and modern times, and even many supreme young ages could not do it.

"The predecessors have been rewarded, and now the juniors are just a waste."

Ye Chen smiled bitterly.


The Emperor Jin Crow didn't know about Ye Chen's situation, and Wang Chuan Yin explained the situation in detail, making the former shocked, but he didn't pay attention to it. Now he felt it carefully and found that it was indeed the case.

"Little friend, although I am not a giant of the ages, I was lucky enough to have a half-footed foot. Maybe there are some ways." Jinwu Great said.

Hearing this, everyone was pleasantly surprised, perhaps the fighting saint king was saved.

"After waiting some time, I can try it." The Great Emperor Jinwu said.

"Junior thank you senior first!"

I just stepped down. Although there are some questions I want to ask, it is not the right time yet.

The feast is very lively, and there are top powerhouses from all sides, that is, most of the current emperors have come, and the ancient kings have also come over a hundred. There are naturally countless kings, even the familiar Yan Shen etc. Extremely prosperous.

"Palace Master Ye!"

At this time, someone came, it was a group of people from the Dragon Phoenix Academy, and the leader was Dean Longhuang, the elders who had Dean Longhuang, and there were leaders in the world.

If there is no such thing, there are still a few unfathomable old antiques in the dark. They are almost dead and withered, as if they are going to step into the coffin at any time, but they are extremely terrifying, and one is more evil than the other.

As they approached, a few terrifying old antiques looked at Ye Chen with a ray of light, and their hearts trembled.

"Well, there are quasi-kings, and even the strongest at the level of Primordial Kings."

Ye Chen's eyes swept over, and he immediately noticed the cultivation base of these old antiques, which was considered an amazing lineup.

Then I thought about it, after all, the Dragon Phoenix Academy is also regarded as one of the best immortal heritages in the heavens and tens of thousands of domains, and there have been more reincarnations from the Dragon Phoenix Academy in the past. It is normal to have this background.

Sure enough, Dean Longhuang took the initiative to introduce that several old antiques are the foundation of Longhuang Academy. It is not the old dean who abdicated in the past or the former super elder. They are all old antiques who are born out of the world. They are very old. The major events that will shake the academy are basically in the deepest level of cultivation or slumber, so the cultivation is very strong, at least the quasi-king, and one person has reached the level of the ancient king.

Even if you look at the world, it is definitely a very strong lineup.

It is a pity that the blood is dry, the lifespan is not much, and it is only worthy of reaching the level of the king.

Facing Ye Chen, who was in the ascendant period of human body and full of vitality, there was a kind of natural awe, which secretly shocked the power of this famous fighting king.

Even though the current Ye Chen was severely injured, his combat power still possessed a level beyond ordinary monarchs.

Ye Chen is polite: "Senior."

Dean Longhuang smiled bitterly: "Old man, how dare I be called senior by you."

Over the years, although he has been diligent, he is still only at the level of the **** king, and there is a world of difference from Ye Chen, who is absolutely strong among the standing kings.

What's more, he was still the fifth palace lord of Pangu Palace, a peerless figure who could sit on an equal footing with the four supreme humans.

"Senior is polite." Ye Chen said with a light smile, not at all aloof as the Lord of the Pangu Palace, very approachable and very friendly.

Behind Dean Longhuang, is the top leader of the young generation of the contemporary Longhuang Academy, looking at Ye Chen with bright eyes, feeling excited, as if one day there is a chance to face the world's strongest arrogant fighting sage up close. king.

At the same time, Yi Wu, the goddess and others also came and met Dean Longhuang.

Dean Longhuang could see the family of the saints fighting and fighting in front of him. Thinking back to the golden age when the young generation was striving for glory hundreds of years ago, the strongest were only the saints.

Hundreds of years have passed. I never thought that such an earth-shaking change would have taken place. The little saint of the past is now one of the world's most powerful overlord of the universe.

Slightly embarrassed, the two sides talked a little, and the relationship between each other was also much closer.

Ye Chen also learned a lot.

Dean Longhuang went straight to the point: "Fighting Saint King, I'm here this time. I want to ask for some pills, but I will pay enough."

He mentioned that although the old antiques in the Dragon Phoenix Academy are still alive, the years are too long to survive in a few years. He hoped that Ye Chen could help refine a few pills and prolong the life of the old antiques.

In particular, I feel the special nature of the world. Although the alien races that invaded the Pangu universe were all extinct, the alien races still exist, and they are as prosperous as ever.

The Dragon Phoenix Academy hopes to have enough strength to guard it.

Then it was mentioned that the Dragon Phoenix Academy holds some of the relics left by the ancient emperor ~ including the strongest emperor, which may be useful to Ye Chen, and can be used as a reward to let Ye Chen understand.


Ye Chen promised that the senses of the Dragon Phoenix Academy were not bad, not to mention that the emperor's traces were still useful to him.

Not long after, Wanyu Mansion, another top-level training institution of the Heavens and Wanyu, also came. With the same purpose, he might promise to give similar rewards. It also holds some places of imperial relics, and even ancient emperors of the mythical era. Relics.

At the feast, Ye Chen looked like the sun, and all parties were very polite. Even the emperor was never proud of it. He was very polite. It made the world marvel at the status of the fighting saint king, beyond imagination.

Half a day later, a sound transmission fell into the sea of ​​consciousness.

"Little friend, go"

That was an address given by the voice of Emperor Jinwu.

Ye Chen left the Human Palace alone, and then stepped in, stepping into the depths of the endless starry sky.

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