Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 1482: Move by the wind

As for Lin Fan on the other side, since learning Tang Ao's Sany Hui Lingjue, the problem of slow soul recovery speed has been resolved. Just because Lin Fan was still using the ancient and complicated pill, the speed of alchemy was still slow. Although none of the five alchemists on the alchemy platform had succeeded in refining the best-quality nourishing pill at this meeting, the crowd of onlookers were looking forward to it.

Because generally speaking, if an alchemist does not have the real materials and refining the ultimate Yangyuan Pill, it is easy to fail. It is also because of this that when choosing a refining pill, there is no alchemist who chooses the best-quality nourishing pill without his own ability. Because if you choose the best quality nourishing pill, you will soon be eliminated when you refine the best quality nourishing pill. It would be too shameful to be an alchemist.

So even though some alchemists cheekily chose the top-grade Yangyuan Pill, the refining failed in the end. But the alchemist did not have the best choice of the best nourishing essence pill that he could not help himself. If he didn't have two brushes to refine the best nourishing essence pill, it would only be a dead end. And now the five alchemists on the alchemy platform are still refining pills.

At this time, it can be said that the longer you persist, the easier it is to succeed. In this way, the five alchemists worked together to refine the best-quality nourishing pill, and no one failed in the refining of the alchemy after one day, and it was rarely seen in the alchemy conference. In the last alchemy conference, at the end there were two alchemists remaining to refine the best-quality nourishing pill, but one day later, both alchemists failed.

Of course, on the alchemy platform, there are also examples of alchemy masters successfully refining the ultimate nourishing pill. In the known records, the alchemist who refines the best Yangyuan Pill took three days to refine the best Yangyuan Pill. So the choice is only the first day. After the first day, it only adds some hope of success. It does not mean that all five of them have succeeded.

Of course, according to Tang Ao's statement, there is no definite number of alchemy, and nothing can happen until the moment the pill becomes successful. However, as time went by, Tang Ao found that he really didn't know enough about the best Yangyuan Pill. At first, Tang Ao felt that he could refine the best-quality nourishing pill in one day, but now that one day has passed, no alchemist has succeeded in refining it.

Of course, if Tang Ao chooses to integrate the essence of the medicinal solution to condense the pill now, Tang Ao would be able to refine the best nourishing pill within a stick of incense, but the best nourishing pill produced in this way is not the best of Tang Ao. satisfying. Because under the subtle control of Tang Ao's powerful soul mind, Tang Ao had already purified the purity of Baihuaguo to ninety-seven percent.

In Emperor Shennong’s alchemy notes, Emperor Shennong said that it is the limit of the elixir to purify Hundred Flowers and Fruits to ninety-six percent, and Tang Ao is now purifying the essence of Hundred Flowers and Fruits to ninety-nine levels as a sixth-level elixir. Into the purity of seven. This is not to say that Emperor Shennong's record is wrong, but because Tang Ao's existence broke through the limit of the spiritual pill master.

After refining the essence of Baihuaguo's medicinal solution to a purity of ninety-seven percent, Tang Ao didn't mean to stop. Because under Tang Ao’s soul perception, the purity of Baihuaguo can be refined again, and the jade bone vitality soul repaired some of the dark injuries in Tang Ao’s body just now. Now Tang Ao’s condition is abnormally good, so Tang Ao still To challenge higher difficulty.

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