Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 1412: Turnaround

After thinking for a while, Tang Ao said to Shi Yi, "I will go down to see if I can participate in this second assessment." Tang Ao left here without waiting for Shi Yi to react. Shi Yi was stunned by Tang Ao: "What did he say to participate in the second game? What!" Shi Yi muttered to himself and then reacted.

Shi Yi was speechless, Tang Ao seemed to be a very normal person, how could he have such whimsical thoughts. It’s not impossible to not participate in the first assessment and want to participate in the second assessment. You just need to pass a question assessment by the chief examiner before you can participate in the second assessment. However, the chief examiner of this alchemy conference is Xiao Zhen, the deputy leader of the alchemy alliance who has always been known for his rigid and serious style.

The Alchemy Alliance has a leader and three deputy leaders. In each alchemy assessment conference, these four top alchemists take turns as the chief examiner. Among them, the alchemist who did not catch up with the first test, if he arrived before the second test, then as long as he answered one of the exam questions from the chief examiner correctly, he could take the second test.

This rule is recognized by all four, but since Xiao Zhen became the chief examiner, he has never seen anyone who can pass the examination. Therefore, if it is known that the chief examiner of a certain session is Xiao Zhen, the alchemist at Fulong Crypt would rather set off half a year earlier than be late. It was also because of this that Shi Yi didn't tell Tang Ao this way.

On the other hand, Tang Ao had already gone to a wooden house. Tang Ao inquired that this wooden house was specially used for consulting all matters concerning the alchemy conference, so Tang Ao wanted to come over and ask how he could participate in the first in a situation like his Two-course assessment test. Or is there any other authentication method.

Tang Ao felt that there were so many alchemists in the Fulong Crypt, and there were too few certified alchemists once a year. They should be able to be certified at any time. When Tang Ao came over, he saw a few people standing on the other side of the wooden house. As for the window, there was no one. At this moment, there is still an hour before the start of the alchemy conference, everyone is already in place, ready to watch this alchemy conference.

"What did you do?" It was completely different from what Tang Ao had imagined. There was no sweet-looking female warrior in this cabin, but an extremely burly middle-aged man reading in it. When Tang Ao came outside the window, the middle-aged man didn't lift his head, just asked casually.

"In the next Tang Ao, it is the alchemist who came to participate in the alchemy meeting. Because of the delay on the road, the first alchemy assessment did not catch up. I wonder if there is any way I can participate in the second assessment and certification?" Tang just now Ao has already inquired clearly. The reason why the alchemy assessment has to be divided into two is that in the first session, all the warriors who have used up the number should be eliminated, and the second assessment is the real evaluation of the alchemist's alchemy. Assessment of skills.

Therefore, the first assessment is not very important in the strict sense, and because of this, the four high-level members of the Alchemy Alliance have formulated the rule that the chief examiner has the right to allow alchemists to directly participate in the second assessment. In fact, none of the slightly famous alchemists participated in the first assessment, because their alchemy ability was beyond doubt.

After Tang Ao finished speaking, the middle-aged man raised his head and glanced at Tang Ao, then pointed his finger at the open space to the side. Tang Ao just noticed some people standing in the clearing, but Tang Ao didn't know what these people were standing there for. Now that the middle-aged brawny man is pointing there, Tang Ao naturally wants to ask, is it possible that he also stood in a daze in the past?

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