Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 782: Tu Xianchuan

? It was a huge black ship, completely black as ink, and looked quite special, like a head. [Reading the latest chapters]

It's just that when Ye Chen looked away from a distance and really saw clearly, his expression changed drastically.

Because this so-called black giant ship is more accurately a huge skull, so dark that it is so pure and without any light.

I don't know what kind of creature's skull is. It is so huge that it can be at least a thousand feet huge in the past, or even larger. The whole body emits a monstrous black mist, covering the sky and the sun.

It can be seen that the dense clusters of thunder, wind blades, and evil spirits in the sea of ​​chaos are all quietly dissipated and annihilated in the direction close to the black mist, as if swallowed, silent, nothing Re-existed.

"It's it, appeared again..."

Among the three powerful creatures that fought Ye Chen in this sea, the blood-red eyes full of endless killing suddenly flashed a trace of wisdom, screaming in horror, as if they had encountered something The most terrifying things are just so terrifying.

Ye Chen was startled. The creatures in the sea of ​​chaos didn't have real intelligence, only instinctive beastness and killing were left. But when he encountered this mysterious black giant ship, he actually made such remarks.

Obviously, this huge ship is absolutely extraordinary.

"What is it?" In a decisive manner, Ye Chen's Spiritual Sense Transmission hurriedly asked these creatures who had recovered a little saneness.

The killing between the blood-red eyes of a few creatures disappeared, with endless confusion, shook his head, and intermittently said: "I don't know, it's Tuxian's ship..."

Tuxian's ship! ?

Ye Chen was taken aback, not to mention anything else, as long as the "Xian" was involved, he knew that this ship was absolutely extraordinary.

Because the rumors of the immortal come from the mysterious and ethereal realm of the prehistoric immortal world, doesn’t Tuxian’s ship represent that the huge ship made of black skulls in front of you can slaughter immortals?

Just thinking about such a message makes your scalp numb.

However, there are rumors of the existence of the same level as the mythical emperor and the emperor. It is simple and common for Emperor Zhuxian to create such eternal taboo magic powers for killing immortals.

Everything is full of endless puzzles, which makes one's mind straining.


The huge black-bone giant ship came by the wind and waves, with a monstrous black fog, dyeing the whole world into black, all the chaotic scenes are eliminated, nothing is there anymore, and only endless darkness is left.

A few chaotic sea creatures came from the depths of their souls and trembled with horror. There was no previous killing at all. They flew away for the first time. They had no intention of staying here at all.

Ye Chenyi is bold, not to mention that only a Taoist body is here, and the real body is ready to escape. I really want to know what this black-bone giant ship is and whether it is really related to the "immortal". Expanded the eyes of God and looked over.

Suddenly, Ye Chen's expression was filled with incredible amazement, because he saw a shocking scene.

The so-called shady scene is not the so-called dark everything, more accurately it is a vast and boundless world, a dark world.

There is no sparkle of the sun, moon and stars, no light, only the endless dark earth, like a vast and boundless earth.

The black earth is unimaginable, and even Ye Chen’s Eyes of God looked far away and vaguely saw a shocking scene. The starry sky of that piece of heaven and earth was only dotted with scattered stars, and most of them were blown up. , Only a large number of broken star skeletal bodies have lost their due light.

On the vast black earth, there are countless criss-crossing abyssal chasms, which stretches for an unknown number of miles, and there are a large number of stars falling on the earth and inlaid in them.

There are also ruins of broken ancient cities. Among them, there are also magnificent **** cities that are not inferior to the ancient city of dark night and the holy city of heaven. They are all shattered, desolate and extinct.

There are countless corpses lying in them, some of them have long been corrupted and bones are thick. Some of them are immortal, and the state of being perished that year can still be seen.

Some are small, some are even bigger than stars.

What even shocked Ye Chen the most was that he actually saw the corpse of a real dragon. It was really huge. The stars were no more than the size of its scales. They stretched across the black ground for thousands of miles. They really grew up. Real dragon.

But he was completely dead a long time ago, his vitality was extinct, and he could still feel the endless dragon power that shook the heavens and tens of thousands of domains in a trance.

It's just that the dragon corpse didn't know what kind of battle it had gone through. It was almost cut open several times. It was covered in wounds. It was visible that the bones were exposed, and the deadly wounds were the most serious. The blood was turned into darkness.

I saw the scene of the real dragon in the first battle in a daze, confronting the supreme existence, and finally died.

Where on earth is this place and why there are such terrifying scenes, even real dragons are killed in battle, endless corpses appear, galaxy collapses, heaven and earth lose their light, so Ye Chen is shocked, and also very puzzled, but in his heart The shock never stopped.

The huge black-bone ship kept moving forward with loud noises, and now Ye Chen finally understood that this ship was far bigger than he had imagined, astonishingly big and unbelievably big.

Because this ship is not in the chaotic sea at all, but in another barren and miserable world, driving that piece of heaven and earth, sailing in the chaotic sea.

The ship in front of him, the dark world in front of him, is just a corner of the world. Ye Chen has even seen the surrounding of the giant ship, surrounded by huge stars, which appear dim, so I just watched it. It's not clear.

What kind of giant ship is is so magnificent and huge.

Suddenly, Ye Chen saw the other side of the huge ship, and there was a bright red glow appearing. It was blood, stained on the ship, and it still looks bright red as if it had just been stained with surging blood. Light.

Every drop of blood is like a vast sea of ​​blood, with magnificent blood qi fluctuations that shock the world, and it seems that you can feel the pure energy above everything else.

That is the spirit of immortality.

This is the blood of the immortal.

Two huge blood characters are portrayed on the black bone giant ship——


So shocking, so shocking.

"It is the Tuxian Ship, the invincible ancient ship that has slaughtered the real immortals." Suddenly, a voice came to his ears, Ye Chen was startled, and turned around, only to see a long-lost familiar figure appeared.

Old Yan!

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