Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 1034: A branch

"Five hundred thousand middle-grade snow beads, if anyone can tell the purpose of the wood, I would also like to offer half a million middle-grade snow beads." Tang Ao said after a moment of thought. Tang Ao's offer naturally made some noisy auctions momentarily silent, half a million middle-grade snow beads, that is, 50 million lower-grade snow beads. For many warriors, this is already an astronomical figure.

But now Tang Ao spent half a million middle-grade snow beads just to buy a piece of wood that he didn't know the purpose of. Are there such people in this world who are stupid and rich? At this moment, everyone's view of Tang Ao is that people are stupid and have a lot of money. If it weren't, it would be hard for them to imagine that someone would pay such a high price for a piece of tree branch that they didn't know the purpose.

"Hehe, the younger generation is terrible. Since you want this branch so much, the old man won't fight with you." In a VIP room, the wooden Taoist face was very gloomy. "Qing Shu, go to find out the origin of the kid in Room C of Tianzi." Mu Daoren said with a gloomy voice to the disciple behind him.

Zhao Qingshu shook his head: "Master, the disciple has already checked. This person's name is Tang Ao, and he seems to be from the Xuanhuang Continent. As for other information, the disciple has no way of knowing it. But the disciple knows one more thing. Not long ago, this Tang Ao had friction with the young master Lei Ming of Lei Zun Hall, and then Lei Ming retreated."

"Hmph, so he's a kid of unknown origin. Stay tuned, when the auction is over, the old man will meet him."


"This young man is so desperate for this piece of wood, but he knows the purpose of this piece of wood. If the young man knows the purpose of this piece of wood, he can send his soul to the red apricot. This piece of wood can be given to the young man for free, and the treasure building will return it A reward of one million middle-grade snow beads is included." Hong Xing didn't say it explicitly this time, but secretly spoke to Tang Aohun.

Tang Ao thought about it a long time ago: "I have seen similar trees in an ancient book of Shimen. In addition, Tang has no shortage of snow beads, so I want to buy it and study it." He didn't know much, but Tang Ao knew that this piece of wood was a treasure of the same level as the Chaos Six-Rays Realm. The prototype of this treasure should be a tree, but it was damaged for unknown reasons. If the original tree is regarded as a magic weapon, then this branch can be regarded as a magic weapon fragment.

Hong Xing was a little disappointed when he heard Tang Ao say this, but still said with a smile: "This young man bid 500,000 middle-grade snow beads. If there is no higher price, this piece of wood belongs to this young man."

Many people can see how special this piece of wood is, but no one knows how special it is except Tang Ao. Most of the people who come here today have their own favorite treasures, so naturally the snow beads on their bodies have to keep the things they need most. Apart from Tang Ao and Mu Taoist, no one was willing to bid for this branch of unknown origin.

The white light flashed on the transmission platform, Tang Ao's 500,000 middle-grade snow beads were transmitted over, and a jade box also appeared on the transmission platform. Tang Ao opened the jade box and saw a section of crisp branches. Generally speaking, the branches will wither quickly after being cut. But this branch didn't know how long it had been broken, and it still looked like this lush green.

Tang Ao held the branch in his hand, and he really felt an aura similar to that of the Chaos Six-Rays Realm. It's just that for some reason, this breath is very weak. If Tang Ao hadn't possessed the Chaos Six-Mansions Realm and was very sensitive to this aura, Tang Ao could hardly be behind this special aura. This kind of breath has a sense of desolation and vastness, as if it comes from an ancient time that is difficult to trace. After playing with it, Tang Ao directly threw the branch into the Six-Mans Realm space. Putting ordinary items in the storage ring and treasures in the six-mans realm space was a habit of Tang Ao.

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