Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3577: The emperor?

"Wushuang, you did a good job, and I am very pleased to be a teacher."

Ye Chenxu helped Yan Wushuang get up, patted him on the shoulder, and saw the tiredness between his brows. It must have been difficult for these years to rely on himself.

Yan Wushuang smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Tu'er has failed Master's expectations. This time I run for the position of patriarch. In a fair situation, Tuer will naturally have confidence, but if the main line of Yan Gushen asks Jiuxuan Ancient Ancestor to speak, he can speak Who will be the head of the patriarch?"

Even though he has shown great skill and talent for cultivation over the years, no matter what, he is inferior to the right to speak of an ancient king.

"Don't be discouraged, you have done a good job." Ye Chen comforted, and smiled immediately, "And as long as the ancient ancestor of the Nine Profounds does not interfere, will you have the confidence to get the position of the patriarch."

Hearing this, Yan Wushuang was so clever, he immediately heard the cryptic meaning in Master’s words. She has been a high-ranking authority for many years. At this moment, she can’t help but feel a little agitated, saying: "Master, please rest assured. The other side veins in the emperor clan were tied to the chariot one by one, and they couldn't tolerate their repentance. As long as it is fair, Yan Gu Shenzong is the master of the vein, and he is definitely not an opponent of the disciple."

"Very well, in that case, I will help you once as a teacher this time, and completely control the Jiuyan Emperor."

Ye Chen said, "Take me to the emperor realm of the Jiuyan Emperor Clan."

"The disciples obey orders!"


Although Jiuyan Emperor Star is an ancient emperor star controlled by Jiuyan Emperor Clan, in fact, on the ancient emperor star, there still exists an emperor realm exclusive to Jiuyan Emperor Clan.

This kind of emperor world has generally not been opened in the past years, even the generations of patriarchs in the past are basically on the emperor star.

In recent years, with the advent of the golden age, the Jiuyan Emperor Clan opened the emperor realm.

The emperor realm is no less than the emperor star, and it is even more unbreakable. After all, this is the original emperor realm of an ancient emperor in the past.

In the emperor realm, the important powerhouses of the imperial clan that were sealed in the past are also sleeping, and now they are gradually awakening in the golden age, making the Jiuyan emperor clan more powerful than before.

The magnificent Heavenly Palace lay across the imperial city in the center of the emperor realm. On this day, Yan Wushuang directly summoned all the senior emperors of the emperor to open the highest meeting.

In the heavenly palace, many high-ranking figures of the imperial clan appeared one after another, at least the powerful generation, and there were many **** kings who gathered in the heavenly palace.

The senior emperors were all unusual for Yan Wushuang's sudden meeting.

Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to hold such a major meeting.

"Yan Wushuang, why did you suddenly convene a major meeting and call many high-level clan members to come. I really thought you were all idle people like you. If you don't give an explanation today, I'm afraid it was you, the clan chief candidate. All qualifications must be given to the ancient ancestor of the Nine Profounds, just strip it away!"

At this time, an elegant middle-aged man appeared at the gate of the Tiangong, who looked like a spring breeze, but there was a gloomy flash in the deepest part of his eyes. He was obviously a not easy person.

He smiled coldly, just as threatening when he opened his mouth.

On the seat of the gods, Yan Wushuang opened his sleepy eyes and did not answer. Instead, his eyes swept across all the senior emperor clan leaders present, and said lightly: "This major meeting is held, and there is only one purpose. I, Yan Wushuang, propose here, patriarch. The election will begin now!"

As soon as the words fell, the whole hall was in an uproar.

Even Yan Gushen who came here was also shocked, never expected this scene to happen.

The patriarch election will begin soon?

Isn't this Yan Wushuang crazy?

You must know that it will be at least another ten years before the election of the patriarch really begins.

However, a touch of surprise appeared on Yan Gushen’s face. Yan Wushuang hurriedly started the patriarch election, and did not give other imperial clans a buffer time at all. It might arouse their dissatisfaction. Greatly advantageous.

Sure enough, when Yan Wushuang's proposal came out, it caused dissatisfaction among many senior emperors in the palace and blamed it.

Yan Gushen even coldly snorted: "Yan Wushuang, you really treat yourself as a person. Start when you want to. You are not the patriarch. If you really make you the patriarch, what would you do?"

As soon as this remark came out, many senior emperors who were on the side of the main line agreed.

Even the high-ranking emperor on the side frowned. The current situation is very unfavorable for Yan Wushuang's campaign for patriarch.

Yan Wushuang looked at the opponents blankly and said: "I know everyone is opposed to it, but I'm sorry. Although I am proposing that the patriarch election will start immediately, it's just a cut-off for you. What you need to do , Immediately vote for me Yan Wushuang."

Hearing this, Yan Gushen sneered: "Yan Wushuang, I am afraid that you want to be a patriarch and want to be crazy. Why do you want everyone to vote for you?"

"It's me."

Silently, Yan Wushuang twisted in the void around him, and walked out a perfect figure like Dai Wushuang. His black hair was like a waterfall. His every move was full of absolute beauty, but his expression was indifferent.

The high-ranking emperors in the hall were suddenly shocked, even if they had never noticed this person's appearance, he was definitely a powerful person.

But at the same time, he was also angry. Yan Wushuang actually brought a stranger into this place. It really deserves death.

At the moment, an emperor elder standing on the side of Yan Gushen yelled: "Yan Wushuang, so courageous, dare to bring outsiders into my Jiuyan emperor clan. The eligibility of this patriarch to run for the emperor will be immediately removed, and This person must die."

Even the many emperor elders on Yan Wushuang's side frowned.

Yan Wushuang is wise in the daytime. Otherwise, how could he have gone from a small country prince to this point, but today he seems to be irrational, acting so stupidly that they really can’t figure it out, but it also makes them faint Some repulsion.

Yan Gushen even stepped forward, the mighty **** king over his body was overwhelming, pressing on the perfect person, and coldly snorted: "No matter who you are, I dare to appear today in my imperial family. Inside the ground will definitely die."

"Let me see who dares to touch my master with a single hair!"

Yan Wushuang stood up, full of heroism, but with immeasurable power, carrying the power of the **** king, no less than Yan Gushen.

In his body, the power of the majestic emperor's blood was surging surging, and there were waves of turbulent waves, deafening.

The power of this emperor's bloodline can be said to be one of the best under the emperor's son.


Everyone was shocked, they had never heard of Yan Wushuang and a master.

Now that I think about it carefully, Yan Wushuang can step by step from a small country prince to the position of controlling the power of the emperor, probably behind this mysterious master.

Moreover, this person is extremely young, not much older than Yan Wushuang, who is sacred and perfect temperament, not to mention Jiuyan Emperor Star, even in the land of the universe, he has never heard of it.

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