Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 1504: Butterfly dart

While fleeing, Tang Ao swept away his vast soul thoughts in all directions. Although Tang Ao didn’t care where he escaped, Tang Ao would still not dare to offend if there were any powerful monsters around him. After all, with Tang Ao’s current cultivation base, if he encountered some nine-star monsters, Tang Ao would I'm afraid there is no chance to escape.

"Shoo..." Just as Tang Ao used his soul to explore the surroundings, three butterfly darts flew past Tang Ao's bun line, and the sharp energy wiped a blood mark on Tang Ao's face. Tang Ao looked up and saw that the one who stopped himself with the butterfly dart was a thin warrior with many hidden weapons on him.

While Tang Ao was looking at the warrior, his triangular eyes also looked at Tang Ao. "Boy, what's your name, why are they chasing you? Did you steal something from them?" The triangular-eyed warrior looked at Tang Ao, and then asked the warrior who was chasing not far away. And the martial artist who was chasing Tang Ao in the rear was originally anxious because of the distance between Tang Ao and Tang Ao. What they never thought was that at this moment, they didn't know where they came from. Actually stopped Tang Ao.

Tang Ao was also secretly speechless. The reason why he used his soul to explore the road was because he was afraid of encountering such things. In the end, I was really afraid of something. Tang Ao's soul thought had just been released, and this warrior intercepted Tang Ao. And at this time, Tang Ao was still not sure whether this person knew that he had the best nourishing pill, so he could only step back, staring at the warrior vigilantly, and at the same time secretly thinking about how to leave here.

The cultivation base of this martial artist was at the seventh level of the Body Forging Realm. Although it was two floors higher than Tang Ao, if it weren't for Tang Ao's current poor state, Tang Ao really hadn't paid attention to this cultivation level.

"Boy, let me ask you something, what are you looking around?" Seeing Tang Ao not speaking, this person immediately asked again.

"Little master has something to do, go ahead, don't let the little master meet next time." After Tang Ao finished speaking, he immediately changed a direction and fled. Although he was intercepted by this warrior just now, Tang Ao also found a good place with his soul mind. Not far from Tang Ao's location, there was a large gorge filled with miasma.

For this kind of miasma, the soul and vision of ordinary warriors would be suppressed to a large extent, but because Tang Ao hesitated to possess a jade bone vitality soul, such a dangerous place was a treasure for Tang Ao. Therefore, after Tang Ao discovered this Poisonous Miasma Canyon, he ran to this Poisonous Miasma Canyon without hesitation.

"Bastard boy, you are looking for death!" This short warrior is a martial artist on the seventh floor of the Body Forging Realm, where he has been humiliated by the warrior on the fifth floor of the Body Forging Realm. After seeing Tang Ao running away, he did not hesitate to chase after him. In his opinion, with so many warriors chasing Tang Ao, it must be that Tang Ao has some treasure.

Even if he can't swallow these treasures alone, he still wants to get a share of the pie. It's just that Qi Lang didn't know that the treasure on Tang Ao's body was the best-quality nourishing pill, otherwise Qi Lang would not give Tang Ao a chance to escape. Although Tang Ao had escaped now, Qi Lang didn't think where Tang Ao could go, because in front of Tang Ao was the Poisonous Miasma Canyon discovered not long ago.

This poisonous miasma canyon is extremely large, and the surrounding mountains all cover it. Therefore, according to Tang Ao's escape route, he must be blocked by the Poisonous Miasma Canyon. As for whether Tang Ao would rush into the Poisonous Miasma Canyon, Qi Lang felt that as long as Tang Ao was not stupid enough, he would not rush into the Poisonous Miasma Canyon. In other words, Tang Ao would not go in as long as he was not too stupid.

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