Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 834: Ye Chen VS Gu Changsheng

? The power of great terror swept across the space of the world battle platform, even overflowing, sweeping across the sky, sweeping the entire ancient city of God.

The whole world fell into a strange silence in an instant.

Because of this power, it has been overwhelming for nine days, turbulent, and terribly messed up.

The Holy Lord will tremble.

Arrogant! ?

It's ridiculous, would someone so powerful and terrifying be arrogant? He was clearly an invincible strong man who surpassed the strongest Tianjiao.

Especially the strongest Tianjiao in the space of the heaven and earth battle platform, after hearing the words of Prince Tianxu, and then feeling the power, each of them stared at Ye Chen, taking a breath of breath, still there is something wrong. A sense of dream that can be believed.

The only beauty among the strongest heavenly arrogance was muttering in wonder: "This breath is so much better than us. Is this fighting saint king really powerful?"

Prince Gu Hua was even more shocked and his face was pale. He was not only provocative, but also insulting the other party. How could he have expected that the other party was really a young strong man from Gedai, and he could only comfort himself at this time. It was just a powerful force. That's it, but the real strength will definitely not be too strong.

I just didn't believe what I said.

The eruption of Ye Chen's breath made the world silent.

Gu Changsheng’s expression changed and changed, and finally he felt a huge sense of threat, his expression became very solemn: "It turns out that I still underestimated you. I thought you could just catch my hand and used my hole cards. Thinking of your qualifications to fight me."

"But just because of these, you still want to truly defeat me and win the successor status of the ancient temple? Still that sentence, foolish dreaming!"


Gu Changsheng made a sudden move, unparalleled in power, and once he made his move, he was again the palm of the sky tablet before, and countless black runes continued to emerge.

It was this trick again. Just now, it was this trick that raised his hand and coughed up blood from the five strongest Tianjiaos.

The wind and clouds swept across, turbulent.

Prince Tianxu flew back like lightning, and the other strongest Tianjiao all flew back quickly, flying as far as possible.

The two invincibles compete, and it is between life and death at every turn, and they will only be dangerous if they blend in.

Ye Chen's expression remained unchanged. He had already taken the shot for the first time. He was dressed in a white dress and black hair with a crown, but he exuded a radiant golden splendor, as if descending into the earth like a god, and his whole body exuded a shocking power.

Facing the opponent's slap, Ye Chen also slapped forward.


The thunder was bursting, and that slap was different. There were Azure Dragon Hengkong, Vermillion Bird flapping wings, White Tiger roaring, Xuanwu Tukong...Four great holy spirits appeared, terrifying, and shattered the sky.

I have to say that the fighting spirit of the Saint King is too strong, confident and strong, it is no wonder that he dares to fight Gu Changsheng, and he does have such invincible capital.

All the strongest Tianjiao in the battlefield space retreated far away, with an inexplicable shudder in their hearts.

The world has been prepared for the power of Gu Changsheng, but it is the first time that many people feel the power of the Fighting Saint King, transcending everything, and it is heart-shaking.

With a bang, the two collided, and an extremely violent explosion occurred here.

It can be seen that there are countless runes flying out, as well as countless Dao marks flashing, quickly eroding away, and also giving birth to a terrible light of destruction, swallowing the world.

It can be said that this is a fierce battle. It is the strongest battle of the young generation. It is much more terrifying than those of the strongest arrogance. The horror reaches the extreme, it is like the nine heavens are blasted down. The sky is going to tremble and fall

No one would have thought that this was just the first blow between the two. It was so terrifying and peerless. It was the strongest collision between the young generation. It is probably one of the few times in the past.


The rune scars that emerged from the battle platform of heaven and earth are quickly being wiped out, and the light of destruction that collides between the two quickly annihilates all the formation patterns, in order to defeat Xiaotiandi and spread to the ancient **** city.

There was a trace of collapse on this world battle platform, which has gone through many battles of the Holy Master level throughout the ages.


Li Xuan's expression was solemn, and he kept making shots, flashing divine light on his fingers, constantly submerging into the heaven and earth battle platform, and quickly stabilized.

Moreover, with the stability of the heaven and earth battle platform, it is naturally impossible to truly collapse, unless it is a battle of the king of heaven, but it also indirectly illustrates the extreme horror of the two.

There was a loud bang, the land broke, and the two went back a few steps, and the first official collision ended in this way.

In fact, such an offensive is terrible, but if you are any of the strongest Tianjiao, you will only have to be killed in seconds, and there will be no good results.

And this kind of attack power may have shocked the world for others. At least none of the strongest arrogances has the confidence to withstand the attack of the next two, but really, there is no life-and-death duel, more just two. Tentative shots between players.

There is no doubt that both of them have reservations, and have never used the most terrifying back hand, at least Ye Chen.

His expression was so calm and composed from beginning to end.

Soon, Ye Chen made a move, and he took the lead in launching a second attack.


It was another slap, but this slap was not the previous scene of the four great holy spirits flying around the body, but a change.

The moment that hand sticks out, the thumb of the first finger instantly transforms into a brilliant golden color, as if the golden sun is embedded in it, shining with blazing light, but with a sharp aura that penetrates everything in time. It can be cut for nine days.

The second index finger turned into a huge towering tree in the next moment, with luxuriant branches and leaves that can cover the sky, and the purest vegetation aura between the branches and leaves, with the growth of all things and the depths of thick branches. Spread, block the world.

The third **** is blue, and the vast ocean pours down, flooding the sky, but with endless icy cold.

The ring finger is an endless The tail finger is filled with yellow light, turning into a vast continent to suppress it, and the void will be torn...

The five elements and five fingers, the five fingers have turned into the five elements of heaven, earth, water, fire and earth.

There is no doubt that this is a heaven-shaking magical technique, which was actually evolved by Ye Chen. It contained the power of the five elements in the same hand, and it was even more terrifying. Sweeping it over, it can definitely destroy the world. Who can stop it, Holy Lord When he comes, his look will change drastically.

Gu Changsheng's expression was naturally very solemn, without the slightest carelessness. Even though he was still so arrogant and arrogant just now, he was very serious in fighting, and he was never too arrogant and invincible.

He abandoned the palm of the sky stele and slammed his fist courageously. An ancient road mark appeared in it, dimly, all kinds of road mark runes were flying fast, and there was also a kind of dragon and phoenix. , A kind of faeries such as Kunpeng are emerging.

With a bang, in the final divine fist, there was a phantom and vast celestial void, misty clouds, floating heaven and earth, like an imperial palace where mythical emperors and emperors live.

"Ancient temple!" The emperor exclaimed the strong!

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