Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 1465: Wordless Danshu

Although the nameless book is called a book, it is actually a stone monument. On this stone tablet, I don't know who recorded this ancient and mysterious pill seal method. The emperor Shennong at the time learned the pill law seal jue from the no-word pill book, and then he constantly improved and revised it in practice, and only then has the pill jue used by Tang Ao today.

So at the moment, the pill that Lin Fan used was the same as the pill that Tang Ao used, so they looked very similar. Although Emperor Shennong made many changes to the original Danjue, he still retained part of the content. However, this kind of pill is too mysterious and complicated. If you don't know this pill, even if you see Tang Ao and Lin Fan displaying the wordless pill at the same time, it is difficult to recognize that it is the same pill.

In the third round of the competition, although some people noticed Lin Fan, more people still focused on Tang Ao. After all, in the first two rounds of testing, Tang Ao had already won the first place in two consecutive rounds with an absolutely dark horse. Therefore, in this round of competition, the object of more attention was still Tang Ao.

It just made them a little puzzled that in the second round of the competition, Tang Ao seemed to be able to refine the Chongyang Pill, which was the most difficult to refine among the nine-star pills. Now, in this round of competition, Tang Ao’s refinement was of the best quality. Yang Yuan Dan, but why Tang Ao hasn't started alchemy for so long. Since putting the spirit grass into the alchemy furnace, Tang Ao has been sitting in front of the alchemy furnace and adjusting his breath.

On the VIP table, Shen Luoli's beautiful eyes stared at Tang Ao without blinking. At the end of the second round of competition, Shen Luoli had invited Tang Ao on behalf of the Nine-Colored Deer Chamber of Commerce, but only after she had invited Tang Ao came the message of joining the Dan League. Shen Luoli understood that this was because the Dan League was near the water tower, but even so, Shen Luoli still wanted to seek help from Tang Ao.

Today, the Nine-Colored Deer Chamber of Commerce has reached a time of wind and rain. Although there is no major crisis yet, Shen Luoli knows that if this crisis does not occur, once a crisis occurs, it will definitely not be able to cope with the current Nine Color Deer Chamber of Commerce. It is also very easy to solve this kind of crisis, as long as her grandfather becomes a warrior of Yuan Wu realm.

On the surface, the martial artist at the 9th floor of the Body Forging Realm is only one step away from the Yuan Wu realm warrior, but Shen Luoli, who has really learned the power of Yuan Wu realm warriors, knows that this seems like a step away but it seems like a moat. When the Nine Color Deer Chamber of Commerce delivered a heavy treasure to the Chamber of Commerce, it was attacked by a mysterious strong man.

At that time, it was Shen Luoli, who was only sixteen years old, who was in charge of transporting the heavy treasure. That time, the five body-building realm nine-tier experts of the Nine Color Deer Chamber of Commerce were all hit hard by the mysterious master, if it were not for the leader of the Feixing League Lu Chuanjia happened to pass by and stopped the man. So don't talk about the heavy treasure that was transported now, even she Shen Luoli is no longer alive. It is precisely because he has seen the methods of Yuan Martial Artists that Shen Luoli knows the power of Yuan Martial Artists.

At the beginning, the Nine Color Deer Chamber of Commerce was only a lower chamber of commerce among the first-class chambers of commerce, but now the Nine Color Deer Chamber of Commerce has become the first chamber of commerce in Feixing Mainland. The Chamber of Commerce is rapidly expanding, but the cutting-edge combat power in the Chamber of Commerce has obviously not kept up. As before, now the strongest warrior in the Nine Color Deer Chamber of Commerce has still only reached the peak of the Ninth Floor of the Forging Realm.

Although her grandfather is known as a half-step Yuan Wu realm martial artist, but it is only slightly better than the ordinary body forging realm nine-layer martial artist, and it is far inferior to the real Yuan Wu realm martial artist. The strength of the warriors of the Nine Color Deer Chamber of Commerce is not strong, but the wealth of the Nine Color Deer Chamber of Commerce has accumulated astonishing during these years of publication.

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