Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 1436: Move the whole body

At this moment, the temperature on the alchemy platform was a bit hot, and the three hundred alchemists on the stage had already condensed the pill fire at this moment and began to refine the pill. In this alchemy, all the alchemists’ faces were very solemn, because they were not allowed to use their own alchemy furnaces, nor were they allowed to use special flames, so this time alchemy made a lot of difficulty for most alchemists. .

Tang Ao didn’t rely much on the pill furnace and flame. He just said that if there is a good pill furnace and a suitable flame, the rate of pill formation will be higher when Tang Ao refines the pill, and the quality of the pill that Tang Ao refines is also higher. It will be slightly better. But even if there is no suitable pill furnace and flame, Tang Ao's refining the pill is not a problem.

Under the control of Tang Ao's powerful soul mind, all the medicinal materials for refining Chongyang Pill were burned by the pill in the alchemy furnace. Some medicinal materials are instantly refined as soon as they encounter the pill fire, and then drops of crystal clear droplets appear. There are some medicinal materials that are difficult to refine, but under the burning of the pill fire, changes are slowly taking place.

Only one red fruit is the most special. This fruit is called Chongming Guo, which is a gradeless spirit grass. No grade of spirit grass does not mean it is ordinary, on the contrary, this kind of medicinal material is very rare. Tang Ao had only seen images of Chongming Guo on the Herborist. This was the first time he saw Chongming Guo in kind.

In addition, when Tang Ao refined the liquid essence, other medicinal materials were very smooth, but when extracting the liquid essence of Chong Ming Guo, he encountered some problems. That is because the temperature of the pill fire is not very high, so when Tang Ao extracts the essence of Chong Ming Guo, it is very slow. After an hour passed, the other spirit grass Tang Ao had all been purified, but Chongming Guo still hadn't changed much.

Soul Nian glanced around, Tang Ao somewhat wanted to call out Nether Fire to burn the heavy fruit. Because Tang Ao’s cultivation base is too low, the pill fire that Tang Ao uses to condense with his vitality is also very weak. It’s okay to refine some ordinary spiritual grass, but when he encounters a special spiritual grass like Chong Ming Guo, Tang Ao’s pill fire It pales in comparison.

Although Xiao Zhen and Zhai Wenming's soul thoughts covered the entire alchemy square, if Tang Ao wanted to use Nether Fire, they still had no way to know. Because Tang Ao's alchemy furnace was different from others, Tang Ao did not restore the original inscription matrix in the alchemy furnace, but re-drew the inscription matrix in the alchemy furnace. Among these inscription formations portrayed by Tang Ao, there is a formation method that isolates the soul from the exploration.

Therefore, when Zhai Wenming and Xiao Zhen's soul thoughts swept through Tang Ao's pill furnace, they could only know that Tang Ao was making the pill. As for the situation in the pill furnace, the two could not detect it. After thinking about it, Tang Ao was still ready to use Netherfire. Just as Tang Ao was about to summon Nether Fire, Tang Ao suddenly thought of a question. That is, Chongyang Pill is the most yang to strong pill, while Nether Fire is the most yin to soft flame.

Such two incompatible existences obviously cannot be put together. After discovering this problem, Tang Ao was a little depressed. If it was a previous life, there were still many strange fires on Tang Ao, and some of them were very good. But in this life, the special flame on Tang Ao's body had no other flames except the Nether Fire.

"Hey!" After sighing, Tang Ao could only continue to use the pill fire honestly to refine the key fruits. Tang Ao has decided that after this alchemy meeting is over, he must collect more special flames. It's just that the alchemy level reached Tang Ao's level, those flame Tang Ao whose grades were too low were not available. Even Nether Fire is biased towards attack, no matter it is used for refining or alchemy, it is not very suitable.

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