Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 1431: Need a Jade Identity Card

Now Tang Ao has the idea to join the Dan League, and nothing else, Xiao Zhen, the deputy leader of the Dan League in front of him, is a powerhouse in the half-step Yuanwu realm. This strength can definitely walk sideways in Fulong Crypt. of. There is also the long-bearded alchemist who was responsible for the judgment in the first round of the test. He is also a strong person at the peak of the ninth level of the body forging, and his aura is extremely restrained. Obviously, he has run in for a long time at the peak of the ninth level of the body forging. Time, only one chance, will be able to break through to the real Yuan Wu state.

In addition to these two people, there is also the mysterious Dan League leader. In Tang Ao's thoughts, even if the leader of the Dan League is not a strong Yuan Wu realm, at least he must be a half-step Yuan Wu realm warrior like this deputy leader Xiao Zhen. In this way, the strength of this Dan League is not much better than the eight overlord-level forces that dominate the Feixing Continent.

And these are just the strengths on the face of the Dan League, you must know that behind every powerful alchemist, there are countless terrifying powerhouses. Thinking of this, Tang Ao decided to take advantage of this alchemy test to win the favor of the pill league. Since the Pill League is an alliance of alchemists, there are powerful alchemists to join, and Tang Ao believes that the Pill League has no reason to refuse.

"Pill Master Tang Ao, haven't you selected the medicinal materials? The second round of competition is about to start." Seeing that Tang Ao hadn't said what medicinal materials he needed, the maid who was responsible for delivering medicinal materials to Tang Ao whispered a reminder.

Tang Ao also came back to his senses at this time, and immediately said, "Bring me a spiritual herb for refining Dali Jingang Pill." Dali Jingang Pill is a kind of gain-type pill that reaches the nine-star grade. After taking it, it is a vigorous pill. Qi will stimulate the potential of the martial artist, and the strength, speed, and explosive power of the martial artist will be terribly improved in a short time.

But this kind of pill naturally also has side effects, that is, three days after the effect of the medicine, the martial artist's body cannot run vitality, and the whole body cannot move. Although this side effect sounds a bit scary, the Dali King Kong Pill is still the pill that countless warriors crave. In martial arts practice, life and death often occur. In this case, taking a strong vajra will increase your chances of winning by at least 30%.

Compared to survived, the side effects of Dali Vajra are really insignificant. Tang Ao had refined similar pill before when he was in Xuanhuang Continent, but it was a sixth-grade pill, Xiaotian Gang Pill, which was far more advanced than this Vigorous Diamond Pill. But after Tang Ao finished speaking, the maid was a little confused.

Tang Ao saw her dumbfounded and couldn't help but smile and asked, "What's wrong? Can't you refine this medicine in the second round?"

Hearing Tang Ao’s question, the maid said timidly: "No, it's just to refine pills with seven or more stars, and the alchemist needs to issue a corresponding identity jade medal." This maid has been in the pill league for a long time, with seven or more stars. Teacher, this maid knew all of them, so she knew that Tang Ao should not be a seven-star alchemist.

"It turned out to be like this." Tang Ao was a little bit troubled at this time, not to mention the little seven-star alchemy master, Tang Ao's alchemy level, the so-called nine-star peak alchemy master, is beyond the reach. But now Tang Ao really doesn't have this so-called identity card. Tang Ao came to participate in the alchemy conference this time, just to verify his identity as an alchemist.

"Pill Master Tang Ao, there are actually many six-star pill that are also good, or you can choose a six-star pill." The maid saw Tang Ao's expression and immediately knew that Tang Ao had no identity jade medal, so Also hurriedly changed the topic. Because as an alchemist, it is a very embarrassing thing to not have an identity jade medal certified by the Dan League.

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