Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4033: Space chaos

The newest website: Ye Chen, it was originally that form and spirit were destroyed, only a little true spirit remained, which remained in the long river of years, lost all memories, only the ignorant instinct remained, after millions of years, he re-trained as an adult, and Restore the physical body.

Later, he returned to his true self by virtue of the last mark of the Great Dao ‘Permeating the Ancient and Modern’, which was given to him by Emperor Hantian, and also restored his memory. If he was to come back to life, he would be completely resurrected.

Even the Hantian Emperor, who had to go against the sky, through ancient and modern times, reunited himself from all ages, only in exchange for the strongest peak state in a short period of time, he would have to withstand the bombardment of forbidden sky thunder, let alone Ye Chen really came back from the dead, even more against the sky.

It should be understood that he is the half-step overlord, one of the most powerful invincibles in the Chaos Sea. If he wants to be completely resurrected, it is easier said than done, he will be targeted by the Chaos Sea's operating rules.

Immediately, the sky of taboo thunder fell on him.

Ye Chenli's skin broke and flesh was spattered, and his whole body was scorched and tattered. A lot of flesh and blood exploded, revealing the chaotic sacred bones that flowed in chaotic and immortal light.

After all, this physical body is just a body that has been re-trained by devouring and refining the flesh and blood and bones scattered here by the major giants over a million years, and it is still far less than the chaotic sacrament of the past, and it cannot really bear it. Hundreds of thousands of taboos from the bombardment of Thunder.

However, the Chaos Sacred Bone was still there, and the shining chaotic light circulated, even if the most powerful taboo thunder struck it, it was just clanging and never shaken.

On the contrary, with the help of this endless taboo sky thunder, Ye Chen re-tempered his body and activated the bone marrow in the chaos sacred bone, deriving a stream of chaos holy blood, transforming the body, and re-deriving the chaos sacrament.

The blood of the human body is derived from the bone marrow. As long as the Sacred Bone of Chaos is in, Ye Chen can continuously make the Holy Blood of Chaos come out, re-cultivating the Immortal Chaos Body.


With a loud shout, the infinite taboo Tianlei was brought in. This was Ye Chen's active traction, not passive anymore.


All the flesh and blood on Ye Chen's body and the bones of other giants exploded, turning into blood mist and bone slag, floating around, leaving only the chaotic sacred bones to depend on, sitting in the most central position.

At the skull, the chaos holy soul that Ye Chen had re-trained in millions of years was also there, like a ghost fire, but it contained quite strong soul power.

Especially, at the Primordial Sacred Bone, a large amount of soul power is constantly emerging from everywhere, majestic and boundless, it is amazing.

Looking closely, it was all the spirit power of Mo Daozi from the past.

In the past, Ye Chen dragged the Demon Daozi and fell together. How could he have thought that the majestic soul power of the Demon Daozi had been refined for some reason and buried in his chaotic sacred bone, and now he has been subjected to the endless forbidden thunders. It emerged and turned into the purest soul power, swallowed by Ye Chen, turned into the original soul power.

"Good life and powerful soul power, worthy of being a magician, a half-step overlord, not far from a true overlord."

Ye Chen was surprised and delighted, madly devouring this majestic soul power, the soul is growing rapidly, and quickly marching towards the peak of the past.

At the same time, while devouring and growing the chaos holy soul, he also dragged the infinite forbidden thunder to evolve into the most terrifying furnace of heaven and earth, tempering himself.

The flesh and blood on the original body was completely blasted by the taboo sky thunder and became the purest blood mist. It also carries the eternal principles and contains taboo attributes. Among them, the flesh and blood of other half-step overlords is here, impressively right. It is the flesh and blood essence of other alien half-step overlords such as Oyuan.

Based on the Chaos Sacred Bone, Ye Chen made a brand-new flesh and blood, and contained the characteristics of an alien half-step overlord.

At every moment, hundreds of thousands of taboo sky thunders fell madly, slashing Ye Chen's body fiercely, destroying flesh and blood again and again, but deriving blood and blood again and again.

Unknowingly, the flesh and blood gradually became able to withstand the bombardment of the taboo thunder, becoming more full and crystal clear.

Gradually, the flesh and blood ceased to explode. Even in the end, the taboo thunder fell on the body, and it was difficult to cause much damage. Only white marks were left. Even the taboo thunder was absorbed and transformed into divine power. , Precipitating in the body.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

With the help of forbidden sky thunder, Ye Chen forged the body, which was better than the hard work during the day. The flesh and soul became more and more immortal, showing a bright and immortal light.

In the end, without knowing how much time passed, the Taboo Sky Lei finally dispersed and stopped bombarding.

Not only because the time is up, but also because he knows that the continuous bombardment will hardly hurt Ye Chen, so Taboo Sky Lei also chose to disperse.


Endless blood rippling, flooding the river of years, shaking this special space-time dimension.

Ye Chen's body is perfect and flawless, and he can feel the power of the new body, no less than the Chaos Eucharist of the past, and even because of the regular power of other half-step overlords, the Chaos divine power is even more powerful.

He has a feeling that now facing the first generation giants, one punch is enough to cause a heavy blow, two punches are torn apart, and three punches can explode!

"So strong, the physical body is better than the past, it was perished in the past, misfortune and good fortune depend on each other."

Ye Chen was pleasantly surprised, such a powerful physical body was more than half the chaos of the past.

Moreover, under his immersion in his mind, he was pleasantly surprised to find that the small chaotic universe was not completely destroyed in that battle. On the contrary, because it burned to the extreme with the chaotic sacrament, only the chaotic small universe of the original seed of the universe was left. Completely fused with the chaotic sacrament.

The chaotic sacrament is the chaotic small The chaotic sacrament is the chaotic sacrament, two in one, regardless of each other.

"Unexpectedly, the Chaos Little Universe is still there. I really can help me." Ye Chen was surprised and delighted, feeling this physical body carefully, and whispered: "Chaotic Saint Body? No, maybe my physical body can be called it. It is a cosmic chaotic body, surpassing the previous chaotic sacrament, and further accommodates a chaotic universe. In the end, it evolves to be "I am the universe, and the universe is me"!"

He could clearly feel the power of the cosmic chaotic body, and in his gestures, he contained the power of a chaotic universe, and he also mastered the power of chaos. The combination of the two was beyond imagination.

However, because the small chaotic universe in the past was burned and annihilated, the cosmic chaotic body could not use much cosmic power, unless it waited for the inner universe to grow again and completely reached the point of complete chaotic ancient universe before it could be truly invincible.

Of course, even so, his physical body is still strong enough, after all, the physical body in front of him is no less than the former chaotic body.


Suddenly, Ye Chen sighed slightly and discovered a major flaw in the cosmic chaos body.

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