Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 1096: Speedy car

After blocking Jia Hua's Heavenly Axe with Shennongding, Tang Ao instantly released the soul of the underworld, and then a dark iron rope flew towards Jia Hua. The sudden appearance of the iron cable made Jia Hua a little surprised, but he was still on his side, avoiding the attack of the ghosts. It's just that Jia Hua didn't expect that Wan Gui Suoxun was just a fake move. Tang Ao's real purpose was to use Nether to burn him.

Just as Jia Hua avoided the Ten Thousand Ghosts, a hot flame emerged out of thin air, suddenly wrapped Jia Hua, and then burned. Although the sneak attack was successful, Tang Ao's expression was very solemn. Because Tang Ao saw Jia Hua being swallowed by Nether Fire with his own eyes, but Tang Ao couldn't feel Jia Hua in the Nether Fire at all.

"Here!" Jia Hua did not know when he had come behind Tang Ao, and the Heavenly Axe in his hand swiped towards Tang Ao's back without hesitation. Tang Ao blocked his backhand with a horizontal sword, but was chopped by Jia Hua with an axe and flew out. With this blow, Tang Ao hurriedly fought back, and his internal organs were all churned by Jia Hua.

Not only did Tang Ao slow down, Jia Hua appeared next to Tang Ao again, and at the same time, a powerful whip kick swept like Tang Ao. Tang Ao couldn't avoid this blow anymore, Tang Ao was kicked to the ground fiercely by Jia Hua.

"Puff!" Tang Ao spouted a **** arrow. He and Jia Hua felt too strong. If Jia Hua were willing, he would have died at this moment. "Huh?" Just when Tang Ao was considering whether to use the Space Jade Talisman to escape, Tang Ao suddenly found a speeding car coming at an astonishing speed not far away. This kind of speed can no longer be described quickly, it is simply a fast speed.

With Tang Ao's powerful soul thought, Rao could only catch the shadow of the speeding car. Without much thought, Tang Ao soared towards the route that the speeding car was about to fly. Jia Hua was taken aback for a moment, and then he also discovered the existence of a speeding car. At the moment, Jia Hua gave up the idea of ​​capturing Tang Ao alive, and slashed towards Tang Ao.

If Tang Ao pushed this blow away, it would immediately fall into Jia Hua's hands. If he didn't retreat, Tang Ao would be cut into two pieces immediately after one pass. Without too much hesitation, Tang Ao suddenly turned sideways without losing speed.

A rain of blood blew up on Tang Ao's waist, and Tang Ao only felt the pain like a shock and tear in his waist. Looking down, Tang Ao's left side of his waist was already bloody, and it looked extremely oozing. But at this moment, the speeding car that Tang Ao spotted just now also arrived in no time. Tang Ao endured the severe pain, turned over and flew into the speeding car.

The speed of this speed car was rare in Tang Ao's life. Tang Ao had just jumped onto the speed car, and the speeding car flew thousands of miles away in an instant. Jia Hua watched Tang Ao escape into the speed car, but there was no way. The speed of the flying car surpassed Jia Hua's understanding of speed. Jia Hua was originally a martial artist who was good at body style and speed, but after seeing the speed of a flying car, Jia Hua found that he knew nothing about speed.

After Tang Ao escaped from the speeding car, he immediately clasped his fists and said: "In the next Tang Ao, because he was chased by his enemy, he strayed into a friend's speeding car. After the healing was completed, he left immediately and asked his friend to agree." Down, while running the jade bone vitality soul to start healing. Tang Ao entered the Jizo cemetery this time to find Lingbingguo to recover from his injuries. As a result, Lingbingguo was not found, but Tang Ao himself was hurt.

Fortunately, Tang Ao possessed the top healing pill, the Great Lotus Hua Dan. With the assistance of the Jade Bone Vitality Soul, Tang Ao adjusted his breath less than a stick of incense, and his injury recovered. It's just that after a hard fight with Jia Hua just now, the spiritual power consumed by Tang Ao has not recovered, so Tang Ao is a little weak. After recovering from the injury, Tang Ao's soul thought immediately went to the speed car.

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