Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 1000: Only nine people

Upon observation, Tang Ao knew that the ninth floor of the Life and Death Building should be a special space. This place is also a small town. In addition to the detained felons, there are also many attendants from Black Crow Fair. "How many people are detained here?" Tang Ao looked around and asked Chun Xiao.

"Nine people are imprisoned here." Chun Xiao's answer surprised Tang Ao. Tang Ao looked around. There were no one thousand and eight hundred people around. Chun Xiao said that only nine people were being held here.

After seeing the startled eyes in Tang Ao’s eyes, Chun Xiao continued: “Yes, there are indeed only nine people held here, and the remaining nearly 1,000 people are not prisoners in the Life and Death Building. Some of them are here to do business. Part of it is to monitor the nine people, and some of them serve the nine people."

"That Li Xiaoyao just thought he was one of the nine people? Since these people are extremely sinful, why don't you just kill them, but instead trap them here?" Although knowing this proposition is somewhat sensitive, Tang Ao still asked the doubts in his heart. come out.

"Naturally, there is a reason why we can't kill us." A clear and sweet voice reached Tang Ao's ears. Tang Ao looked at it and saw a beautiful woman in a gorgeous blue dress. There was some water around the woman. The fog is lingering, just like the heaven and earth anomaly caused by a strong star realm.

When Tang Aoyun picked up the celestial pupil to investigate this woman, Tang Ao's heart was shocked. Under the observation of Hitomi Tianji, this beautiful woman in a azure blue dress was like a ball of water. Because of the use of the celestial pupil, Tang Ao concluded that this was not an illusion technique, but that the physique of this woman was too weird, and the whole person seemed to be made of water.

Whether it was Li Xiaoyao just now, or this strange woman now, they are very different from ordinary people. Li Xiaoyao gave Tang Ao a very dangerous feeling, and the woman at this moment was also not a good crop. Tang Ao also noticed that after this woman appeared, the three of Chun Xiao seemed a little scared.

"Don’t be nervous, I just listened to the guy Li Xiaoyao saying that he was a newcomer, so I came to have a look. As for my physical condition, at this level, I can still fully control it. But now it seems that the newcomer is coming We are not the same." The pretty woman said a bunch of things that Tang Ao couldn't figure out.

"Since Master Zhen Mi has seen it, can Master Zhen Mi go back?" Chun Xiao respectfully said to the woman in the blue skirt, this attitude is almost the same as when facing the owner of Mingyue Fang. And Tang Ao could feel that when facing Mingyue, everyone respected, but they seemed to respect and fear Zhen Mi, Chun Xiao and others.

"Giggle, Xiao Chunxiao, when did you become so courageous and dare to talk to me like this?" Zhen Mi chuckled a few times. The bright smile made all the flowers pale. The men around were even more stunned.

"What a nice view……"

There are only these two words left in everyone's hearts, even though many people know that under this beauty, a fatal death is hidden, and they can't help but look at them more. "I probably know your situation. Since you are arranged to live on the ninth floor of the Life and Death Building, you should come with me." In the enviable eyes of many people, Zhen Mi beckoned to Tang Ao.

However, Chun Xiao's expression changed. He had promised Yuer to take care of Tang Ao on the ninth floor of the Life and Death Building. He didn't expect to meet Zhen Mi Fangzhu here. Zhen Mi was the owner of Hei Yafang City before Mingyue, but it was said that Zhen Mi practiced a certain kind of fairy Scripture, except for the problem, and killed many innocents, so he was imprisoned here.

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