Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3906: Eternal Dao Bing

"Battle Saint King, I will never die with you!"

Emperor Jiyuan roared, he could only watch all this and could do nothing.

Outside, Ye Chen made a fierce move to smash Jiyuan Huangzun's eternal Taoist-level war sword into many fragments, and shatter the war sword gods into pieces.

At the same time, he took the Heavenly Desolate Euphorbia which was also broken and shattered by the Wuxiang King, and felt the weak response from the Euphorbia Divine Divine Divine, and said: "Senior Tianhuang, I will let you be reborn!"


On this day, Ye Chen forcibly refined the giant war sword and smelted the Tianhuang Euphorbia.

And this kind of refining is almost no less than refining a real eternal Taoist soldier, which is more time-consuming than refining a giant armor.

During the period, he also continuously inscribed the next unfathomable chaotic runes, and the character of Infinite Emperor fell.

Thousands of years later, the giant saber was completely smelted, and the gods turned into a majestic spirit, which merged with the wild euphorbia to become a brand-new halberd.


The moment the refining was successful, the terrifying aura was rippling, rushing out of the Immortal King's Cave Mansion, leading to the immeasurable calamity coming.

The entire Pangu universe was trembling, and all parties focused attention and looked at the endless calamity in shock, making the supreme and even the quasi-giants fearful, belonging to the eternal giant level.

"Someone has become an eternal tycoon? No, it is still a short distance. It should be the sublimation of the Taoist soldier and become the eternal Taoist soldier!"

A supreme dignified way.

Until now, all parties in the heavens know who is refining the eternal Taoist soldiers, and it must be the fighting holy king.

The vast calamity is not enough to say that it covers the sky and the sun, because the enveloped area is too vast, more than half of the heavens.

Naturally, Ye Chen would not cross the catastrophe in the Pangu universe, but left the universe, in the sea of ​​chaos, so that the Tianhuang Euphorbia was baptized by the sky.

The catastrophe is endless and terrifying. It is much greater than the emperor's calamity of proving Dao Chengdi, and naturally it has also alarmed all parties in the Chaos Sea.

The supreme of the heavens looks into the distance, the quasi-giants are watching, and the eternal giants are also watching.

It can be seen from a distance that a simple and atmospheric euphorbia penetrated into the center of the immeasurable calamity, suffering the torture and baptism of countless majestic dragons, knowing that this will soon be an eternal soldier.

There are eternal giants almost ready to do it, because during the Bloodstained Era, they are as dangerous as they are. They don't want anyone to succeed in the sacrifice, and worry that a battle might occur in the future, which will threaten them.

Of course, I also hope to seize it and become my own.

One more eternal Taoist soldier also has a considerable increase in strength, so the eternal giant must also be moved.

However, when all parties saw that the cultivator was Ye Chen, the human chaos giant, they were silent at almost the same time.

Do you still have to shoot?

Not long ago, Ye Chen's fierce reputation spread far and wide, suppressing the foreign giant Jiyuan Huangzun, and even with one enemy three, without falling into the wind, retreating all over, showing an absolutely powerful cultivation.

Now, who dares to easily touch the mold and oppose this terrible evil.

Even the eternal giants are also quite afraid.

Alien ancient universe.

Ye Chen's offering to refining Tianhuang Euphorbia naturally shocked them.

The origin of the universe, an eternal giant opened his eyes from the ancestral temple, penetrated the boundary of the universe, and saw scenes of the Chaos Sea.

"What a fighting saint king, he dared to leave the Pangu universe alone and sacrifice the eternal Taoist soldiers. Doesn't this put my realm ancient universe in my eyes?" a foreign race supreme tycoon said coldly. The ancestor of the early Yuan Dynasty.

At first, watching Dou Zhan Sheng Wang retreat all over his body, making him extremely angry.

Now, seeing the Saint King of Fighting bye bye, there is a feeling that the enemy meets, especially jealous.

"He, is the key person in the Pangu universe, who is known as the strongest monster fighting saint king in the ages, who is equal to the emperor of heaven?"

There are also foreign giants who have fallen asleep for many years, and only really wake up in the blood-stained era. Some people are still asleep in the blood-stained era. If Ye Chen’s affairs in the alien ancient universe were not too shocking, I don’t know how many epochs they lived. The big giants are not necessarily awakened.

At this moment, Ye Chen, who was seeing the great halberd cross the calamity in the sea of ​​chaos, showed a strange look.

They could all see that Ye Chen was very young, or even too young. There was a special vigor in his blood, which was unimaginable.

A junior who had been in cultivation for more than a dozen or two hundred thousand years, had actually reached this point, and had entered the ancient alien universe and suppressed Emperor Jiyuan, what an evil spirit.

They are always ashamed of such eternal giants.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the emperor said coldly: "The fighting sage king has really grown up. If he continues to let him go, one day, if he reaches the status of the first adult and the emperor of heaven, what is good?"

When the words fell, the origin of the universe was silent.

The first generation and the heavenly emperor are truly invincible existences. Once the fighting sage king comes to this point, plus there will be a heavenly emperor in the Pangu universe and two chaotic sea invincibles, it is enough to fear the alien ancient universe, and even the entire alien ancient universe. The universe poses a huge threat.

Emperor Yuan Ding said: "Take advantage of this, the Saint King of Fighting Zhan leaves Pangu Universe and kills him."

At this time, Emperor Qingtian said indifferently: "I can't kill it, and even stuns the snake. The fighting saint king dares to come out alone and sacrifice the eternal Taoist soldiers in the chaotic sea. He will definitely leave with confidence. On the contrary, we will only waste no effort. "

The emperor snorted in the early Yuan Dynasty: "If this is the case, let's enter the Pangu universe."

"No." An alien giant interrupted and said: "If I wait for two or three giants to get in, otherwise, if there are too many, the primordial world will not sit idly by and will inevitably send troops to support. But two or three giants, Into the Pangu universe, not only can’t kill the fighting king, it’s even dangerous. Don’t forget that no matter the fighting king or the reincarnation of the reincarnation king, they are stronger than the general eternal giants and belong to the level of the first generation giants. ."

As soon as this statement came out, the origin of the universe fell into silence again.

Yes, once the eternal giants are dispatched, the prehistoric immortal world will intervene.

If not much, it will not threaten the Pangu universe.

On the contrary, they may even fall into unnecessary crises.

Fighting Saint King and Human Sovereign existed like giants of the first generation, and they were powerful without any doubt.

Fighting Saint King suppressed the Emperor Jiyuan, and left with one enemy and three.

The emperor's sword broke through the ages, making the three giants unable to break through for a while.

Undoubtedly the strength is strong!

In the early Yuan Dynasty, the emperor was a radical sect, saying: "It would be good to destroy the Pangu universe directly. Although the prehistoric world is strong, the ancient universe of our world is not weaker than it. I dare to intervene and go directly to war."

At this time, an early-generation giant was alarmed, and said in a deep voice, “It’s not easy to do this. Now I have not prepared for the ancient universe and cannot destroy the plan, and once this happens, the eternal giants that left the Pangu universe will be one by one. The return is actually very detrimental to our ancient universe."

When he spoke, the ancestor of the early Yuan Dynasty was silent.

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