Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 1372: Takayama snow

It seemed that as long as she did what Tang Ao said, she would be able to successfully refine the spirit grass last time. With Tang Ao's guidance, Situ Qianqian again confidently began to refine the spirit grass. It's just that the facts are not as simple as he thought. Situ Qianqian started to refine the medicinal solution for the second time, and also ended in failure, followed by three times, the fourth failure.

Although the successive failures made Situ Qianqian very unhappy, Situ Qianqian felt relieved that he could make a little progress every time. Because Tang Ao's alchemy jade slip to Situ Qianqian clearly stated that for alchemists, extracting medicinal solution is a process of accumulating experience.

In this process, failure is inevitable. However, as long as we learn from each failure and make more progress the next time we refine the spirit grass, then such a failure is not a failure, but a small success. Seeing Situ Qianqian completely immersed in alchemy, Tang Ao did not bother her either.

Originally, Tang Ao was only going to try this pill furnace to see if it would work well. Although Tang Ao did not personally refine the pill by himself, Tang Ao could also tell from Situ Qianqian's alchemy process that there was no problem with this pill furnace. Although there is still no comparability with Tang Ao's Shennong Ding and other pill furnaces, Tang Ao knows that it is not a problem to use this pill furnace to refine the best-quality Yangyuan Pill.

It's just that now Tang Ao doesn't even have the spirit grass for refining the low-grade Yangyuan Pill, let alone the spirit grass for refining the top-grade Yangyuan Pill. Although Tang Ao planned to start **** to accumulate training resources in the alchemy three days later, even if it was snowballing, he had to have a snowball at the beginning. So after Situ Qianqian failed to refine the pill again, Tang Ao hurriedly stopped her.

Situ Qianqian has a lot of medicinal materials, but Situ Qianqian is also very smart. After the first attempt to refine the spirit grass for the nourishing pill, Situ Qianqian took out some very common ordinary spirit herbs and began to refine it. But this is the case. Situ Qianqian still wastes a lot of spirit grass after refining, and has accumulated a thick layer of pill ash on the bottom of the black rock pill furnace.

After Tang Ao finished speaking, Situ Qianqian also stopped his hand: "Brother Tang Ao, what's the matter?" Although Situ Qianqian didn't succeed just once, Situ Qianqian felt that he was getting closer and closer to success just now. . Now Tang Ao stopped her, making Situ Qianqian a little worried whether her method was wrong.

Seeing the nervousness on Situ Qianqian's face, Tang Ao smiled slightly: "Sister Qianqian, alchemy is gradual in this way. According to your progress, you will be able to succeed after refining three hundred spiritual herbs. But now can you improve the quality of the refinement? Lend me all the spirit grass of Yuandan?"

"Brother Tang Ao, here." Situ Qianqian took out a storage bag and handed it to Tang Ao without any hesitation. Tang Ao's soul swept away and found that this storage bag contained ten parts of the spirit grass for refining the low-grade Yangyuan Pill and one part of the spirit grass for refining the middle-grade Yangyuan Pill. This made Tang Ao overjoyed. With these spirit grasses, it was enough for Tang Ao to snowball.

After some thoughts, Tang Ao said, "Sister Qianqian, you think this is good. You will arrange all the spiritual herbs on your body into one part according to the prescriptions. Tonight I will refine all the spiritual herbs into a pill. , I will sell it on the Fang market tomorrow, and then buy more spirit grass back."

"Okay, so I can see how Senior Brother Tang Ao makes alchemy." Situ Qianqian took out all the spirit grass in the storage ring after speaking. Although Situ Qianqian hunted not many monsters, Situ Qianqian did not kill many monsters. There are really a lot of spiritual grasses collected. After they were taken out, they piled up like a hill.

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