Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3908: Retreat

"Dare to feed the Taoist soldiers with the blood of this seat."

The eternal giant who secretly shot coldly snorted, obviously very dissatisfied with Ye Chen's actions.

"More than just feeding on your blood." Ye Chen said indifferently. He stretched out his hand and grabbed the Tianhuang Euphorbia. This peerless soldier was born for battle. Under his hand, it bloomed with unprecedented war power and shocked the ages. Chop down.


The Heavenly Tribulation that had come to an end had all collapsed into pieces.

The quaint big hand was directly smashed down, with an immeasurable amount of blood and light, the chaotic sea that did not know how many billions of miles was destroyed, and the tribulation of the sky also collapsed a lot.

All parties exclaimed that Ye Chen had cut off a big hand of the eternal giant.

The large amount of giant Dao blood that has been spilled has never been scattered, and it is flowing backwards at an extremely fast speed, ready to flow back to the broken hand.

But the wild euphorbia is like an ancestor dragon, violently absorbing all the blood of the ancient Dao directly and violently.

Tianhuang Euphorbia drank more Dao blood from the giants, revealing an even more alarming ferocity, and screamed, as if to penetrate the eternal heavens.

The eternal giant snorted, suffered a big loss, gave birth to the heart of retreat, and immediately summoned the broken hand to leave.

But how could Ye Chen make his wish, Tianhuang Euphorbia directly pierced the simple big hand and nailed it in the Chaos Sea, making the big hand unable to leave.

Since he dared to peek at his things, he had to pay the price he deserved, and so did the giants of the ages.

"Battle Saint King, what do you mean? Do you want to make a complete enemy with this seat?" The eternal giant in the dark shouted, full of coldness.

"Make enemies completely?" Ye Chen coldly looked at a position, and said domineeringly: "Do you dare to be my enemy?"


The parties are silent.

What a fighting holy king, the sentence Do you dare to be an enemy of me, really domineering.

The eternal giant was also suffocated, very angry, but also extremely afraid.

Because this is not only a supreme tycoon, but also a madman-like taboo. He dared to enter the ancient alien universe alone, and suppressed the Emperor Jiyuan, retreating all over his body, and his name has long spread the Chaos Sea.

To be an enemy of such a person is simply looking for death.

In desperation, he had no choice but to retreat.

It's just that the quaint big hands can be restored in an instant, but the big hands that are reorganized and grown are not as good as the palms that have been tempered.

From the simple big hand attack to being cut and left behind, all this happened in an instant, and immediately after Ye Chen held the Tianhuang Euphorbia, he slammed into the other three big hands.

Perhaps because the original owner of the simple and big hand suffered heavy losses, these three eternal giants were all jealous, and immediately retreated, reducing their gaze.

Even so, a lot of eternal blood was left behind, which was swallowed by Tianhuang Euphorbia.

"Hmph, count your acquaintances." Ye Chen snorted coldly, and stopped attacking.

In the end, he looked in the direction of the ancient alien universe. It was a little strange. When he used the heavenly calamity to sacrifice and baptize a few warriors, the alien did not move.

He thought that the alien race had also sent several eternal giants.

Although a little puzzled, many twists and turns have been reduced.

One day later, the catastrophe completely ended, and Tianhuang Euphorbia truly became an eternal giant-level Taoist soldier.

The euphorbia is simple and unpretentious, showing a bronze color, without the slightest gold, but it is back to the original and more terrifying.

There is no doubt that this is a real giant-class soldier of the ages.

Especially after drinking giant blood, it is more psychic.

The Great Cauldron of Chaos, Battle Armor of Chaos, and Sealed Gate have also been sublimated to a certain extent.

"Little friend, thank you." Tianhuang Euphorbia's divine divine resurrection, and then it has been extremely sublimated, stronger than ever.

It also knew that Ye Chen was so powerful that he had not seen it for many years, and had become the supreme giant.

"Senior, you are welcome, please join me in the battle before the resurrection of Patriarch Wuxiang." Ye Chen said sincerely.

He refines the Heavenly Desolate Euphorbia into an eternal giant-level Taoist soldier. On the one hand, he has fought side by side with the Heavenly Desolate Euphorbia in the past, and this halberd can further increase his attack power.

On the other hand, the origin of the Tianhuang Euphorbia is closely related to the Wuxiang King. It broke through to become an eternal giant-class warrior. It can resonate with the Wuxiang King and share its vitality, which can further strengthen the true spirit of the Wuxiang King.

"Little friend, let's fight." Tianhuang Euphorbia understood Ye Chen's mentality, and was grateful, happy, and wary.

From now on, it will follow Ye Chen, and it will face a shocking battle at the eternal giant level, completely surpassing it at the supreme and quasi-giant level, making it somewhat awaited.

Ye Chen returned and entered the Immortal King's Cave Mansion.

The World Tree Burial Coffin leaves from the Immortal King’s Cave Mansion and enters the world of the gods of the Tianhuang Euphorbia. The majestic eternal giant-level Taoist soldiers resonate with their origins, and the vitality of the unphased king is more intense, and a ray of true spirit is hidden and strengthened. Signs.

During the nearly two thousand years of refining two eternal giant-class weapons, the Pangu universe has also entered a rare period of peace. The foreign races did not aggressively attack and did not dare to act rashly.

After all, the Pangu universe today is not what it used to be. First, the emperor recovered, and then the chaotic giant Ye Chen also returned against the sky, and the overall strength was greatly increased.

Especially a thousand years ago, Ye Chen smashed into the ancient alien universe alone, killing many supreme and quasi-giant and even suppressing the emperor of Jiyuan, retreating all over his body. It was because of the prestige and prosperity, no one in the huge Chaos Sea was willing to easily provoke this peerless great fierce god.

What's more, he has succeeded in refining the four great eternal Taoist soldiers, all in one, and he is even more powerful.

When Ye Chen was refining Taoist soldiers, on the other hand, he was also paying attention to the news of the goddess and others.

Even he couldn't deduct their departure. I am afraid they went to a secret realm of Chaos Sea or a place related to the eternal giant, which could shield his deduction to a large extent.

Being stronger than him is not omnipotent.

However, in the Chaos Tianfu, with their imprints of spirit and soul, still shining with flaming light, you can see that they are safe and sound, and it can be regarded as making Ye Chen slightly relieved.

So, it has gone through more than 10,000 years.

During this period of time, the Heavenly Dao of the Pangu Universe gradually recovered, and the ten thousand Dao gradually grew, allowing others to prove Dao and become emperor again.

In the past ten thousand years, although there have been many wars, they were not large in scale. The largest one only involved the supreme level, and there were none at the higher quasi-giant and eternal giant level.

Relatively speaking, this can be regarded as the rare peace of more than 10,000 years since the beginning of the Bloody Era of the Pangu universe.

This is difficult for other ancient chaos universes to have.

And taking this opportunity, the Pangu universe once again entered the golden age, various Tianjiao rushed to be born, a large number of the strong were born.

Ye Chen also preached occasionally, and the supreme and even the quasi-giants all came to participate.

Sometimes, the Emperor of War came in person to ask how to break through the extreme quasi-giant experience.

He stayed in the extreme quasi-giant for more than an epoch, and was unable to break through.

What's more, during the bloodstained era, the extreme quasi-giants are not necessarily safe, at least the eternal giant-level combat power is required.

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