Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3709: Emperor

But the human emperor did not take advantage of the victory, because the other twelve ancient emperors were the more important ones. Once they were given a chance to recover, the consequences would be disastrous.

The Human Emperor Tower fully recovered, this eternal giant's army crashed into the past, and the most terrifying Samsara Emperor was surging, causing all the twelve ancient emperors who were expelling the Samsara Emperor to be expelled from the body, and the blood of the Emperor was constantly spilled.

Among them, the human emperor came to the most severely injured ancient emperor, swung the human emperor's holy sword to cut it down, and directly cut in half, severely injuring the ancient emperor, and the emperor's body and soul suffered the most terrible injuries.

Even if it can't be killed by a single blow, this sword contains a strong rule of reincarnation, which can deprive the emperor of vitality and cause its spirit to fall seriously.

It is very likely that it will be like the Profound God Emperor of the year, leaving permanent and heavy injuries, and the emperor will also be difficult to recover.


This time, the emperor chose to take advantage of the victory to pursue and actively target this ancient emperor.

Because other ancient emperors were invaded by the more powerful Samsara emperor, it is difficult to recover in a short time. At this time, killing an ancient emperor can more effectively disintegrate the power of the ancient emperor's lineup in Chaos Burial Ground.

"Human Emperor, you are looking for death, dare to kill the ancient emperor in my burial place, even if you become an eternal giant, you will never be overborn!"

The eyes of other ancient emperors were cracking, and they watched as the human emperor pressed the ancient emperor to chase and kill, the quasi-giant was far superior to the ancient emperor, and the human emperor's holy sword increased its combat power. Continuously turning and falling, thousands of weights in the blink of an eye, flooded the ancient emperor's burial site.

The blood was surging, and the emperor's blood continued to spill.

The ancient emperor at the burial site suffered the most terrible crisis in his life.

A quasi-giant shot with all strength, stronger than the ancient emperor, such as Dzogchen, and absolutely not an opponent. The emperor, which can be called immortal and inviolable for years, has also been torn apart and shattered several times.

In particular, the blessing of the eternal tycoon of Renhuang and Renhuangta is even more terrifying.


In the end, an ancient emperor in the burial ground, unable to withstand the ferocious offensive of the emperor, fell.

In the chaotic sea, infinite visions emerged, ghosts crying, howling gods, gods and demons roaring, the heavens wailing...

In the tenth emperor pass, the powers of the Pangu universe were excited.

Also shocked by the power of the human emperor, able to kill the existence of the ancient emperor, is worthy of being the invincible existence of the eternal giant in the previous life.


"Human Emperor, you dare to kill my ancient emperor in Chaos Burial Ground, no one can save you today!"

The other twelve ancient emperors of the burial ground roared, each of them tried their best to dissolve the Emperor of Reincarnation, and recovered. The heavenly spirit cover had an unprecedented emperor's energy rushing into the sky, sweeping the wasteland, and this moment came together to attack and kill.

Infinite and unstoppable.

The human emperor is holding the human emperor tower, transforming into a thirty-three major world, holding the human emperor's holy sword, attacking the past, and moving forward.

Boom boom boom boom boom

The terrifying emperor's battle is erupting in the Chaos Sea outside the ten-fold emperor gate. The terror is too much, even the slightest aftermath of the battle is enough to put the emperor in danger.

However, what is even more shocking is that the Human Emperor actually resisted all of it, and even had a faint sign that the twelve ancient emperors were buried in Chaos.

"Impossible, even if it is a quasi-giant, it is impossible to deal with the twelve ancient emperors such as me at the same time even if we hold the soldiers of the eternal giant."

An ancient emperor in the burial ground roared, unbelievable.

No matter how powerful the quasi-giant is, it is impossible to be so powerful. Human Sovereign should not be invincible to this point, and it is almost equal to the eternal giant.

However, the emperor in the ten-fold emperor pass secretly said: "His Majesty Human Emperor resonates with the Human Emperor Pagoda. The Human Emperor Pagoda is the Samsara Pagoda, the strongest weapon of the Samsara Emperor. His Majesty is the reincarnation of the Samsara Emperor and has received resonance. The power of the reincarnation emperor of the previous life is gradually recovering. It should be so, awakening the previous life, restoring the body of the eternal giant, and becoming stronger."

His guess is good, the human emperor resonates with the human emperor tower, and it is the power of the previous life that is gradually recovering.

At this moment, the emperor, the stronger the Vietnam War, the closer to the eternal giant domain.

What's more, he was already a quasi-giant. He held the soldiers of the eternal giants in the previous life. He had the same origin, and his combat power was even more amazing, infinitely close to the eternal giants.

At this time, at the infinite height above, the phantom of the universe in the chaotic burial ground always hangs above it.

At this moment, horrible fluctuations emerged, and there was a supreme presence.

His aura is especially superior to the thirteen ancient emperors, and is also inferior to the quasi giants compared to the human emperor!

"Jie Huang!"

Seeing this quasi-giant descending, the twelve ancient emperors at the burial site were in a sense of awe.

The strong is respected, let alone a quasi-giant, worthy of the awe of the ancient emperor.

The Emperor Ignored, and continued to fight against the twelve ancient emperors at the burial site. It is inextricably difficult to understand. The Emperor Tower above his head is hanging over the 33 major worlds, surrounded by nine heavens, six realms, and 18 hells, resisting many imperial attacks.

Even though he couldn't resist it completely, there were less than one-third of the imperial road attack that could approach him, and he was a quasi giant enough to resist.

With the swing of the Sacred Sword of the Emperor, you can make a decisive decision for eternity, destroying the world with the power of attack.

This is his invincible capital.

"Showing the big world in front of the emperor? Ridiculous!"

The realm emperor who descended from the cosmic shadow of the chaotic burial ground was shrouded in worlds after another, densely packed with thousands of them. At this moment, he hummed coldly, and suddenly the boundless power of the world fell and hit the human emperor fiercely.

It was not the power of the ordinary world, it was the power of the world's emperor, it was extremely terrifying, and it was also the power of a quasi-giant. It forcibly tore the thirty-three major worlds of the human emperor's tower to one corner, making the twelve ancient emperors more buried. Many attacks fell on the emperor.

The emperor's figure staggered slightly, and it was also beginning to suffer.

However, at this moment, the human emperor's eyes turned deep into fierceness. He actually gave up attacking the twelve ancient emperors, and instead killed the realm emperor.

In an instant, shuttled in an endless distance, the figure came to the front of the world emperor like a dream.


The human emperor, the human emperor tower, and the human emperor's holy sword are in one trinity, and the combat power burst to the extreme in an instant, bombarding the realm emperor, causing the quasi-giant who descended on the funeral site to retreat violently, with phoenix blood on his body.

That Human Sovereign Sacred Sword even cut off one of the Jiehuang's arms.

During the meeting, the quasi-giant at the burial site was at a disadvantage.

The twelve ancient emperors in the burial site were shocked They were the famous quasi-giants in the chaotic burial site. They were stronger than them and had the potential to become the emperor. They were crushed by the emperor and cut off the emperor's arm. Many emperors could not believe it.


When the emperor spoke again, there was always only one word, like a prophecy, to lock onto the emperor.

Swinging the Sacred Sword of the Human Emperor, the Tower of the Human Emperor fell under pressure, and the power of the thirty-three major worlds was blessed.

This was the strongest blow, and the eternal giants would frown if they encountered it.

ps: Recommend a book, title: "Hurry up and beat me" Introduction: My name is Ye Ning, I have crossed into a foreign world, I am panicked now, because I was given to by an old man...

Yin and Yang Taoist: Boy, don't panic, it's yours during the day and mine at night. I've made so many girls for you, why do you panic?

Ye Ning: "You soak up your hair, you nasty old man commits a crime, a shameless scum! You are voyeurism!"

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