Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 1420: Deputy leader of the Dan League

Tang Ao estimated that the strength of the vitality of the Feixing Continent could only support the martial artist to cultivate to the first level of the Yuan Martial Realm. Further up, the vitality in the martial artist's body is already saturated, and it is impossible to break through to a higher realm at all. Therefore, if this old man is a half-step Yuanwu realm cultivation base, he is definitely a first-class expert in the entire Feixing Continent.

"I have seen the leader of Xiao." In Tang Ao's stunned spirit, the rest of the warriors all stood up respectfully. Both the alchemist on the stage and the warriors under the stage bowed towards Xiao Zhen. Tang Ao also reacted at this time. It turned out that this old man was the deputy leader of the Alchemy League, Xiao Zhen, the chief examiner of this alchemy conference.

Tang Ao was not very clear about Xiao Zhen's alchemy ability, and the alchemist had absolutely no doubt about Xiao Zhen's strength. Tang Ao now has a chance to escape facing the 9th-layer martial artist of the Body Forging Realm, but if he faces a powerful martial artist like Xiao Zhen, Tang Ao definitely has no chance to escape.

However, Tang Ao and this leader Xiao had no holidays, so Tang Ao didn't need to consider these issues at present. Xiao Zhen waved his hand casually: "You don't need to be polite. Since everything is ready, the alchemy conference will begin now. Let me first talk about the rules. The second round of alchemy conference is divided into three sessions."

"These three games are the same as in previous years. The first test is to identify elixir, the second is to refine any pill, and the third is to refine the Yangyuan Pill. After three games, the old man and the judged alchemists I will judge the level of alchemy for you. If there is no doubt, I will start now." After Xiao Zhen said, he looked at everyone, obviously asking if anyone had any questions.

Except for Tang Ao, the alchemists who can come to this scene are very familiar with the process of the alchemy conference, so naturally there will be no problems. At this moment, Tang Ao suddenly found someone looking at him. When Tang Ao turned around, he found that the person looking at him was the alchemist named Lin Fan. Tang Ao remembered that this guy directly and very proudly bribed Xue Tie with half of the best-quality nourishing pill. Now that he appeared here, he didn't know if the best nourishing yuan pill had worked or some other reason.

When Tang Ao looked at Lin Fan, Lin Fan also smiled at Tang Ao, Tang Ao nodded likewise, as a greeting. There is no opinion on Lin Fan and Tang Ao. Everyone has their own abilities for this kind of thing, so there is no conflict between Tang Ao and Lin Fan. Moreover, Tang Ao felt that this Lin Fan should not be easy, otherwise he would not have to come to this assessment test at such a high price.

It's just that no matter whether Lin Fan has any secrets, it has nothing to do with Tang Ao, so Tang Ao's attention is still on this alchemy test, instead of paying too much attention to Lin Fan. Lin Fan also did the same. In order to participate in this alchemy test, the price he paid was not small. The half of the Yangyuan Pill was obtained by chance at a ruin by Lin Fan. Lin Fan had obtained two top-grade Yangyuan Pills, but now only the half is left.

After no alchemy master had any questions, Xiao Zhen also announced that the alchemy meeting had officially started. Then some waiters began to take the medicine baskets and put them next to the alchemist. All of these medicine baskets contained 81 kinds of elixir. Obviously, the alchemist was asked to distinguish the 81 kinds of elixir. .

Tang Ao didn't waste any time. He picked up a medicinal material and portrayed the image of the medicinal material on the jade slip, and then engraved the name and some characteristics of the spirit grass on the jade slip with soul. Tang Aohunnian swept around and found that the other alchemists were also doing this. Although there are many spirit grasses here, alchemist Tang Ao's soul is strong, so the recording speed is also very fast.

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