Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 1224: Fish eye mixed beads

The blood of the warrior is the essence of the warrior. After losing the blood, the damage to the warrior is very huge. Even if too much blood is lost at once, the warrior may even be in danger of life. It’s just that Tang Ao suddenly thought of a way, that is, the jade bone vitality soul inherently contains a steady stream of vitality, then he only needs to force a drop of ordinary blood, and then mix a trace of jade bone vitality soul breath into it, so that the other party It was impossible to detect it, and Tang Ao didn't have any loss.

After Tang Ao made this request, the warrior responsible for collecting essence and blood in Prison Dragon Castle gave Tang Ao indifferently, and then nodded. "Hurry up." He handed the special jade bottle to Tang Ao.

Starting with the jade bottle, Tang Ao felt a special wave of vitality. As Tang Ao was the pinnacle refiner of the sixth rank, Tang Ao certainly knew that this was the fluctuation of the inscription formation. After taking a look at Soul Nian, Tang Ao understood the function of this inscription formation. This inscription array looks very complicated, but its function is very single.

Its only function is to keep the martial artist's essence and blood stored in the jade bottle from passing away. Tang Ao could see that this inscription formation used a total of more than 30 formation patterns. Looking at this incomparably complex pattern, Tang Ao slightly shook his head. If Tang Ao were to portray this pattern, Tang Ao only needed four combined patterns to achieve this effect.

"Hurry up." Seeing that Tang Ao didn't immediately force the blood after taking the jade bottle, the warrior of the prisoner dragon castle urged again impatiently.

This time, Tang Ao didn't talk any more nonsense. Tang Ao stretched out his right hand, making sword fingers with index and middle fingers, and then spit out with a sharp glow, and a drop of red blood like a ruby ​​fell from Tang Ao's fingertips. This drop of blood seems to contain endless vitality, making people feel that it is not a drop of blood, but a fresh life.

After Tang Ao forced the blood into the jade bottle, the jade bottle immediately lit up with a bright green light. The brighter the green light, the higher the quality and purity of the blood. Seeing that Tang Ao's blood quality was so high, the warrior of the prisoner dragon castle was in a good mood. He took out two jade bottles and handed them to Tang Ao again.

One jade bottle is empty, it is used to collect martial artist's blood, and the other jade bottle contains three middle-grade Yang Yuan Dan. Seeing these three middle-grade nourishing pill, Tang Ao was overjoyed. It was like dozing off to give a pillow. Now Tang Ao just needs the nourishing pill, someone will send him the pill.

"I will ask you to collect the essence and blood every month from now on. You can use these pills to recover and condense the essence and blood." After Tang Ao took the two jade bottles, the white-clothed warrior said indifferently.

After adopting the Yang Yuan Pill, Tang Ao naturally forced a drop of blood to fall into the empty jade bottle even more simply. Wuying also accepted the jade bottle with great satisfaction. For Wuying, the blood of the warriors in Fulong Crypt is not that the more the better, but the better the quality. Otherwise, there are tens of thousands of warriors imprisoned in the Fulong Crypt, and they don't need much blood.

"Let's go." After watching other people around standing there waiting for him, he indifferently spit out two words under the shadowless white face towel, and then walked a few steps far away, and the group of people disappeared completely. When Tang Ao saw this scene, he swept his soul through, but he didn't see anything. Therefore, Tang Ao immediately turned the celestial pupil to look at it, and Tang Ao saw Wuying and his group hurriedly leaving here.

This is not the first time Tang Ao has seen this method, and the three Lin Dongnan have also used this method to hide their bodies before. It's just that Tang Ao forgot to ask. This time Lin Dongnan was also here. Naturally, Tang Ao couldn't help but ask about it.

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