Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 1059: Decline invitation

"Thank you Miss Chu for your kindness, I won't go with you." Tang Ao declined Chu Xuehan's invitation. If Tang Ao's cultivation is in its heyday and only Chu Xuehan is alone, Tang Ao would be willing. Be a flower protector. However, this time Tang Ao's entry into the Jizo cemetery was of great significance. Tang Ao had to find the Lingbingguo to completely restore his strength. Before his strength was restored, Tang Ao didn't want any accidents.

"Well, I won't tell you." After Chu Xuehan heard a message, she moved lightly towards an alchemy furnace in the square. As a sixth-rank alchemist, Chu Xuehan obviously would not miss the competition in this alchemy meeting. In fact, Chu Xuehan wanted to ask about Tang Ao's spirit beast pill's prescription, but after another thought, she didn't seem to know Tang Ao so well, so she didn't speak.

"The alchemist is in place, and the alchemy conference is about to begin!" At this moment, on a high platform in the center of the square, an old man wearing a purple alchemist costume shouted. Hearing the words of the old man, all alchemists came to their alchemy furnace according to the number on the jade medallion.

Tang Ao also came to his alchemy furnace. On the right side of the alchemy furnace was a stone platform with a groove. After Tang Ao pressed his jade card into the groove, a formation rose. There was a light curtain in front of the formation, on which it was written "Write down the name of the participating alchemist." Tang Aoyiyan wrote his name on it.

After Tang Ao finished writing, the white light of the light curtain disappeared. The purple-robed old man on the high platform in the center of the square also continued after all the alchemists had finished writing, and continued to say: "This alchemy conference is slightly different from the past. In the past, the alchemy conference was always a game of victory and defeat, and the same experiment was the same. ."

Hearing the words of the purple-robed old man, Tang Ao was a little puzzled. How could the alchemy competition compare? But Tang Ao didn't have any doubts for long, and the purple-robed old man went on to say: "In this alchemy meeting, we have a total of three trials, each of which is 10 points. In the end, the 100 alchemists with the highest total score will get the place to enter the Jizo cemetery. "

As the old man's voice fell, there was some hustle and bustle in the huge square. Several alchemists around Tang Ao also talked in a low voice, Tang Ao did not speak, and quietly listened to several people.

"In previous alchemy conferences, it was always to see who refined the pill with high grade and good quality. This time there are three trials, I don't know what to compare?"

"I've heard some news. The three games of this competition were made by the old medicine king. The first game was a test to refine medicinal solution, and the second was a test to refine pills. As for the third game, I don't know."


Tang Ao didn't fully believe the discussion among the people around him, but at this moment Tang Ao couldn't think of what the three competitions of the alchemy conference were worth.

"Everyone, be quiet!" On the high platform, the purple-robed old man raised his hand and pressed to the sides, signaling everyone to be quiet. After the square calmed down, the purple-robed old man continued: "Along with alchemy, experience and talent are the top priorities. Therefore, in this alchemy conference, we will compete around talent and experience."

Tang Ao could still understand from the experience of the test, it was nothing more than to see who refined the pill with good color and high grade. But how does the alchemy talent compare? After all, talent is invisible and intangible, but he really exists.

"Let’s start the first test to refine the essence of the elixir! The two thousand alchemists with the highest purity will enter the second test. Now choose the elixir you want to refine according to the medicinal materials prompted on the formation screen. Each person can only Choose a kind of elixir, and you can only refine it once. If the elixir is damaged during the refining process, leave the field directly." The purple-robed old man said to the many alchemists on the square on the high platform in the middle.

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