Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4078: The Secret of Eternal Night

   The Land of Eternal Night trapped the two and the endless years of the chaotic ancient Qixiong. Even since the past many epochs, he has never entered the Eternal Heaven Realm. There must be an unknown secret here, which he wants to ask.

   Besides, he remembered that the mystery of the Land of Eternal Night was that the three great immortal kings of the Eastern Royal family had never known it, but Tianhuang Shendi knew it, which seemed a little weird.

  Where is the place of eternal night?

What is the connection between    and the eternal world?

   "Are you creatures born from the land of eternal night? Where is the land of eternal night? Why can't the creatures of the land of eternal night leave or invade the eternal heaven after endless years?"

   Ye Chen directly asked the two dark giants to agree.

   Dark true dragons and dark devil tigers naturally did not dare to defy, but they showed a rare trace of fear in the land of eternal night, which is extremely difficult to see in the giants.

"We are not the creatures belonging to the land of eternal night. In fact, most of the creatures of the land of eternal night are basically from the outside world. For example, we were originally the chaotic holy spirit bred in the sea of ​​chaos. Of course, it can also be called For the acquired chaos demon god." The dark true dragon said, it has now turned into a ten-foot-long dragon, and the whole dragon scale reflects the gloomy light, which is abnormally weird.

and many more!

   Ye Chen heard the key points, and at first they belonged to the chaotic holy spirit bred in the chaotic sea.

   Could it be that the Land of Eternal Night does not belong to the Chaos Sea?

The Dark Demon Hu said: "In fact, we all believe that the Eternal Night Land and Eternal Heaven Realm do not belong to the Chaos Sea, but should all fall from the legendary land of origin, containing different heaven and earth rules. I believe you can feel this too."

   Ye Chen nodded, because no matter the land of eternal night or the eternal world, there is a particularity that Chaos Sea does not have.

  Like the eternal heaven, it contains a special eternal power, which can accelerate the cultivation of the existence of the supreme and above, and make the original path beyond the enhancement of the outside world, which is extraordinary.

  Like the land of eternal night, every creature is not only contaminated with dark attributes, but even more bizarre is that it is basically the level of the physical body.

  The ancient Qixiong is nothing more than chaos. It is the innate Chaos Demon God, with a strong inborn flesh, but like the Dark Real Dragon, such as the Dark Devil Tiger, they are all the Chaos Holy Spirit, and the acquired Chaos Demon God can be proved by law.

   is the same when the former Immortal King Taiyu traversed the Eternal Night, pierced through the darkness, the dark supreme and dark quasi-giant he encountered were all witnessed by the flesh.

   This seems very strange.

   shows that the heaven and earth rules are different in the land of eternal night, the rule route is difficult to prove the Tao, only the physical body.

  According to the description of the two dark giants, both were born in the Chaos Egg that was born in the Chaos Sea before they were born, and both were basically within tens of thousands of years, and they could be truly bred and become the innately flawless Chaos Holy Spirit.

   But very unlucky, he accidentally fell into the Land of Eternal Night through the time and space tunnels occasionally spawned by the Sea of ​​Chaos, then swallowed the breath of the Land of Eternal Night, and became a dark creature at birth.

  Because the land of eternal night is an infinite land where the weak and the strong eat, wars have been constantly erupting throughout the ages, and the dark true dragon has grown up in the corpse of the dark supreme after it was born.

   The experience of the Dark Devil Tiger is actually similar.

   Both evaded the hunting of the strong during their weak hours, and also found the corpse of the strongest. They continued to swallow and grow, and finally achieved the Dark Avenue step by step and became the Dark Supreme.

Because the Dao of Eternal Night Land is lonely, all the strong people who grow up in Eternal Night Land are at the level of physical proving Dao. Few have the power to prove Dao. Even if they do, they come from the outside world. Very few, in the same level. Also at a disadvantage.

Dark true dragons and dark devil tigers both know how to hide, even after becoming the supreme, they have been growing without showing the mountains or the water, and finally they have become the dark quasi-giants before they finally broke out and fought around for many epochs. Later, he finally became a dark giant.

During the period, the two dark giants naturally did not think about leaving the land of the eternal night, but the land of the eternal night is very special, but the creatures who have the breath of the eternal night are as strong as the eternal giants, even the first generation giants such as the flame demon **** , Can't leave, and will be blocked by the rules of Eternal Night Land. Once forced to leave, the dark giants in Eternal Night Land will rush out and hunt down.

   "Killing?" Ye Chen frowned.

"Yes, it's chasing and killing." Dark True Dragon and Dark Demon Tiger said with lingering fears, "The land of the eternal night is very strange, and it can invisibly affect all the creatures. Three epochs ago, there was a dark first generation giant who forcibly left In the land of eternal night, as a result, all the dark creatures lost their minds, including the two of us, and shot frantically. In the end, the dark first-generation giant had not really left the land of eternal night, but was forced to live by the dark people. Kill!"

   Ye Chen frowned, this was evil, and the Land of Eternal Night could make all the creatures including the first generation giants crazy.

   But he also looked at both Why didn't he get any attack when he took them away?

   Besides, when they go to the prehistoric immortal realm, are they not afraid of being siege?

The dark true dragon said: "The Primordial Realm is the first ancient universe in the Chaos Sea. There are many immortal kings, and it is said that there are invincible ancestors of ancient and modern. Will make a move and dare not provoke the prehistoric immortal world. And you can lead us to leave because you have shown too strong strength that the Land of Eternal Night is also afraid of making a move."

   Hearing this, Ye Chen was a little bit stunned. Is Evernight Land still afraid of him?

The dark demon said: "You are too strong. The Land of Eternal Night can sense your strength, beyond its suppression. I also know that if you want to be imprisoned, it is very likely that the Land of Eternal Night will be penetrated, causing it to Irreversible damage, so choose to avoid, do you understand?"

Ye Chen smiled, and as expected, after reaching the half-step overlord, he is especially the half-step overlord at the level of physical body proving Dao. Perhaps the laws of the great path will be suppressed to a certain extent in the land of eternal night, but the physical body will not. Self does not need to rely on external forces, so Eternal Night cannot be suppressed.

   Therefore, for the half-step overlord level, Eternal Night Land is also quite jealous.

   Ye Chen said: "You have lived for many epochs in the Land of Eternal Night, have you ever seen such a person?"

   He released a few ray of fairy light, imitating the appearance of the unphased king. .

   Tianhuang Shendi knew the land of eternal night, then the king of no phase must also know it, and he might even have entered the land of eternal night.

  Why come to the Land of Eternal Night, it makes him quite curious.

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