Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 1229: Everyone shows up

"Hehehe" Hai Fuyuan looked at Tang Ao and laughed a few times, then looked at Luo Ping and said, "Your proposal is good, but I'm afraid I can't be the master, right, everyone?" Tang Ao knew this for a long time. There were four people around, so after Hai Fuyuan said this, Tang Ao didn't have any surprises. It was Luo Ping who happened to come from the opposite direction of the other people, so there was no existence of the other people at all.

After Hai Fuyuan's voice fell, the young man with a sword mark on his left eye appeared first. Yang Cang appeared behind him to talk nonsense, and with a flick of his long sword, he rushed towards Luo Ping: "The matter of the Yang Yuan Pill is too late. I will talk about it when the accounts between me and Luo Ping are clear."

"Yang Cang, you lunatic, what good do you have to do with me now. You and I will lose both sides, and five middle-grade Yangyuan Pills will be cheaper than Fatty Hai." Luo Ping stabbed both spears from his hands and kept cursing. Yang Cang seemed to turn a deaf ear to Luo Ping's words. Seeing this scene, Tang Ao was slightly happy, if these five guys besieged him together, Tang Ao would really not be able to hold it. After losing two people all of a sudden, Tang Ao felt a little relieved.

"Aren't the three coming out yet?" Hai Fuyuan seemed rough, but his thoughts were extremely careful. Even at this time, he didn't immediately take action to **** Tang Ao's Yangyuan Pill, but said something behind him. After Hai Fuyuan directly picked three people in the light and dark this time, the other three naturally did not continue to hide.

The first person to show up was the beautiful woman in a white dress. As soon as she came out, she said indifferently, "This matter has nothing to do with me. I am not interested in Yangyuan Dan. Goodbye." Left. Although Tang Ao had long known that she was not here to raise the Yuan Dan, after seeing her really leave, Tang Ao still had an unreal feeling in his heart.

If it is in other places, the middle-grade Yangyuan Pill may not be a very precious thing to these warriors, but it is different in this Fulong Crypt. To put it in exaggeration, a middle-grade Yangyuan Pill is equivalent to a life in the Fulong Crypt. Just thinking about Tang Ao now, with Tang Ao's current state, it is impossible to release his life and soul with his own vitality. But with the help of the large amount of vitality contained in the Yangyuan Pill, Tang Ao could release his life soul for a short time to fight.

After the white-clothed woman left, a young man with a folding fan in his hand immediately walked out: "Since Miss Su doesn't want it, it's easy. There are exactly six people here, and Brother Tang Ao has exactly six pills in his hands. We each have one tablet. , How do you like?"

"Hehehe, I have no opinion." After Tang Ming finished speaking, Hai Fuyuan immediately said with a smile. After Hai Fuyuan expressed his opinion, the other person also nodded. This person is also the cultivation base of the fifth layer of the body forging realm. He is covered in a black cloak and cannot see his true face. Since his life soul is a black fox, everyone here also calls him black fox.

After the black fox expressed his stance, the few people looked at a young man with red hair and red beard wearing a flaming red long-distance runner. This person is called Chi Yang, who is proficient in flame martial arts. The personality is also like a raging fire, although they are all five-tier martial artists in the body forging realm. But in normal times, a few people are absolutely unwilling to provoke this lunatic.

"I don't agree!" As expected, Chi Yang said such a sentence almost without even thinking about it. Before a few people could speak, Chi Yang said again: "Whoever lives to the end, the Yang Yuan Dan is the one. Laozi counts dozens, and he does not want to die." Chi Yang's words are very rude, and he is so ostentatious. He doesn't seem to be afraid of the others joining forces to deal with him.

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