Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 1480: Soul power essence in the enchantment

If it is other time, Yu Bone vitality soul wants to attack Emperor Yutai Tang Ao will naturally not stop it, but now Tang Ao is refining the essence of Baihuaguo, at this time most of Tang Ao's soul thoughts are controlling the pill The fire smelts the flowers and fruits, and there is no extra soul thought to give the jade bones life and soul toss.

Therefore, Tang Ao hurriedly conveyed his thoughts to Yugu Shengji Mingshun, but Tang Ao was still a little worried whether Jade Bone Shengji Mingshun could understand what he said. Fortunately, Jade Bone's vitality and soul was indeed good. After Tang Ao conveyed his thoughts, Jade Bone's vitality and soul fell silent for a moment. Obviously it also felt that Tang Ao's state was not good.

After stopping, the jade bone vitality soul turned into countless aquamarine light spots and merged into Tang Ao's limbs. In an instant, a warm and moist feeling swept through Tang Ao's body, and Tang Ao felt that the exhaustion of his body was swept away at this moment. After feeling this astonishing change, Tang Ao was extremely shocked, and hurriedly turned his soul mind into his body again.

Immediately, Tang Ao saw that the emperor jade platform that the Jade Bone Vigorous Soul had just hit had cracked a tiny gap. At this moment, the Jade Bone Vigorous Soul was beating out of this gap, greedily absorbing and leaking out of this gap. The pure soul power. This was of course not that the Jade Bone Vitality Soul smashed Tang Ao's Emperor Jade Platform to pieces, but the impact of the Jade Bone Vitality Soul just now knocked out the soul power essence sealed in the Emperor Jade Platform.

Although it was only a trace, the vitality and soul of Jade Bone were rapidly recovering. Tang Ao knows that the soul power essence is sealed in the Emperor Jade Terrace. It is precisely because the Fighting Sacred Bone Soul and the Qinglian Sword Soul have swallowed the soul essence of Emperor Jade Terrace, they instantly advanced from their original rank to twenty. The soul of the nine heavens.

It’s just that Tang Ao’s current cultivation base is limited and he was severely injured, so Tang Ao’s awakened life soul also looked languid. Only the jade bone vitality soul with self-healing ability is recovering well at this moment. It is among the many life souls of Tang Ao. The most active. The soul power essence extracted by the Jade Bone Vitality Soul from the Emperor Jade Platform just now restored the Jade Bone Vitality Soul.

The previous jade bone vitality soul was only equivalent to the nine heaven's vital soul, but at this moment the jade bone vitality soul was restored to the level of the eleventh heaven. Seeing this, Tang Ao was secretly delighted, but it was a pity that the imperial jade platform barrier that the Jade Bone Vigorous Soul had just shattered had slowly recovered at this moment, and naturally there would be no more souls after the barriers were restored. The essence of power penetrates.

Seeing this scene, Tang Ao fell into contemplation. Although the spirit power essence in the Emperor Jade Platform was used to advance the life soul, special circumstances were dealt with specially, and extraordinary measures were taken in extraordinary times. At this moment, Tang Ao was undoubtedly in an extraordinary period. At this time, it was obviously very good to take out the soul power essence from the Emperor Jade Terrace and restore the vitality of the jade bone to its heyday.

Now Tang Ao doesn't even have the power to protect himself, and once the Jade Bone Vitality Soul can be restored to its heyday, the Jade Bone Vitality Soul will be able to restore some of Tang Ao's other vitality souls. Now Tang Ao doesn’t need all the life souls to be restored to the peak period. He only needs to restore both the fighting sacred bone life soul and the Qinglian sword soul to the thirteenth heaven level. Tang Ao will use his grasp to educate the Yuanwu realm warriors here. .

Although Tang Ao had the conditions to snowball after joining the Dan League, the Dan League was an external force after all, and Tang Ao is still in the conception stage and has not implemented it. Therefore, the idea of ​​snowballing through the Dan League has yet to be verified, but there is no uncertainty about using the essence of Emperor Jade Taichung's soul power in advance.

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