Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3959: the truth

Suo Tianzun has been locked in by Ye Chen and has nowhere to escape. He looks at the three ancestors for help. If there are no three ancestors, he will undoubtedly die.

   After a long silence, the third ancestor of the Celestial Race said: "Yes, a quasi-giant soldier will make amends!"


   Several quasi-giant ancestors exclaimed, but the third ancestor shook his head, shocking the Celestial Race.

   Fighting against the Saint King, the Celestial Race bowed its head once again and made amends with the quasi-giant soldiers.


After the brilliance, a majestic light rushed from the depths of the ancestral secret realm, and appeared in front of everyone with a blazing holy light. It was an umbrella-shaped quasi-giant soldier, partly made of sacred platinum, but Some of them are made from the bones of the Supreme Being, which is very extraordinary.

The third ancestor said: "This is the Tianluo Umbrella. One of your ancestor Xiugusi’s Taoist soldiers is it. Although Xiugusi was killed in the Chaos Sea, the Tianluo Umbrella was also exploded, but it was sent later. In front of this seat, it has been repaired, which is regarded as a penalty."

The angel **** emperor took the Tianluo Umbrella, and the Tianluo Umbrella revolved, pouring down the infinite divine light, and there were countless quasi-giant avenue runes, and even some of the eternal runes were scattered, overflowing with wisps of eternal power, abnormal Extraordinary.

   Perhaps it is to feel the relationship of the same kind of blood, Tian Luo umbrella shows the meaning of closeness.

   The angel **** emperor was sad, because this was the quasi-giant soldier of Master Xiugus, and he never thought it would fall into her hands in this way.

   She looked at Ye Chen and nodded slightly.

   "Okay, this is the case!" Ye Chen said.

   Afterwards, the inheritance of Shugusi's great road was also handed over. The Angel Emperor took it and said to Ye Chen: "Brother Ye, thank you very much."

   With the great heritage of a quasi-giant, the Angel Emperor also has some hope of becoming a quasi-giant!

   "You and I are brothers, why thank you!" Ye Chen smiled, and the angel emperor Xiu Chen also smiled.

   Ye Chen did not leave immediately, but looked at the first ancestor, the crown of eternity appeared in his palm, and the nine colors were gorgeous, and said: "I want to know what secrets the crown of eternity contains?"

   There is no truly amazing secret, how could the Celestial Race easily go to the opposite side of his invincible giant.

   The three ancestors of the Celestial Race took a deep look at the Crown of Eternity, and they all had a heart.

   The first ancestor sighed slightly and said: "The crown of eternity is the holy thing of origin."

"I know this, but it doesn't seem to be of much use at the moment." Ye Chen frowned, and the sacred artifacts of the former origin not only did not connect to the place of origin, but instead led to the burial owner of the origin, triggering the advent of the chaotic sea blood-stained era, causing countless The creatures were disgraced. Over the years, the supreme, quasi-giant, and eternal giants have all fallen, and even the chaotic ancient universe has been destroyed by life, a real blood-stained era.

   But, what is the use of the eternal crown, a holy object of origin, now?

The first ancestor said: "It's not that it is useless, but that it has not been completely collected. Therefore, what you gathered on that day was not the real place of origin, but the original burial owner who was suppressed and exiled in the place of origin. Throughout the place of origin, it is necessary to gather all the holy artifacts of origin, so that the real path of origin can be constructed."

   Ye Chen condenses his eyebrows, is there any such saying?

   However, even so, the Crown of Eternity should not be the reason for the Celestial Race to offend him.

The first ancestor smiled bitterly: "The crown of eternity is not simple, let’s not hide it from the daoists. Many epochs ago, a stone stele was found in the Chaos Sea, recording the existence of'eternity', but there are other records. Rumors, the crown of eternity It is the crown of the only eternal Pangu, and perhaps contains the secret of eternity, so I did not hesitate to take the risk of offending fellow Daoists to seize this eternal crown."

   Everyone was surprised, the Crown of Eternity still has such great secrets, which is the crown of the Great Venerable Pangu?

Ye Chen looked down at the crown of eternity, but even if it was as powerful as him, he could not see the real secret of the crown of eternity. It felt like it was just a good emperor crown. The crown of the Great Lord?

   Putting away the crown of eternity, Ye Chen and his party left.

   He wants to leave, but the Celestial Race can't wait, and doesn't want him to stay.

   The three ancestors of the heavenly and human races also breathed a sigh of relief. Only the first ancestors here can compete against the Saint King, but there is no certainty of victory.

   Staring at the background of Ye Chen and others, Suo Tianzun's eyes showed a deep meaning of hatred, and he secretly said: "Battle Saint King, this seat will make you pay the price, for sure!"


   After leaving the secret realm of the ancestral land of the Celestial Race, the group went straight to the Pangu universe.

  On the way home, the angel **** emperor is a majestic and graceful, graceful and noble empress, who looked very peaceful, and said to Ye Chen: "Thank you for fighting the holy king."

   Ye Chen said: "Senior is polite, but you are Xiu Chen's mother, and even the ancient emperor of my Pangu universe, you can't see death without saving."

   The angel **** emperor smiled and said, "Even so, I still have to thank."

   The suppression of an era, breaking through the border, and even becoming a quasi-giant, is a blessing in disguise in a sense.

   also talked about the experience of these years, why he was captured and suppressed by the Celestial Race.

It turned out that At that time, the angel **** emperor became a rising star of the heaven and human race. At the same time, he was called invincible and defeated all his opponents. He was highly valued by the ancestor of Xiugusi and took him personally. Under the guidance of his disciples, he will finally prove the Dao Emperor.

Only that year, Suo Tianzun’s talented second son fell in love with the angel **** emperor who had just proclaimed the Dao. In the past, he was the ultimate opponent in the battle of the Dao. Although he was defeated, he stopped at the emperor, but fell in love with the angel. The **** emperor later invited his father Suo Tianzun to go to the door to propose marriage, hoping to marry the angel **** emperor as his wife.

   However, the Angel God Emperor did not agree, and refused, so he settled the complaint.

   Later, the second son went to the door many times to entangle the angel **** emperor. The angel **** emperor had just proclaimed that he became emperor. He was also young and energetic and refused many times.

   Perhaps the second son knew that he could not get the angel **** emperor, and finally turned into hate because of love, and once again took the opportunity to set up a trap against the angel **** emperor while Shugus was in retreat, hoping to seize the source of her emperor's way and prove the supremacy of the way.

   The angel **** emperor fell into the trap of many emperor killing arrays. After finally paying a heavy price to get out of trouble, he was also extremely angry and killed the second son who secretly attacked.

  In the end, the angel **** emperor and Suo Tianzun completely forge a **** feud.

   The death of the second son completely angered Suo Tianzun. Suo Tianzun was furious, severely wounded the Angel God Emperor, and nearly killed him. At the critical moment, Xiugusi was awakened and stopped, preventing Suo Tianzun.

   But in Suo Tianzun's rage, he wanted to kill the angel **** emperor anyway, Xiugus could only stop it, and eventually shocked the other six-veined quasi-giant ancestors.

  :. :

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