Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 830: Gu Changsheng

? The mysterious black armored man suddenly appeared, and a single person took away all the brilliance invisibly, causing the 14 strongest Tianjiao to immediately receive a violent impact.

Although the person who appeared suddenly did not deliberately release the aura he deserved, just standing there, he invisibly released a terrible pressure, causing the strongest arrogance to change color.

He is too strong, even if he doesn't make a move, he still has a sense of invincibility that makes his mind break down. The strongest Tianjiao dare not get too close, but are extremely afraid.

Who is this person, and why did he suddenly appear.

The heroic young man in black armor finally spoke, glanced at these strongest arrogance indifferently, and said: "Is this the so-called strongest arrogant? But that's it."

He shook his head as he spoke, speaking so contemptuously and dismissively, full of ruthlessness, and it made people hear his words.

The whole city was in an uproar, and the powerhouses of the Nine Great Dynasties looked ugly.

Only the secretive Ye Chen's expression was slightly dignified, staring at this mysterious black-clad man all the time.

This person is very strong!

Compared to these strongest talents, they are stronger and much stronger!

Moreover, this person is the one who makes him feel strange. It is very likely that he is a True King Tianjiao, but he has never heard of such a True King Tianjiao in the universe.

It can also be felt that in the location of several obscure auras on the Heaven and Earth Battle Platform, there are also gazes looking at the past.

"Who are you? Why do you say that to us?" Prince Gu Hua's tone was full of anger, as were the other strongest arrogances.

"Gu Changsheng."

The purple armored youth opened his mouth and confided his name, but it made people take a breath of cold.

Because the name is so extraordinary.

Throughout the ages, whoever can live forever has given up the mythical emperor and emperor, and even the emperor will perish in the long years.

But in a real sense, even the emperor and emperor can hardly be immortal.

If they are as strong as they may have a day gone, naturally it is not old age but death in battle.

For example, in a battle where the myth is broken, the real emperor and emperor have passed away, and they will not be able to live forever in the true sense.

In the world, it seems that no one can truly be immortal.

Therefore, it shows that the name is extraordinary, the ancient longevity, the longevity, that is to break the immortality of the longevity!

"I come from the ancient shrine."

Gu Changsheng continued to speak, unabashedly telling some secrets, "In a sense, I am the descendant of the ancient temple. But the ancient temple hopes that I will be tempered to a certain extent, so I come out to participate in the younger generation's hegemony. Fight. Naturally, whoever of you wins, my successor status is his."

"But to be honest, I don't think I can get any sharpening. This so-called battle for hegemony is just a warm-up game for me. No matter how strong you are, it is nothing more than that in my eyes. You can suppress it by raising your hand. "

His words are very concise, clear and contemptuous, but they are so shocking.

Because his origins are really astonishing, he is actually the true descendant of the ancient shrine, and the so-called battle for hegemony is just to temper him.

It's just a pity that the other party doesn't like it at all, and even the 14 strongest arrogances don't take it seriously. They are high above them, treating them like ants.

This made the 14 strongest Tianjiao angry.

No matter how arrogant you are, you should not humiliate others in this way.

Naturally, the nine imperial dynasties where the strongest Tianjiao was located and the masters of other forces all looked ugly, because the strongest Tianjiao that Gu Changsheng looked down upon was their greatest pride, the most outstanding Tianjiao in the world.

Li Xuan said nothing, the other eight knights looked at Gu Changsheng in awe.

Gu Changsheng glanced at them and said indifferently: "Are you frustrated? Why don't you dare to make a move. I can give you a chance to make a move. Otherwise, once I make a move, suppressing you and waiting will be easy."


The strongest Tianjiao was furious, but no one took the lead.

Still the same sentence, Gu Changsheng is too strong, standing alone in the void, if it is an immortal sacred mountain, it exudes terrible pressure, which originates from the aura of the original source and makes others. People dare not get too close to this place.

Once it gets too close for half a minute without attacking, that terrifying aura seems to be the most terrifying beast of heaven and earth awakening, causing their Dao Xin to collapse.

It's just that this kind of invisible confrontation has already felt the horror of Gu Changsheng. If he really fights against each other, I really don't know how terrifying he will be.

"You really don't want to do it? Then I will do it."

Gu Changsheng said, as he said, he shot directly.


The power of God is boundless, and between Gu Changsheng's hands, there are bursts of the strongest divine light bursting out, colorful and colorful, but it is terrifying, tearing the sky, endless, and attacking the fourteen at the same time. The strongest Tianjiao.

Does one person have to attack all the strongest Tianjiao at the same time?

What an arrogance!

The 14 strongest Tianjiao yelled in rage, and immediately resisted and met the divine light played by Gu Changsheng.

Boom boom boom -

A series of terrible roars exploded.

Although Gu Changsheng’s indiscriminate attacks did not harm these strongest arrogances, it also prevented them from breaking through their defenses for a while, and the whole person was stagnant. This shows that Gu Changsheng’s methods are extraordinary and absolutely beyond the most. Above the strong arrogant.

But soon, they showed the means that the strongest Tianjiao should have, broke the barrier, and rushed over.

And he also understood the horror of Gu Changsheng. There is really no one to fight alone to be his opponent. Only by attacking in groups can there be a glimmer of hope.


"The first one to slaughter Gu Changsheng first."

The 14 strongest Tianjiao roared, all of them temporarily put aside their prejudices, and chose to jointly fight against Gu Changsheng, the most powerful enemy.


The fourteen strongest Tianjiao's shots were terrifying enough to break the sky and the earth, turbulent the entire world battle platform, the terrifying power is erupting, and the entire void is directly shattered.

This powerful combat power is even stronger than that of the Holy Lord, and they believe that this ancient longevity can't be overwhelmed no matter how strong it is.

But Gu Changsheng didn't evade, didn't leave, and actually chose to shake.

He only heard his expressionless face: "Today, I will let you understand how big the gap between you and me is."

His whole body of black armor flashed with black light, and he appeared to be more crystal clear, faintly flowing mysterious Dao rune, making a special metal sound, listening to everyone and standing like a terrifying magic sound, it was shocking. There is a kind of awe.


Gu Changsheng stepped forward, a wave of battle spirit suddenly rushed into the sky, sweeping through the sky, swallowing mountains and rivers thousands of miles, as if a **** of war had descended from ancient times.

The vast and majestic black light of the war gas turned into a mighty ocean and went forward. There is nothing to say, he is about to launch a terrible blow to break the world and fight it!

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