Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 1470: Tang Ao's judgment

After Tang Ao's soul thought passed through Gong Yang Jiu's pill furnace, Tang Ao discovered that this Gong Yang Jiu really used alchemy as a batter. At this moment, all the medicinal materials in Gongyangjiu's pill furnace were shaken into powder by his vitality, and Gongyangjiu added nectar to the pill furnace, stirring constantly. Under his stirring, some impurities flew out and were burned into ashes by the pill fire, while Ram Jiu was still stirring without any change in his eyes.

Tang Ao could see that Gong Yang Jiu's golden long stick was quite unusual, and when Gong Yang Jiu stirred the pill, there would be special fluctuations on the golden long stick. Although alchemy in this way was very refreshing and refined, Tang Ao didn't want to learn either. After a wry smile, Tang Ao's attention continued to return to his pill furnace.

With the sentiment just now, Tang Ao now doesn't have so much effort to refine the best Yangyuan Pill. Although he hadn't done it yet, Tang Ao had no doubt that he could succeed in refining. After such a long time, the purity of Baihuaguo was also refined to 90% by Tang Ao. But Tang Ao didn't mean to stop, he was still purifying Baihuaguo.

Now that they have been purified to 90%, and the pill of other alchemy masters will take a long time to be refined, then Tang Ao simply tried to purify the purity of Baihua Guo to the limit. According to the records of Emperor Shennong's alchemy notes, the limit of purification of Baihuaguo is 90%. Now Tang Ao has just refined the Hundred Flowers Fruit to 90% purity, which is obviously still some distance away.

"Boom!" At this moment, there was a sudden explosion in the corner of the alchemy Taipei, and then an alchemist was blown out by the explosion. This alchemist refined the high-grade Yangyuan Pill, but obviously he failed in the refining. And the reason for the failure was the imbalance of the elixir. As an excellent alchemist who made it to the third round, such a low-level mistake shouldn't have occurred.

Therefore, after this alchemist fryer, Xiao Zhen's faces all darkened. With a wave of his hand, he signaled the warrior of the Dan League to lift the alchemist down. Because this alchemy master was born in the alchemy alliance, he made such a low-level mistake at the alchemy conference, and it was not his own face that was lost, but the face of the entire alchemy alliance.

After this alchemy fryer, several alchemists left the field one after another. Of course, these alchemists played well and their luck was also very good. Therefore, the pill was successfully extracted in the end, but so far, no pill master has refined the pill that surpasses the eight-star high-grade nourishing essence pill. Until finally there were only five people left on the alchemy platform, everyone knew that the nine-star high-grade nourishing essence pill would not be seen in this alchemy conference.

Because the five alchemists remaining on the stage at the moment are all refining the best-quality nourishing pill. Although the nine-star high-grade Yangyuan Pill was not seen, the enthusiasm of everyone did not diminish in the slightest. Because the emergence of the best Yangyuan Pill is obviously more worth looking forward to. It just doesn't seem to be so easy to see the best-grade Yangyuan Pill, the five alchemists on the alchemy platform are still focusing on refining the pill.

There is neither a sign of success nor a sign of failure. Until the end, it is really difficult to see whether these five people can refine the best-quality Yangyuan Pill. Others don’t know, but the alchemist Tang Ao knows, because Tang Ao just peeped at the alchemy furnaces of several people, so Tang Ao can be sure that Lin Fan and the sixth elder Zhuo Yi of the alchemy can definitely make it. The best nourishing pill.

As for the chief alchemist Gong Yang Jiu of the Nine Color Deer Chamber of Commerce and Liu Yuan, who made Tang Ao incomprehensible, Tang Ao didn't know. Although Tang Aodan had extraordinary accomplishments in Taoism, Tang Ao had not yet reached the level of Emperor Shennong. Therefore, before the end, Tang Ao didn't know whether the two people could succeed in refining.

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