Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 1449: Invitation from the leader of the Dan League

Originally, Shen Luoli wanted to find Lin Ruchang, the leader of the Dan League, to refine the Chongyang Pill, but Shen Luoli has not seen Lin Ruchang, let alone where Lin Ruchang is. After not finding Lin Ruchang, Shen Luoli planned to ask the three deputy leaders of the Dan League to refining it to see if he could get lucky to successfully refine the Chongyang Pill. Although such a low probability was pitiful, Shen Luoli still didn't want to return empty-handed this time.

But fortunately, the road to heaven is inexhaustible. At the alchemy conference, an unknown alchemy master actually refined the Chongyang Pill, and it was not an ordinary Chongyang Pill, but a Chongyang Pill with a special quality. The Chongyang Pill is the most difficult pill among the nine-star pill, and the Chongyang Pill refined by Tang Ao is still the highest-grade Chongyang Pill. Therefore, it is said that the pill that Tang Ao refines is the most advanced pill that Shen Luoli has ever seen. Not an exaggeration.

Although the Chongyang Pill and the Best Yangyuan Pill were considered to be of the same level, Shen Luoli knew that the difficulty of refining the Chongyang Pill was slightly weaker than that of the Chongyang Pill. Tang Ao can refine the Chongyang Pill to such a high level, so there is no big problem for Tang Ao to refine the best-quality Yangyuan Pill. If it weren't for the two deputy leaders of the Dan League and three important figures such as Xia Qingfeng, who were all beside Tang Ao, Shen Luoli would have already wanted to go and recruit Tang Ao himself.

"Ms. Shen, I'm really sorry. This batch of Chongyang Pills are all for Junior Sister Lu Rou, so they can't be sold to Miss Shen." Although Tang Ao also wanted to befriend Shen Luoli, he knew what to do with Shen Luoli. Fulong Crypt method, but Tang Ao had promised Lu Rou a long time ago, so Tang Ao would not resell it to Shen Luoli.

"Brother Tang Ao, this Chongyang Pill Xia has nothing to say. I wonder if Master Tang Ao can cut his love and sell this Chongyang Pill to Xia?" Xia Qingfeng said after playing with the Chongyang Pill refined by Tang Ao. Seeing Lu Rou next to Tang Ao, Xia Qingfeng knew that most of Tang Ao's pill was made by Lu Rou, so Xia Qingfeng had already thought that Tang Ao would definitely use Lu Rou to reject him.

"This is the pavilion master Xia Qingfeng of the Caiyun Pill Pavilion, Master Tang Ao..." Just when Tang Ao wondered who this person was, Lu Rou on the side immediately spoke to Tang Ao.

After hearing that this person was the patron of Caiyundan Pavilion, Tang Ao immediately had no good impression of Xia Qingfeng. As the saying goes, the upper beam is not right and the lower beam is crooked, and the reason why Caiyun Dange is like that, Tang Ao dare not say that it is all due to Xia Qingfeng, but it is obviously related to Xia Qingfeng. Therefore, even if this Chongyang Pill was not made for Lu Rou, Tang Ao would not sell it to Xia Qingfeng.

"I'm sorry, Pavilion Master Xia, this medicinal medicinal herb was provided by Junior Sister Lu Rou, and Tang also took this opportunity to specially refine it for Junior Sister Lu Rou. If Pavilion Master Xia can value Tang Ao, she needs a pill. Tang will not refuse to do anything." Tang Ao didn't believe that Lu Rou knew Xia Qingfeng, and Xia Qingfeng would not know Lu Rou.

And Lu Rou's father actually needed this top-grade pill to heal his injuries, obviously he was not an unknown person. So Tang Ao just said the words to death, let Xia Qingfeng completely cut off this idea, as to whether he would offend Xia Qingfeng, Tang Ao also considered. But in this case, no matter which force you join, you will definitely offend people.

That being the case, Tang Ao naturally looked for the thickest thigh to hug him. At present, the strength of the Dan League is the strongest, and the Dan League is also in line with Tang Ao's requirements. So after a few people evaluated the pill that he refined, Tang Ao would look for an opportunity to propose his intention to join the pill league. Tang Ao believed that with his current strength, he was already enough to join the Dan League.

Just as Tang Ao was thinking about how to join the Dan League, a soul-reading sound transmission fell into Tang Ao's ears. "Little friend Tang Ao, don’t panic. The old man is Lin Ruchang, the leader of the Dan League. The old man has observed Tang Ao for a long time. Little friend Tang Ao’s alchemy skills are really superb. The old man admires him. So the old man now officially invites Tang Ao on behalf of the Dan League. You joined the Dan League. Because of some things, the old man was inconvenient to show up, so I asked the little friend Tang Ao not to see him outside."

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