Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 1401: Gorgeous animal car

In the Fulong Crypt, warriors often face life and death choices, so the warriors in the Fulong Crypt are stronger than those in other places. Because in Fulong Crypt, battle may occur at any time, so their martial arts are more skilled, their vitality is more vigorous, and their life soul is more flexible. And the stronger the cultivation base, the more obvious this gap.

Therefore, outside the Fulong Crypt, there are many instances of low-level warriors beheading high-level warriors. But in Fulong Crypt, this kind of thing happened very rarely. Because those warriors with fish eyes and pearls have long been eliminated in the process of growing up, only those warriors with real persistence and perseverance can continue to rise.

To put it simply, there are few or no warriors in Fulong Crypts who use pill to pile up their cultivation base. Although Tang Ao now relies heavily on Yang Yuan Dan in his practice, Tang Ao has gone far in martial arts in his previous life or in this life, so Tang Ao used Yang Yuan Dan to improve his martial arts cultivation. There will be no problem of unstable state.

Because Tang Ao's cultivation base slipped so badly now because of the shattered Spirit Sea and Soul Sea, and Tang Ao's original realm had long surpassed the level of Feixing Continent. At the entrance of Caiyun Dange, Tang Ao and Kuanglong had already left here, but there were still warriors who came here from time to time to talk about the battle between Tang Ao and Kuanglong not long ago.

When everyone was talking about the battle between Tang Ao and Kuanglong, a rhythmic and brisk sound of horses hooves came. In the mortal country, the horse is the most commonly used and most common means of transportation. But at the level of warriors, the mounts that travel basically use monsters. Now everyone heard the sound of horseshoes, but when they turned their heads and looked past, they saw no horses or ordinary horses.

Although Tang Ao disappeared before everyone's eyes just now, Tang Ao did not leave here. After taking Situ Qianqian around in a circle, Tang Ao returned here again. Because Tang Ao still hasn't found a suitable place to set up a stall, in Tang Ao's opinion, the front of Caiyundan Pavilion is very good. However, Tang Ao had already experienced how Caiyundan Pavilion received and treated guests. Therefore, Tang Ao knew that if he had the courage to sell pills at the entrance of Caiyun Pill Pavilion, it would not be the mad dragon and evil tiger who came to him.

Perhaps in the eyes of ordinary people, even those low-level warriors, the crazy dragon is already powerful enough. But looking at the entire Fulong Crypt and ranking the strongest warriors, a small character like Crazy Dragon can't even enter the top 100. Although Tang Ao had defeated the crazy dragon now, it did not prove that Tang Ao was much better than Tang Ao. Because this time the crazy dragon was defeated by Tang Ao, it can also be said to be a coincidence.

Of course, if Tang Ao used all his methods, there would still be no problem in killing the crazy dragon in seconds. But this was also because Tang Ao himself was a powerhouse in the life-and-death state. Although Tang Ao's strength was not at the peak of his peak, Tang Ao would be somewhat invincible if he tried his best to deal with body-forging martial artists.

But if it was that time, Tang Ao would naturally not hesitate. The world of warriors has never had ifs, only consequences and results. Just like when dealing with the gray fur monster not long ago, Tang Ao did not hesitate to use the Netherworld Sword Qi.

At the entrance of Caiyundan Pavilion, the luxurious carriage that Tang Ao saw just now stopped. Under the perception of Tang Ao’s soul, there was a flow of vitality of wind on these two horses pulling carts. Although Tang Ao could not recognize what kind of monster it was, Tang Ao was sure that this kind of monster with the wind of vitality flow around him Beast, the speed will never be slow. This is the rule of the martial arts world, and it is also a common sense.

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