Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 1266: Talking pendant

In the battle with Tang Ming just now, Tang Ao knew that after Tang Ming lost his mind, he was fighting with his monster-like fighting instinct. In this case, there was no other way except head-to-head confrontation with Tang Ming. If it’s Tang Ao, some advanced formations can be used, but the formations of Feixing Continent are too backward. At least so far, Tang Ao has not seen anyone who can use formations to capture Tang Ming on Feixing Continent. Musha.

As Tang Ao continued to learn about Feixing Mainland, Tang Ao became more and more confused. At the beginning, Tang Ao and Chu Xuehan were in the Dizang Cemetery, and after using the Space Jade Talisman, they crossed the plane directly to the Feixing Continent. So Tang Ao guessed that the space between Feixing Continent and Ksitigarbha's Cemetery should be very weak.

It's just that the area of ​​the Jizo cemetery, whether it is a monster or some weird plant, is a very powerful existence. Compared with the Jizo cemetery, the Feixing Continent is really weak. It was so weak that there was no aura, only a vitality that was ten times weaker than the aura. But it happened to be such a low-level plane, but the existence of fairy artifacts appeared again.

Fragments of fairy artifacts appeared in a place in the Yuanwu realm where the strongest warriors could only practice. This kind of thing is really incredible. Tang Ao knew that although the Fulong Crypt was vast, the difference in each place was only the degree of vitality. There is only one place, which is different from all places in Fulong Crypt. That was Evergreen Valley, and after Tang Ao came to Fulong Crypt, he never had the opportunity to visit Evergreen Valley.

While Tang Ao was thinking about it, Tang Ao suddenly heard someone talking to Wu Han. This voice was also sent from the pendant on Wu Han's neck. The voice was very low and hoarse, and it sounded very uncomfortable.

"If you have a chance, kill Su Hongyi!" A very indifferent voice came from the pendant on Wu Han's neck.

"Huh?" Rao Wu Han was also taken aback by this instruction. "It's not impossible, but you are sure that there are no other masters in Fulong Crypt around here?"

Listening to the conversation between the two in the distance, Tang Ao was secretly shocked, knowing that Wu Han was only a fighter of the fifth level of the body forging stage, while Su Hongyi was a fighter of the ninth level of the body forging stage. With this terrifying difference in cultivation level, Wu Han was not afraid when he said to kill Su Hongyi just now. Tang Ao just saw a strong sense of confidence in his eyes. It seems that this Wu Han has some means that can surpass the four levels of cultivation base suppression and forcefully kill Su Hongyi.

"Don't worry, there is no one in the range of my soul." The cold voice on the pendant continued.

"That kid who ran away just now is not here anymore?" Wu Han and Tang Ao had fought before, so Wu Han knew that Tang Ao was cunning. According to Wu Han's conjecture, in this case, Tang Ao would probably hide somewhere waiting for an opportunity, and shouldn't run away directly. What is the most important thing in Fulong Crypt? Of course it is cultivation resources.

A warrior who has cultivated evil blood skills to the seventh level of the body forging realm must have terrifying training resources. And watching the battle between Su Hongyi and Tang Ming, it's really hard to tell who will die in the end. In this situation, Wu Han really couldn't figure out why Tang Ao had to escape. Could it be that Tang Ao was afraid of being chased by Tang Ming, so he ran away when he caught the opportunity this time?

But it was not right, because no matter how he looked at it, Tang Ao was not the kind of person who was afraid. When Wu Han saw Tang Ao fighting Tang Ming alone, he was not completely suppressed by Tang Ming. Moreover, Wu Han also faintly felt that Tang Ao seemed to have some scruples, and that he still hadn't used any means.

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