Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3584: Hunch

The barrier of the universe is stronger than the Supreme Being unable to penetrate, and has the blessing of the origin of the universe.

Through the barriers of the universe, Ye Chen could vaguely see the outside world and even the endless chaotic sea.

"The Sea of ​​Chaos——"

By his side, Lord Bingyan also came, sighed slightly, with some emotion.

Although he is the overlord of the starry sky of an era, dominating the starry sky for many thousands of years, but he has never left the ancient Chaos Universe, and he can only see the Chaos Sea through the barriers of the universe like this. He is curious and hot, hoping to conquer this boundlessness. Chaos sea.

The Chaos Zone is also quite vast, and many times it is the best place for some Xeons to face off, so many Xeon traces are often left behind.

Walking in the chaotic zone, Ye Chen witnessed a lot of battlefields of the strongest, and also discovered that the world was born.

This world of heaven and earth can be called the pure land of chaos. It can be inherited from the heavens and the earth. Compared with some important star regions in the center of the universe, it is no different, and it can give birth to extraordinary talents.

In fact, Ye Chen did find several people in these chaotic pure land. Their talents were so amazing that they approached the Supreme Tianjiao.

It’s a pity that the world of Chaos Pure Land is isolated from the outside world. The proud people of these heavens also sit in the well and watch the sky, thinking that there is only this realm in the world, and the strength is not very strong, and the cultivation method is much rougher, so they have not really become the supreme arrogant of the tenth heaven. It's just getting close on the threshold.

Ye Chen shook his head. Without relying on himself, if he became the Supreme Tianjiao with the help of foreign law, his future would be limited and he would be greatly restricted. If he became one, he would have the hope of becoming a Dzogchen Supreme comparable to the emperor, the emperor and the heir of the Fairy Dao. Tianjiao, it is hoped that the Dao will become emperor in the future.

Of course, he was just watching the flowers, traveling as a bystander, and did not intervene.

During the period, Ye Chen discovered that in these chaotic pure land worlds, there are many treasures of heaven, material and earth, and even medicinal spirits. The medicines are very old, often tens of thousands of years, even hundreds of thousands of years. Rare.

It's a pity that people in the Pure Land of Chaos don't know much about it, and because of the guardianship of many fierce beasts, there are so many.

Monarch Frozen was also amazed. Although he had been to this wild chaotic zone on the edge of the universe, he didn't stay for too long, so he didn't find anything. Only now he discovered that the chaotic zone is not simple at all.

After traveling, Ye Chen collected a lot of elixir.

During the period, he discovered a magical medicine of chaos. It was not simple. It was a legendary chaos fruit, containing part of the power of the chaos source, which was extremely suitable for chaos cultivators like Ye Chen.

It can be said that the rarity of these Chaos Dao Fruits is no less than the **** pill of the 9th-order peak.

According to deduction, Ye Chen knows that this chaotic fruit has been conceived for three million years and has not yet matured. It is because the chaotic energy in the chaotic zone is not pure enough. Otherwise, this chaotic fruit will mature in millions of years. Alchemy can become the main medicine of the tenth-order emperor pill and resolve the wounds of the emperor.

Ye Chen took the shot directly, picked it, let it take root in the small chaos universe, and released the origin of the Sisi universe, allowing the chaos Tao fruit to grow faster.

"This trip to the Chaos Zone is a good harvest. I have discovered such a chaotic Dao Fruit. If the eternal magnate will not be able to resolve the injuries in my body in the future, it may be possible to use the mature chaotic Dao Fruit to resolve it." Ye Chen nodded with satisfaction.

Growing in the small chaos universe, because of the power of the origin of the universe and the purest ancient chaos, the growth of the chaos Tao fruit will be greatly accelerated. It will mature within a hundred years!

A lot of extraordinary magical medicines were also discovered during the period. Although there are terrifying creatures born in the chaotic zone, they even have a level of quasi-kings, which is amazing, but under Ye Chen's absolute force, they are all one. One smoothly picked.

In ordinary years, the supreme will not come out, and the primordial emperor can dominate the ups and downs of the universe, not to mention the peerless emperor Ye Chen, who is invincible.

It took some time during this period to smoothly refine all the chaotic magical medicines into a 9th-order magic pill, which belongs to the 9th-order high level. Once it appeared, it was accompanied by various amazing world and earth anomalies, which caused a great shock in the chaotic zone.

Moreover, the **** pill is extremely extraordinary. Once it appears, it is accompanied by a high level of mental intelligence. It is like a real creature, not wanting to be taken, directly controlling the majestic power of heaven and earth, and even mastering the rules of the great road, soaring to the sky, and wanting to leave.

Ye Chen lifted his eyes slightly, his face didn't change color, and he could easily grasp it with his hands. It was pressed into a real medicinal pill, overflowing with billions of colors, so unique, he swallowed it directly.


The Ninth-Order Divine Pill, the entrance melted, and the immeasurable medicinal power contained in it was immediately flooded with his limbs and corpses, once again causing the power of the Heavenly Dao and the Sun in Ye Chen's body to dissolve part of it, and even transformed into chaotic divine power, making Strength has grown again.

When the ninth-order **** pill was successfully refined, at this time, his injury not only eased a lot, and his strength returned to the eight million rule level.

It can be said that even if it is closer to the Nine Heavens King.

The Nine Heavens King, the strength is about 12 million Dao King rules.

This kind of strength is absolutely worthy of being able to travel proudly in the Chaos Sea.

During the period, other Chaos magical medicines collected in the Chaos Zone were used to refine the corresponding 9th-order God Pill, which was swallowed by the Ice Flame Monarch, resolved the injury in one fell swoop, and returned to the peak period of the past. It also belongs to the level of the eighth heavenly peerless emperor, but Compared with Ye Chen, there is a huge gap, and the strongest combat power is only the rule of 4 million kings.

Even so, it can be called the overlord of the starry sky, the world is vast, and it is difficult to find a few opponents.

After traveling through the chaotic zone, both of them have recovered a lot of strength, which is considered lucky.

Before they were about to leave the Chaos Zone, the expressions of the two changed, because just before their eyes, there suddenly appeared an imperial relic, or more accurately, a battlefield of the former emperor, which is so vast that you can't see the end at a glance. .

It can be vaguely sensed that there have been ancient great emperors who have fought There are more than two or three people, and a world-shocking battle has erupted, as if it sank the heavens and the world, and dragged endlessly. Stars.

Looking around, there are an astonishing number of world wreckages here, stretching thousands of miles, like a land of the sea.

Even, there are many majestic superstars that travel for hundreds of millions of miles to collapse and fall, and even the emperor world is also disintegrating and dying here, it is unimaginable.

"This is an amazing battlefield. Even if the two ancient emperors are fighting, it is difficult to achieve this step. I feel that there were many supreme emperors in this place in the past."

The terrifying battlefield of the Great Emperor made the two suspect that half of the universe was destroyed here.

Just accidentally traveled through the Chaos Zone, but found such a terrifying Great Emperor-class battlefield, buried in the Chaos Zone.

I am afraid that there was a supreme existence who wanted to conceal some terrible secrets of the past.

Especially Ye Chen, his heart trembled faintly, he had a special premonition that this Great Emperor-class battlefield had a certain relationship with him.

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