Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 1310: The Ice Tiger Recognizes the Lord

After Xiaohan Ice Tiger was blocked by Tang Ao's Fighting Sacred Bone Life and Soul, his small mouth was suddenly puffed up, his appearance was extremely cute. Seeing this little guy, Tang Ao couldn't help but think of that little girl Tang Huoer. At the beginning of the Ming Emperor secret realm, Tang Huoer and Tang You were involved in other planes by the turbulence of space. Tang Ao originally planned to go to them after recovering from his injuries, but until now, Tang Ao's injuries have not healed completely.

After a helpless sigh, Tang Ao's fingertips spouted sword energy, and with a "poof", the vines that bound the ice tiger were cut off. The break was smooth as a mirror, and the power of that sword energy was imaginable. And know. Tang Ao's Qinglian Jianqi was not good enough to deal with those vines just now, but it was nothing to deal with such ordinary vines.

After Tang Ao cut off these vines, the cold ice tiger cub fell off immediately. The little guy got up, and immediately backed up a few steps, moving away from Tang Ao. Although it was Tang Ao who rescued him just now, the little guy seemed a little scared of the human martial artist. Tang Ao still didn't understand the monster beast like Hanbinghu.

When the Ice Tiger was still in its infancy, the female tiger would never leave the Little Ice Tiger. Now Xiaohan Ice Tiger is walking alone in the forest, obviously something happened to the female tiger. After thinking slightly, Tang Ao decided to bring this little guy back to Qingyun Village to raise him. "Little guy, are you willing to go with me?" Tang Ao asked as softly as possible.

Only after Tang Ao finished asking, Xiaohan Binghu still looked at Tang Ao vigilantly. Tang Ao knew that this little guy couldn't speak yet, but with his intelligence, there was no problem in understanding his own words. The reason it looks like this now is because this little guy still doesn't trust himself. Even so, Tang Ao still didn't care.

Monster beasts and human warriors are in a competitive or even hostile relationship. Most of the beasts have very low intelligence. Only a small number of monsters with higher intelligence can get along with humans in harmony and mutual benefit. And the cold ice tiger is one of these monsters, so after Tang Ao saw this little cold ice tiger, he had the idea of ​​raising this little cold ice tiger.

While Xiaohan Ice Tiger was still staring at Tang Ao vigilantly, a light green spot of light jumped out of Tang Ao's hand. These beating spots of light, like lively little elves, flew around the Ice Tiger, and immediately wrapped the Little Ice Tiger. These pale green light spots were nothing but Tang Ao's jade bone vitality soul.

Because Xiaohan Ice Tiger was trapped by the vines here, he also had some injuries, but these injuries were quickly healed under the healing of Jade Bone's Life and Soul. After healed from the injury, Xiaohan Binghu looked at his small paws that were still red and swollen just now and the injured parts, his big eyes were full of incredible.

Seeing his cute appearance, Tang Ao also found a pale green pill from his storage ring. This was a first-grade spirit beast pill. Of course, Tang Ao also had a higher-rank spirit beast pill, but because of two concerns, Tang Ao didn't take it out. Many of the pills in Tang Ao's body were refined during the Xuanhuang Continent and the Ice and Snow Plains.

After these medicines are brought to the Feixing Continent, they can still be used, but as long as they are taken out of the chaotic six-pointed mirror space, even if they are placed in the storage ring. The pill that originally had ten percent efficacy will instantly change to only one to thirty percent of the efficacy, and the higher the level of the pill, the more affected it will be. There is another point, that is, the little cold ice tiger now only has the cultivation base of the body forging stage.

Seeing the grass-green pill in Tang Ao's hand, Xiaohan Binghu stretched out his nose and sniffed. The special fragrance in the pill made the little guy swallow secretly, and his big eyes stared at Tang Ao motionlessly. The pill on the hand. Although Xiaohan Binghu didn't know what it was, its subconsciousness told it that this pill was very good for it.

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