Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3622: Horn of the Great

The terrifying world of Nine Nether Prisons was torn apart and disintegrated continuously.

Even if the seven Star Overlord-level corpses inside were reorganized under the hands of the two emperors, they were not infinitely reorganized. Each reorganization required a portion of the energy of both, which would cause great harm.

But in order to deal with the fighting king, the two had to do this.

It's a pity that Ye Chen didn't give them a chance to fight back. His fist made a sensation and directly tore open the universe.

With a punch, a full 108 divine light heavenly dragon flew out, swallowing the world, and biting away the great world of Nine Nether Hells.

A corpse of the level of Primordial Kings exploded continuously, and the blood mist splashed and fell into the blood sea below.

This terrifying world of Nine Nether Prisons was silent, unable to stop Ye Chen from the slightest.

He was too powerful, and he was not a figure that the two emperors could stop.

"Smash it."

Ye Chen attacked and directly tore open the big world of Nine Nether Prisons, and the sun, moon and stars appeared in front of him. When he raised his hand, he grabbed a piece of cosmic starry sky and turned it into the palm of his fingers, shining brightly toward Nine Netherworld. The prison world is just slap out.


With a terrible loud noise, the Nine Nether Prison World finally couldn't bear it, and it exploded completely.

The two great emperors suffered terrible and severe injuries directly, their aura languished for a long time, and the origin was also severely injured.

Ye Chen reappeared and waved his sword.



The next moment, the palm knife slashed into the air and fell on them.

All were cut open, blood blooming.


The two emperors frightened, so powerful, just like the first emperor, unmatched.

This is the emperor, the real emperor, the unsurpassed generation, detached above the primordial emperor.

Even if it seemed that the third emperor envoy, the tenth heavenly kings, could be so fragile and weak in front of Ye Chen, the emperor-level physical body showed incomparably powerful, like the most fully recovered emperor warrior, containing absolute power.

The great universe shook, the starry sky and the tens of thousands of people, all the various forces, all saw this scene in their eyes.

Although I had long understood that the emperor was peerlessly powerful and overwhelming the primordial emperor, I never expected it to be so strong. Just a face-to-face and a knife in the hand directly severely damaged the two emperors.

You must know that whether it is the third emperor or the fourth emperor, they are both the strongest among the starry sky hegemons, especially the third emperor, standing on the tenth heavenly level, standing at the pinnacle of the king's realm. At the level, it is not far from the emperor, and there is a great hope that he can break through and stand behind and set foot in the realm of the emperor.

Looking at the territory of the Primordial King, it is difficult to find many enemies in the world, and it belongs to the invincible king.

But the fighting saint king who became the emperor in the flesh was so fragile and vulnerable to a single blow, it broke the defense and broke two pieces.

But the world also understands that this is mostly due to the fact that the fighting saint king became the emperor in the flesh, otherwise, even if the realm emperor is very powerful, he may not have such invincible combat power when he first stepped on the emperor.

The emperor-level physical body is so powerful that it is beyond imagination, as if the whole body is an emperor's warrior, and even worse, the power it exerts is naturally much more terrifying.


The two emperors retreated in the first time and reorganized their bodies in the distance, slowly unifying the two-piece war body of the emperor, but the process was very slow, because the wound contained the power of the emperor, which seriously disturbed the two. The unity of the king and the fighting body.

Ye Chen didn't stop it, maybe he never put the two emperors in his eyes.

After the physical body became the emperor, his body was breaking the shackles all the time, opening the doors of the gods, the potential was unlocking, and it was constantly growing.

It can be said that after ordinary people become emperors in the flesh, it is basically difficult to go further, unless they prove that they become emperors, they can make their flesh become emperors.

But Ye Chen is different. He is a chaotic sacrament with unlimited potential. Even if he has achieved an emperor-level physical body, he can continue to grow and grow stronger without limits.

Perhaps one day, the Chaos Saint Body will reach the emperor level!

After all, the two emperor's envoys are extraordinary generations, after all, they have healed their wounds and recovered their integrity. They looked at Ye Chen with extreme fear and regarded him as a peerless enemy.

"Can't despise it anymore, let's offer other details."

The third emperor opened his mouth, somewhat helpless, but at this point, he didn’t have the slightest hesitation. He directly opened the world of kings in his body, and a horn appeared, which looked bleak, as if it had been handed down for several epochs. It is full of dense stamps of time.

"The Great Horn!"

On the other side of the distant starry sky, all the clan in the starry sky exclaimed that it was the horn left by the celestial soul when he ruled the universe. The ancient emperor personally sacrificed it. It belongs to the supreme secret treasure. Once the horn is sounded, it can crush the heavens. It was even more terrifying than the quasi-emperor war bow.

Ye Chen seemed to feel the extraordinary horn of the great emperor, and with a move, he rushed to the two great emissaries.


The third emperor’s expression dignifiedly blew the horn of the emperor, and there was a whining sound, and the invisible avenue ripples spread that is the sound wave, and even the sound wave of the emperor’s horn, extremely terrifying, The third emperor made the tenth heaven king blow, and the power of the sound wave was strong enough to easily smash the robbery overlord of the starry sky.

The endless sound wave power seemed to annihilate the starry sky in an instant, and then rushed to Ye Chen mightily.

It can be seen to the naked eye that with the sound of the emperor’s horn, the power of sound waves enveloped the vast starry sky, which is constantly collapsing down for hundreds of millions of miles, and even the nearby stars are constantly exploding, as if the most Beautiful fireworks are blooming.

Ye Chen's figure rushing past also stopped, and the infinite sonic power of the Great Emperor's horn overlapped and covered him.

This starry sky has long ceased to exist.

All the clan in the starry sky and all parties were shocked. It is indeed the great horn left by the emperor of the sky soul. In the early epoch, the emperor of the sky led an army to fight the universe. This horn played an important role in suppressing the clan of the starry sky and was invincible.

Now when it comes to use, even the existence of the emperor, the Saint King of Fighting, is blocked, and even looking at his figure, there is a sense of difficulty.

"Old fourth, now the Fighting Saint King is suppressed by the Great Emperor's horn, and he shoots the Emperor's bone arrow with the Emperor's bow, aiming at his forehead, and has a chance to shoot him." The third emperor blew the horn while facing the fourth. The emperor's emissary transmits sound.

"it is good!"

The emperor bone arrow carried it, and the terrifying power bloomed, slowly, the bowstring of the emperor's battle bow was pulled away bit by bit, gradually reaching the shape of a full moon.

However, pulling apart like this, there is no doubt that even the fourth emperor in the late stage of the Nine Heavens, it is extremely laborious, the forehead is full of dripping cold sweat, the breath is a lot of wilting, and too much spirit is poured into it like an emperor. Inside the bow.

After all, this is a war bow specifically aimed at the emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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