Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 1487: The ultimate of medicinal essence

Tang Ao felt Zhang Zifan probe himself with the golden pupil, but Zhang Zifan did not find Tang Ao's celestial pupil staring at him. Compared with the golden pupil, Tang Ao's celestial pupil is obviously more hidden. If it is not in an attacking state, outsiders will not be able to find that Tang Ao has the celestial pupil. When the Celestial Eye pupil is in the attacking state, his vitality fluctuates too sharply, so it will attract the attention of others.

But if the celestial pupil is only used for observation, it will be as natural as the naked eye, and ordinary people can't detect Tang Ao and then use the celestial pupil to look at him. Not only ordinary martial artists, but even Shen Luoli, who is naturally sensitive to soul thinking, and Zhang Zifan, who has golden pupils, could not find Tang Ao observing the two with the celestial pupil.

After watching it for a while, Tang Ao also retracted his gaze. Although Tang Ao was a little interested in Golden Eye, the most important thing for Tang Ao right now was to refine the best-quality Yangyuan Pill. In Shennong Emperor's alchemy notes, Baihuaguo can only be purified to a purity of 96%, but now Tang Ao has purified Baihuaguo to a purity of 98%. And there is a faint tendency to approach ninety-nine percent.

Nine is the extreme of number, and the extreme of many things is also nine. In alchemy, the ultimate purification of medicinal liquid essence is ninety-nine percent. The few alchemists who can purify the essence of the liquid medicine to the extreme are rare. Although Tang Ao's alchemy level is good now, Tang Ao can only guarantee that the essence of the medicinal solution will be purified to about 90% in the process of refining the pill.

Among the alchemists Tang Ao knew, there were only two of them who had to purify the essence of the spirit grass to ninety-nine percent each time they made alchemy. The first is naturally Tang Ao’s master, Emperor Shennong. Emperor Shennong is regarded as the ancestor of the elixir in the Xuanhuang world. He has a high level of knowledge in alchemy. At the same time, Emperor Shennong must also refine the essence of the spirit grass to 90%. Above nine.

Although in Emperor Shennong’s alchemy notes, Emperor Shennong recorded that the limit for pill masters to refine Hundred Flowers and Fruits was 96%, but it was not that Emperor Shennong could only refine the essence of Hundred Flowers and Fruits to 90%. After all, Emperor Shennong Long ago it was beyond the existence of the spirit pill master but the nine-rank immortal pill emperor. Tang Ao's concept of the Ninth-Rank Immortal Pill Emperor is still not very clear, otherwise Tang Ao would be surprised and speechless.

In addition to Emperor Shennong, there is also An Ruosu who taught Tang Ao to learn alchemy. Although An Ruosu's elixir skills are not as good as Emperor Shennong, An Ruosu's personality is introverted and too cold and lonely. She regarded the medicine as a friend. . Therefore, An Ruosu worked very hard every time he refines the pill, and tried his best to refine the pill to the best.

The process of alchemy was very long, and the five people of Tang Ao's alchemy were relatively quiet, and there was no appreciation. However, the crowd under the alchemy platform was not impatient, because the wait was worthwhile. At this moment, many people were whispering about the five alchemists on the alchemy platform and whose pill could be successfully refined.

Although Tang Ao was extremely strong in the first two rounds of competition, the limelight was in full swing. But not all the martial artists who came to watch the alchemy conference thought that Tang Ao could succeed in refining, because the four alchemists who competed on the same stage with Tang Ao were not general. Among the remaining four, Lin Fan and Tang Ao are both newcomers, so we won't mention them for the time being, but apart from Lin Fan and Tang Ao, the other three alchemists are all long-established alchemists.

Zhuo Yi, the sixth elder of the Dan League, is an alchemist who specializes in the best-quality nourishing pill in the Dan League. Even so, Zhuo Yi can refine other pills in the same way. Almost more than half of the high-grade pill circulated in Fulongfang City came from Zhuo Yi. And although Zhuo Yi was only an elder, his alchemy attainments were not much better than those of the three deputy leaders of the Dan League.

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