Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4061: The request of the fairy king

Immortal King Taiyu said: "Congratulations, I have thoroughly realized the origin of the last ray of Immortal Venerable, and I am qualified to be the thirteenth personal disciple of my father Donghuang."

Donghuang, in the past, received a total of 13 direct disciples, including Immortal King Taiyu, a total of three became immortal kings, five were quasi-immortal kings, and the remaining four were all supreme immortals. Donghuang taught his disciples how strong they were, and at their worst they were also in the ranks of supreme immortals.

Ye Chen said calmly: "No need to congratulate, I have no intention of becoming a direct disciple of the Eastern Emperor. The purpose of coming this time is only to get the Holy Tibetan Realm chapter of the Eastern Emperor's Sutra, and to fully understand the origin of the last immortal deity. It is just a small accident."

When this remark came out, countless people were astonished by it.

This son was too arrogant, and he didn't want to become a direct disciple of the Eastern Emperor.

You know, don't say it is the Eastern Emperor's Domain, even if you look at the entire prehistoric immortal world, there are countless people who hope to become the direct disciples of the Eastern Emperor, among them there are many immortal kings, quasi immortal kings, and supreme immortals.

Now, a little heavenly king actually said that he had no intention of becoming a direct disciple of the Eastern Emperor.

The Immortal King Taiyu was also stunned, which even he hadn't expected.

He knows how famous his father, Donghuang, is, even if it is a few epochs that he is wandering in Taixu now, it may even be impossible for the immortal soul to return, but no one would say that.

As long as he becomes a direct disciple of the Eastern Emperor, even if the Eastern Emperor is really unable to return, he and several other brothers will definitely take good care of Ye Chen and guide his cultivation, and the Eastern Emperor will become his biggest backer.

But now, Ye Chen actually didn't care about Donghuang's personal disciples.

I have to say that this little king is really big-hearted.

Immortal King Taiyu couldn't help asking: "Are you really unwilling to be a direct disciple of my father Donghuang?"

Ye Chen said, "I don't want to."

What a joke, he himself is enough to sit on an equal footing with the Donghuang, no matter how strong the Donghuang is, at most it is only a half-step overlord, no one is incomparable, and he can no longer guide him.

Everyone was stunned. They had never seen such an arrogant person before, and he was unwilling to become a direct disciple of the Eastern Emperor.

The corners of the Eastern Emperor’s Qingshan’s mouth twitched. No wonder he didn’t respect the Eastern Emperor’s Temple. He was a ruthless person. He was unwilling to become a direct disciple of the Eastern Emperor, let alone respect a temple.

The Immortal King Taiyu took a deep look at Ye Chen and sighed softly: "Well, since you are not willing, then this seat will not force you. But since you have thoroughly understood the origin of the last ray of Immortal Venerable, logically speaking, this It belongs to you, and we will not take it back, but I hope to ask you to help."

Ye Chen said: "Call the return of the Eastern Emperor's fairy soul?"

The Immortal King Taiyu said solemnly: "Yes, my father Donghuang is traveling Taixu, and the fairy soul is not there. I don't know where he has gone. I need this strand of the immortal sovereign's origin to call and guide his fairy soul back."

Ye Chen said indifferently: "Yes."

Immortal King Taiyu said: "Thank you. This is a favor that my Eastern Royal family owes you. As long as my Eastern Royal family can do it, I will do my best."

Ye Chen said: "Okay."

"My little friend, wait a while. I need to build an altar to call my father's fairy soul to return." Immortal King Taiyu said in a serious manner. A major ceremony is needed to call. You can call it if you want to, but this thread The origin of the Immortal Venerable is the most critical place, which can guide the place where the Immortal Soul of the Eastern Emperor is lost.

Ye Chen couldn't agree, and the Eastern Emperor was also suspected to be a half-step overlord. His return can also shock the ancient alien universe!

In this world, he basically opened up completely, because in the past, he faced off against the ancient alien universe, and basically brought out all the hidden giants and fairy kings of the ancient alien universe.

Even if the Mo Daozi was dragged by him to death, there are still three half-step overlords such as Ao Yuan, and I don't know whether there are half-step overlords who have never been born in the secret. After all, the background of the alien ancient universe is too unfathomable.

The blood-stained future cannot end here, the current prehistoric immortal world is already an ally of the Pangu universe, forming an alliance.

Naturally, the stronger the prehistoric world, the better.

The immortal king Taiyu personally ordered it, which is more supreme than the orders of the contemporary patriarch. The Eastern imperial family dared to disobey, acted immediately, and was full of excitement.

The origin of the last ray of the Immortal Venerable was thoroughly understood, and the immortal King Taiyu personally ordered the construction of the altar. Didn’t it mean to call the immortal soul of the Eastern Emperor to return?

Once the Immortal Soul of the Eastern Emperor returns and the invincible Eastern Emperor returns again, the entire Eastern imperial clan will instantly become the most powerful peak power in the entire prehistoric immortal realm, surpassing the great immortal royal clans.

Almost at the same time, several great immortal kings in the Eastern Emperor's Domain naturally also received news.

Especially the two major disciples of the Eastern Emperor, both of whom are already a generation of immortal kings, are quite excited at this moment.

The return of the Immortal Soul of the Eastern Emperor is hopeful. They are more excited than anyone, and they respect the Eastern Emperor who is difficult to find rivals in the past.

Similarly, how can this news not be known by the top forces in the prehistoric immortal world.

As far as the immortal clan-level forces are concerned, they know it for the first time, and the immortal royal clan has already known it.

The great immortal kings all over the fairy world showed shock.

"Is there hope for the return of the Immortal Soul of the Eastern Emperor? Isn't it that Taixu is out of the world, even his son, Immortal King Taiyu, and a few disciples of the Immortal King can't call back? Why is the altar held suddenly?"

"I heard that in the Eastern Emperor's Temple, someone thoroughly understood the origin of the last ray of the Immortal Venerable left by the Eastern Emperor, so there is hope to call the Immortal Soul of the Eastern Emperor to return."

"Hey, who is the little guy who has thoroughly realized the origin of the last ray of the Immortal Venerable of the Eastern Emperor? Is it one of the ten Dzogchens of the Eastern Imperial Clan? It may be the youngest daughter of the Eastern Emperor. After all, it is the Eastern Emperor’s. Bloodline."

" It is reported that he is a little guy from the outside world. He is just a king, but it is against the sky. It only took a quarter of an hour to fully understand."

"A quarter of an hour? Impossible, even those Immortal King disciples of Donghuang in the past, at least spent more than a month."


Although the great immortal kings are still in the caves of the great immortal kings, and have never really left, their immortal kings can reach the sky with one thought, communicating in virtual space.

They were all a little surprised, and they fully realized which evildoer was the origin of the last ray of the Immortal Venerable of the Eastern Emperor. It took only a quarter of an hour to fully realize it. It would be too shocking.

However, in the Eastern Emperor's Temple, the Immortal King Taiyu himself sat in town, and it was about calling the Immortal Soul of the Eastern Emperor to return, so the void was sealed, and the Immortal King Nian could not penetrate into the Eastern Emperor's Holy City.

That night, the Eastern imperial clan immediately built an ancient altar as huge as a mountain, engraved with countless Dao patterns, densely packed.

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