Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 1272: Desperate play

Tang Ao was a little speechless. Tang Ao really couldn't understand what kind of deep hatred Wu Han and Wuying had. When the two of them shot, they played desperately. Su Hongyi and Tang Ming fought for so long without any obvious injuries. But Wu Han and Wuying just collided, and Wu Han's short gun in his left hand passed through Wuying's right shoulder, and Wuying's judge's pen also swept through Wu Han's left rib.

If the two of them were willing, the two of them could obviously avoid such an offensive, but neither Wu Han nor Wuying had the intention to dodge. After one stroke wounded the opponent, they collided fiercely again. The two shots were extremely fierce, and they were fighting at all costs. From time to time, blood spilled out of the two men's battle group, but this did not affect the fierce battle between the two. Tang Ao watched this battle with enthusiasm, and at the same time he was a little speechless.

Because from the current point of view, Wuying and Wu Han's skills are completely evenly matched, and no one can suppress each other. If this fight continues, the two are very likely to finish playing together. Both of them were advanced martial artists in the body forging realm. Tang Ao didn't think that such a simple ending would be unexpected to both of them. In fact, both of them had thought about this kind of result, but at this time they were still reluctant to admit defeat.

The brilliance flickered in mid-air, and the blood-colored brilliance directly dyed this area red. It's just that in this **** brilliance, there is a black and white area. Wuying held the judge's pen in his hand tightly and kept attacking Wu Han. And Wu Han also attacked quickly with both guns. ; Although a cloud of blood mist exploded on his body from time to time, almost every time a blood mist exploded on his body, Wuying also sprayed a blood flower on his body. When they meet each other, they will meet Liangcai, and the fighting is full of enthusiasm for a while.

On the other side, Tang Ming and Su Hongyi's battlefield were still fighting tepidly. Because of the cultivation base, Tang Ming couldn't hurt Su Hongyi, and because his two strongest souls were restrained by Tang Ming, Su Hongyi couldn't hurt Tang Ming for a while. Just when Tang Ao thought the battle would continue like this, the aura on Tang Ming's body began to agitate.

Tang Ao's eyes narrowed, and he secretly asked if the duration of Tang Mingxie's blood work was about to pass. Su Hongyi, who was at war with Tang Ming, was immediately overjoyed when he saw this scene. Although the evil blood technique is powerful, there is a time limit for using the evil blood technique. Tang Ming had fought hard with Tang Ao and others before, and later he chased and killed Tang Ao for a long time.

At this time, Tang Mingxie's blood power was finally close to its limit. Even so, Tang Ao still marveled at the power of evil blood. If Tang Ming's backlash was not very serious after the contact with the evil blood power, then this kind of power is really against the sky. It's just that the secret technique of evil blood skill doesn't seem to be very easy to cultivate, and whether it is Tang Ming or Wu Han, the aura in the body becomes a little evil after performing evil blood skill, which makes people very uncomfortable. Moreover, the aura in the blood of the two of them is also very disordered, and it seems that it is not so easy to cultivate evil blood skills.

When Tang Ming's blood was disordered, Tang Ming somehow suddenly ran in the direction Tang Ao was. Tang Ao was taken aback. Tang Ao really couldn't understand why he didn't run away from so many places where Tang Ming escaped. Why did he run over to himself. Tang Ao was hiding here. Because of Tang Ao's powerful soul mind, he could cover himself with soul mind, so it would be difficult for others to find Tang Ao.

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