Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 1498: The top elixir

But now this scene made Tang Ao a little confused. The sight of the Pill Examination Stone in front of him was obviously a sign of the birth of the nine-star superb Yangyuan Pill, but is it really the nine-star superb Yangyuan Pill that he refined? ? Tang Ao was thinking secretly in his heart, but no matter what Tang Ao thought, Tang Ao was still a little confused at this moment.

Although he was confused, Tang Ao's face still had a natural look. Seeing Tang Ao’s expression, many warriors under the alchemy stage suddenly understood. Dare to be Tang Ao knew that he was refining the best-quality nourishing pill, so it was so relaxed when the furnace was turned on, and even the eyes were naturally. There is a hint of pride.

None of the people present, including Tang Ao, had seen the nine-star superb Yangyuan Pill. But the alchemy stone is absolutely convincing, because the origin of this alchemy stone is not simple, it is said that it was left by the legendary supreme powerhouse. No one knows how strong the so-called supreme powerhouse is, but there are many stories about the supreme powerhouse on the Feixing Continent, which proves that the supreme powerhouse exists.

At this moment, Tang Ao naturally wouldn't know that there are so many stories about this pill-testing stone. Although the pill-testing stone detected that he had refined a nine-star pill, Tang Ao himself was still a little uncertain. Therefore, Tang Ao thought about it for a while, then opened the jade bottle in his hand again, and then in the shocked eyes of the warriors, Tang Ao took out a top-grade Yangyuan Pill from the jade bottle and took it down.

The top grade Yangyuan Pill melted immediately, and a burst of terrifying vitality erupted from Tang Ao's body. The nearby martial artists who were closest to the alchemy platform were directly shocked by the terrifying vitality and flew out, and then fell severely on him. To the ground. Tang Ao's expression also changed drastically. Although Tang Ao also needed a lot of vitality to recover his cultivation base at this time, Tang Ao didn't expect this plain-looking pill to be so domineering!

At this moment, in Tang Ao's Dantian, there seemed to be a flame burning. Not only that, but Tang Ao's meridians also felt burning. If it were in a quiet and safe place, Tang Ao would now be happy to absorb and refine these massive vital energy. But now, Tang Ao does not have this ideal environment.

Because after the initial shock, countless martial artists rushed towards the alchemy platform with burning eyes. At this moment, including the best-grade nourishing essence pill refined by Tang Ao, there are a total of these fourteen lessons on the alchemy platform. In addition, there are also many top-grade nourishing essence pills and middle-grade nourishing essence pills.

The top-grade Yangyuan Dan and the middle-grade Yangyuan Dan also said, but many people may not have the chance to get the best-grade Yangyuan Dan, but now, these ten best-grade Yangyuan Dan are so close to them. If greed can't defeat reason, it's because the temptation of treasures is too small, but at this moment, the temptation of these fourteen top-grade nourishing pill is obviously big enough.

Xiao Zhen and the others immediately realized that it was wrong, and there was no time to say anything. Xiao Zhen directly held his hands for a while, and the twelve array flags flew out of Xiao Zhen's sleeves, and the barrier that had been closed just now appeared again. Only this time, before the barrier was immediately closed, a fierce black shadow instantly appeared beside the barrier, and then a fierce punch was blasted out.

Many warriors still understand the strength of the alchemy platform's barrier. If you use one word to describe it, it is indestructible. But at this moment, this indestructible barrier shattered like paper under the fist of the black warrior. Tang Aohun's thoughts swept away, and he knew that this was not because this warrior was really tough to this extent, but because the black warrior was wearing a pair of bone spurs.

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