Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 1426: Another deputy leader

Tang Ao’s soul thoughts did not continue to stay on Ning Huanhuan. At this moment, Tang Ao had already read all the jade slips that the alchemists who handed in the jade slips, although Tang Ao didn’t know how these alchemists knew Yulongxiang. Yes, but Tang Ao was able to determine that he was not the only one who knew Yulongxiang. Among the alchemists who have handed in jade slips, there are more than 30 alchemists, including Wang Kun and Lin Fan, who know Yulongxiang.

And Tang Ao also saw that these people not only knew Yulongxiang, but also knew that the leaves of Yulongxiang could make spiritual tea. This made Tang Ao secretly surprised. Could it be that there is still a living Yulong Xiang in this Fulong Crypt? You must know that even in the Xuanhuang Continent, there is no Yulongxiang anymore. Is it possible that there is Yulongxiang in this small flying star continent?

If it wasn't for the pill refining conference at this moment, and Tang Ao and the surrounding alchemists were not familiar, then Tang Ao would definitely go over and ask if there is a Jade Dragon Fragrant Spirit Wood in the Fulong Crypt. After confirming that there was no problem, Tang Ao also got up and sent Yu Jian over. However, Tang Ao could not directly hand the jade slip to Xiao Zhen. When Tang Ao walked to the high platform ahead, a maid took Tang Ao's jade slip and handed it to a middle-aged man with long beard.

Tang Ao didn't expect that he would even have to check his results. People like Ning Huanhuan and Wang Kun would be checked by Xiao Zhen himself, but an unknown alchemist like himself would just ask someone to check it. . However, Tang Ao didn't care, no matter who checked it, he was all right. After taking over Tang Ao's jade slip, Zhai Wenming nodded to Tang Ao, and then looked at it carefully.

Seeing Zhai Wenming's attitude, Tang Ao was quite satisfied. Because he was also careful when identifying these elixir, if he didn't check it carefully, he would be irresponsible. After Zhai Wenming began to examine Tang Ao's jade slips, his face changed a little, because Tang Ao's answer was very neat. After watching thirty kinds of elixir in a row, Tang Ao didn't make any mistakes, which made Zhai Wenming a bit more energetic.

After continuously checking the sixty elixirs without any problems, Zhai Wenming looked at Tang Ao in shock. There are quite a few alchemists in Fulong Crypt, but Zhai Wenming almost knows those alchemists who are slightly more powerful. Although Zhai Wenming had never seen Tang Ao making a pill, Tang Ao's understanding of pill was already deeply shocked by Zhai Wenming.

There are three deputy leaders and one leader in the Dan League. Like Xiao Zhen and Xia Baicao, Zhai Wenming is also the deputy leader of the Dan League. It's just that Zhai Wenming is usually too low-key, so among the three deputy leaders of the Dan League, not many people know him. After a while, Zhai Wenming had read all the contents of Tang Aoyu's slip.

After reading it again, Zhai Wenming's face became particularly exciting. This year's alchemy conference is really a Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger. The Tang Ao in front of him has never appeared before, but this time he was a blockbuster! Because of the 81 elixir identified this time, Tang Ao actually identified all of them without error.

"Pill Master Tang Ao recognized eighty-one types of elixir, congratulations." After a moment of stunned, Zhai Wenming also said in full vigor. With the diffusion of vitality, all the alchemists on the stage, as well as the people around who came to watch, heard clearly. Alchemy conferences have been held many times, but in these many alchemy conferences, there has never been an alchemist who has identified all the spirit grass.

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