Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 1422: Yulong Xiangling Wood

Wang Kun also knew that when he identified the spirit grass, he was not very sure that there were three kinds of spirit grass. It's just that Wang Kun shocked everyone just now in pursuit of speed. He didn't carefully confirm the three kinds of spirit grasses that he couldn't understand, and now he had identified all of them incorrectly. Tang Ao thought that Wang Kun knew so much about spirit grass, and he had identified all of them in less than half an hour. Now that Wang Kun had recognized three kinds of spirit grasses wrongly, Tang Ao shook his head.

Because there is no time limit for this assessment, it compares who has identified the most spirit grass. Xiao Zhen said just now that the top 300 alchemists in this test will be eliminated, which means that the more than 600 alchemists here will be eliminated by about half. Only the identification time is not after the three hundred alchemists. There should be no problems.

Although it may take a long time to appear after more than 300 people, more spirit grasses are identified. In other words, before 300 people, but few spirit grasses were identified. Tang Ao believes that after the alchemy assessment has been held for so many years, there should be a reasonable scoring plan for this situation.

As time passed, some alchemists completed the identification of the spirit grass. Among them, the final scorer is still Wang Kun. At this moment, Tang Ao had two remaining spiritual grass slices that were not certain. If it was a whole spiritual grass, a lot of it could be recognized just by its appearance. But after these spirit grasses are sliced, they cannot be identified by reference to their appearance.

Not only can it not be identified by reference to the shape, but even after identifying what kind of spirit grass it is, it is necessary to add the pattern of this spirit grass on the jade slip. "This is an impatiens rhizome, it should be right." At this moment, Tang Ao held a pinky-thick root. After carefully identifying the characteristics of the elixir recorded in Shennong's Materia Medica, Tang Ao finally confirmed it. Come down.

After confirming this kind of spirit grass, Tang Ao felt a little dazed by the last remaining kind of spirit grass. Because Tang Ao could feel the surging vitality on this kind of spiritual grass, even though it was just a slice of the spiritual medicine, Tang Ao could also see the extraordinary of this kind of spiritual grass. In addition, Tang Ao was sure that he had never been in contact with this elixir before.

And after Tang Ao observed for a long time, Tang Ao discovered that he couldn't judge the grade of this kind of elixir. If it is an ordinary spirit grass, it is easy to determine the grade of the spirit grass after investigating it with soul. But now Tang Ao had this jade-like spirit grass rhizome, but Tang Ao didn't know what kind of spirit grass it was.

"Huh? Can't see the grade..." Tang Ao suddenly thought of something, that is, his thoughts were a little stiff. Since learning alchemy, every time I identify a spirit grass that I don't know, I must always judge what kind of spirit grass it is. But Tang Ao overlooked a very important thing, that is, there is a very special kind of spiritual grass in this world, that is, spiritual grass of no grade.

After thinking of this, Tang Ao was almost certain that this spiritual grass was a non-grade spiritual grass. Although this kind of spirit grass has no grade, it is very rare and very precious. After confirming that this elixir was an elixir of no grade, Tang Ao immediately searched for the elixir of no grade in his mind.

"Yulongxiang!" The name of a kind of spiritual wood suddenly appeared in Tang Ao's mind. Yulongxiang is a very rare tree. In the records of Herborist, Yulongxiang is a spiritual wood from ancient times, so even Tang Ao's previous life Have never seen Yulongxiang. Tang Ao didn't expect that in his previous life, as the ninth-level peak powerhouse of the Star Realm, he had never seen the Yulongxiang, but in this life he saw it under such circumstances. Knowing that this was Yulongxiang, Tang Ao was very excited.

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