Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3706: The King of Blood

"Go back."

I saw the face of the emperor was enveloped in a mist, unable to see his expression, but his voice was very calm.

However, the ancient emperor of Chaos Burial Site sneered: "Go away? It's ridiculous, it's ridiculous, even if it's a quasi-giant, you still can't stop me and other 13 ancient emperors!"

A series of imperial qi machine, just like a chaotic primitive world is rioting, wantonly stirring the boundless chaotic sea, setting off billions and billions of turbulent waves.

The imprisonment of Huang Wei is unmatched by heaven.

Someone was separated by the emperor's formation, and the tenth emperor gate was still trembling, showing a sense of faltering.

It's not that the Tenth Emperor's Pass is not strong enough, on the contrary, it was built by several ancient emperors of the Myth Era, which is extremely stable.

However, the thirteen ancient emperors co-existed, not to mention the quasi-giants, it was the eternal giants who came and dared to fight at the top.

They face the Emperor, like a group of tigers eating a dragon!

The emperor is nothing more than a dying dragon waiting to be eaten by the tigers.

The Emperor of Humanity looked at the thirteen ancient emperors of the chaotic burial ground, silently, and symbolized the supreme imperial power of the heavens and domains. The Emperor’s Sacred Sword was unsheathed, and the world suddenly filled with the majestic aura of eternal grandeur, and said indifferently: " That being the case, let the emperor come to learn about the abilities of the thirteen ancient emperors of Chaos Burial Ground."

Taking one step forward, it has already crossed the human emperor's formation, appeared outside the Pangu universe, and also appeared outside the human emperor's formation.

"Well, since you are looking for death, don't blame me waiting for the group to attack!"

Facing a quasi-giant, the ancient emperors did not dare to be careless. Five of the ancient emperors stepped out, displayed supreme taboo magical powers, and killed the emperor.

The emperor’s expression remained unchanged, or no one could see his lineup, the emperor’s aura covered his face, only a pair of deep and wise eyes were exposed, sweeping towards the five ancient emperors, and said: "Eternal age is empty!"

In an instant, the five ancient emperors, and all the ancient emperors, all became empty.

The taboo magical powers belonging to the Samsara emperor can make everything empty, including the years, time, and the heavens.

According to rumors, in the era of mythology, the reincarnation emperor’s real body personally performed this trick "eternally empty", and it can even make the supreme existence become empty and vanish in an instant.

The five ancient emperors and the eight other ancient emperors who watched the battle were all discolored.

Such a taboo supernatural power is beyond imagination.

At this time, the human emperor also moved, holding the human emperor's holy sword, cutting through the sea of ​​chaos.

Between birth and death, only the Emperor Sword can cut through the long river of years and fall on the five ancient emperors.

The five great ancient emperors had terrible reaction power, and they retreated in the first place, but even so, this sword still caused the blood of the five emperors to splash, and there were sword wounds that were deeply visible on the body.

While facing each other, the five ancient emperors were defeated and suffered damage!

The two great ancient universes were shocked!

The human emperor's strength is so terrifying!

The five ancient emperors looked gloomy.

It is not that they are not strong enough, on the contrary, as the ancient emperor, the supreme is invincible.

What's more, the five ancient emperors joined forces, and they were quasi-giants who dared to make a fight, so why did they end in such embarrassment.

In the final analysis, he still looked down on the Emperor of the Pangu universe and was caught off guard by the opponent.

Eternity is empty, among the strongest forbidden magical powers of ancient and modern times, can make everything succeed, including supreme magical powers.

The Sword of Human Emperor is equally extraordinary. It contains the principle of no god. It can cut everything and everything, combined with the quasi-giant-class combat power, is invincible and unbreakable.

Due to various reasons, the five ancient emperors suffered a great loss.


In the tenth emperor pass, the guarding emperors and the powerful sigh lightly.

Almost let the five ancient emperors of Chaos Burial Ground cut in half.

Human Sovereign is very wise, watching this scene calmly, on the Sword of Human Sovereign, the blood of the five ancient emperors is flowing.

The reaction ability of the five ancient emperors was a bit unexpected. If it were a little slower, this sword would be enough to completely damage the five ancient emperors.

At this time, Chaos Burial Ground also found that the emperor was not easy to provoke. The other eight ancient emperors who were going to watch from the wall at this moment were all concentrating and no longer caring.

Looking at each other, the eight ancient emperors stepped forward and stood side by side with the five ancient emperors.

The thirteen ancient emperors stood side by side, each releasing the emperor realm and confronting the human emperor.

"Well, thirteen ancient emperors come out together. If the thirteen ancient emperors are waiting, the human emperor is far better than the average supreme emperor, known as the quasi-giant level, but it is impossible to deal with it."

The monarch guarding the imperial pass looked ugly.

The quasi-giant seems to set foot in the field of the eternal giant, far superior to the supreme, but no matter how strong it is, it is impossible to get much better than the supreme.

It is possible to fight against several ancient emperors at the same time, but the thirteen ancient emperors cannot handle the real eternal giants.





At this moment, the thirteen ancient emperors of Chaos Burial Ground shouted, killed together, and attacked the emperor.

It was not a random blow, the wind was light, but the strength of each was raised to the peak state, based on the Dzogchen Supreme Realm, and all aspects were strong to the extreme.

The infinite power of the emperor exploded the sea of ​​chaos.

Accompanied by it, it is even more terrifying attacking power, enough to annihilate everything, in the world, everything, who can stop it?

This blow, if it falls on the Tenth Grand Emperor's Pass, it will inevitably penetrate instantly.

The quasi-giant-level human emperor can't bear it either.

Facing the peak blow of the thirteen ancient emperors, the emperor once again displayed forbidden supernatural powers-eternal emptiness!

Suddenly, all the ancient emperors attacked, suddenly vanished!

However, the human emperor's figure trembled slightly.

Obviously, even if the thirteen ancient emperors' attacks were resolved, the human emperor was not without a price.

The thirteen ancient emperors naturally saw this, and sneered: "Human emperor, even if you are a quasi-giant and possess the magical power to resolve everything, what can you do? The emperor has to look at you and can bear the ancient emperor. How many times did you attack?"

"All the emperor and dao friends, take action together and kill him!"

The thirteen ancient emperors shot again.

The terrifying imperial attack fell like a violent storm, and the coverage was extremely vast.

The emperor wields the holy sword of the emperor, and the power of the quasi-giant class cuts off the emperor's path.

Of course, as strong as him, he cannot cut off all the imperial road attacks at once, and some terrifying attacks will still rush towards him.

The emperor can only avoid it.




In the rear, the brilliance of the Human Emperor's Great Formation of the Tenth Grand Emperor's Pass was gleaming and gloomy.

These ancient emperor attacks, although they were avoided by the human emperor, they revolved down and attacked the human emperor's formation.

Obviously, this is the ancient emperor of Chaos Burial Ground deliberately.

They are quite insidious, even if they are avoided by the Emperor, they will turn to fall on the great formation of the Emperor below, which makes the Emperor very restricted and dare not avoid it easily.





It was another round of crazy attacks by the ancient emperor. This time, the human emperor had only time to cut off half of the attack, and the other half fell on his body, causing his body to tremble slightly.

Vaguely, a smear of blood appeared on the face that was hidden by the imperial spirit.

The Emperor was wounded.

As powerful as him, quasi-giant-level existence, still suffered.

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